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The researchers would like to take this opportunity to extend their deepest gratitude and

appreciation to the following people who actively support and rendered their effort towards the successful

completion of this study.

To Mrs. Judy Ann Nonato, Principal II-SHS, for giving us permission to conduct our study inside

the premises of Hinigaran National High School with the Grade 12 Academic Tracks as our participants

and respondents.

To Mr. Windee Nunal who introduced us to the software called Statistical Package for

the Social Science (SPSS) that made our study time efficient and for giving his critique for the

betterment of our research paper. His genuine deed is highly appreciated.

To Mrs. Christine Wolf, research adviser, for her continuous guidance from the start until the end

of our study, for her patience, motivation and critiques to make this study a success. Her words of wisdom

are great help to enhance this study.

The researchers would like to commend the honest critique of Mrs. Roda Magbaanua, Ms,

Norlynn Joy Estores and to Mr. Windee Nuñal, who gave their time, knowledge, and expertise in giving

us feedback that improved our work. Their willingness to help has a great impact in our study and their

generosity is highly appreciated.


Reproductive health implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and

that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do

so. The aim of the study is to know the level of cognizance of Grade 12 Academic Track

students regarding the Reproductive Health (Physical). Quantitative Descriptive was used for

respondents and qualitative narrative-thematic for the participants in conducting the study. There

are four participants who viewed reproductive health as a sensitive and private; they see it as a

way that enables them to reproduce. Different infections can be acquired if having unprotected

sex; therefore it needs to be taken care of. The total mean of male and female is 3.6905 and the

total mean of strand is 3.6905. Which lies in level three which implies that they are familiar with

the topic. Participants believe that they should not indulge themselves into unprotected sex, male

should undergo circumcision, and women must not take a bath in beaches and pools when she

has her menstrual period. Other respondents showed practices and varying beliefs protecting

their reproductive health. There is no significant difference when grouped according to sex while

there is a significant difference when grouped according to strand. The researchers conclude that

participants have a shallow knowledge, have different practices and beliefs and when it comes to

awareness male and female have equal knowledge. On the contrary, STEM is the most

knowledgeable among the three strands. The researchers recommend that parents, teachers,

couples, and students should have a thorough discussion and understanding about reproductive


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