Executive Processes, Reading Comprehension and Academic Achievement

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Learning and Individual Differences 35 (2014) 41–48

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Executive processes, reading comprehension and academic achievement

in 3th grade primary students
J.A. García-Madruga a,⁎, J.O. Vila a, I. Gómez-Veiga a, G. Duque a, M.R. Elosúa b
Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, UNED, Madrid, Spain
Department of Basic Psychology, UNED, Madrid, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Reading comprehension skills have been linked to working memory's executive processes such as semantic
Received 22 May 2013 updating, connecting and integrating information, and inhibition. Different studies have demonstrated that chil-
Received in revised form 9 June 2014 dren who score poorly on working memory measures typically perform below expected standards across differ-
Accepted 18 July 2014
ent academic areas. The aim of this paper is focused on the relationship of executive functions of WM and fluid
Available online xxxx
intelligence with reading comprehension, and their common ability to predict academic achievement in a
group of 77 third-grade primary students. As predicted, there was a very clear pattern of positive and significant
Working memory correlations. Cognitive variables, such as WM's executive processes (particularly semantic updating) and fluid in-
Executive processes telligence, correlated with reading variables and two academic measures of language and mathematics. Regres-
Reading comprehension sion analyses showed that these higher cognitive variables predicted reading comprehension. Likewise,
Academic achievement executive processes and reading comprehension, contributed independently to explain a relevant amount of
Primary students the variance in academic achievement measures.
© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2005; Engle, 2002; Miyake, Friedman, Emerson, Witzki, & Howerter,
2000). The relationship of executive functions with reading comprehen-
Working memory (WM) capacity refers to the number of items that sion, and their common ability to predict academic achievement are the
can be recalled during a complex WM task. There are diverse theories main aims of this paper.
that emphasize different aspects of WM although they also show Fluid intelligence—an individual's ability to reason with novel prob-
some basic agreements (see Miyake & Shah, 1999). One of the most in- lems—and WM seem to be closely related (see Ackerman, Beier, & Boyle,
fluential of these theories is the multiple-component model proposed 2005; Colom, Abad, Quiroga, Shih, & Flores-Mendoza, 2008; Cornoldi,
by Baddeley and Hitch (1974; Baddeley, 1986, 2000). According to 2006; Kane et al., 2004; Kyllonen & Christal, 1990; Oberauer, Schulze,
this theory, the WM system includes two domain-specific storage struc- Wilhelm, & Süß, 2005). Engle and collaborators have claimed that the
tures or slave systems (the phonological loop and the visuo-spatial crucial component in explaining the relationship between WM and
sketchpad), an episodic buffer that links these two components with fluid intelligence is executive control functions (Engle, Tuholski,
long-term memory, and a central executive. The central executive is Laughlin, & Conway, 1999; Unsworth & Engle, 2005). Diverse authors
the main component of the WM system. It not only has to coordinate have confirmed that executive functions predict fluid intelligence in
the other components but is also in charge of the attentional control children and young adults, and they have also underscored the special
of information. role of the WM updating processes (Belacchi, Carretti, & Cornoldi,
Two related and influential models of WM are: Cowan's (1999) 2010; Chen & Li, 2007; Friedman et al., 2006). The special relationship
embedded-processes model and Engle's (2001; Unsworth & Engle, between fluid intelligence and WM's executive processes is not unex-
2007) general capacity model. In spite of their differences, Baddeley's, pected. Fluid intelligence tests require the solution of novel reasoning
Cowan's, and Engle's models all share the idea of a domain-general cen- problems for which individuals have no routine actions available. That
tral executive whose main functions are to focus and switch attention, is, these problems require conscious and voluntary control and planning
to activate and update representations, and to inhibit automatic pro- (see Fernández-Duque, Baird, & Posner, 2000). Hence, we consider that
cesses and discard irrelevant information (see Baddeley, 2007; Cowan, people's ability to solve new reasoning problems is a result of the active
and conscious use of their cognitive resources, that is, the application of
people's WM's executive processes (see García-Madruga, Gutiérrez,
⁎ Corresponding author at: Dpto. de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación, Facultad de
Carriedo, Luzón, & Vila, 2007). In other words, in this paper we claim
Psicología. UNED, Juan del Rosal, 10. 28040 Madrid, Spain. that fluid intelligence measures can be used as a kind of measure of
E-mail address: jmadruga@psi.uned.es (J.A. García-Madruga). executive functions.

1041-6080/© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
42 J.A. García-Madruga et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 35 (2014) 41–48

Text comprehension is a highly demanding cognitive task that (1985) have claimed that there is an interaction between reading com-
involves the simultaneous process of extracting and constructing mean- prehension abilities and mathematical knowledge in the process of un-
ing (Snow & Sweet, 2003). During reading people must store textual in- derstanding and building a representation of mathematical problems.
formation recently decoded and apply complex processes of meaning Diverse studies have also demonstrated the relationship between the
construction to arrive at an integrated representation or situational difficulty in building a correct representation of mathematical problems
model (e.g., Kintsch, 1998). The sequential process of reading and and mathematical performance (see De Corte & Verschaffel, 1991;
comprehending a text involves the continuous manipulation and Hegarty, Mayer, & Monk, 1995).
updating of this model in working memory. In this article, we highlight the close relationship between WM's ex-
Learning to read comprehensively is a rather complicated skill that ecutive processes and fluid intelligence, with reading comprehension
takes a lot of time to acquire. It demands that the perception and iden- and academic achievement in primary school. The comprehension of
tification of letters and words is automated in order that cognitive re- difficult texts such as those read by students at school requires readers
sources are left free to be assigned to the construction of meaning and to apply the executive processes. Likewise, we believe that executive
the representation of the situation that the text describes. However, processes are also involved in other diverse learning tasks students
even if the superficial tasks involved in reading are adequately automat- commonly face at school. For instance, understanding teacher in-
ed, some difficulties may appear at higher levels of comprehension (see structions and oral explanations of new concepts; connecting knowl-
Oakhill & Cain, 2007). edge from diverse sources in order to answer questions posed by
The relationship between WM span and reading comprehension has teachers; solving various kinds of problems in different subjects
been clearly established (see, e.g., Daneman & Merikle, 1996). Students such as mathematics; and facing diverse kinds of assessments and
with high WM scores typically show good reading comprehension evaluation tasks.
skills. And conversely, students with poor WM scores tend to perform
below average on reading comprehension measures (see Cain, Oakhill,
& Bryant, 2004; Vukovic & Siegel, 2006). 2. Experiment
The involvement of WM's executive processes in reading comprehen-
sion has been confirmed more recently by diverse authors, in particular In this experiment we evaluated WM's executive processes and fluid
updating (Carretti, Cornoldi, De Beni, & Romanò, 2005), connecting intelligence in a sample of 3rd grade primary school students. We select-
and integrating information from text and long-term memory ed this grade because this period of time is when a great majority of chil-
(Swanson, Howard, & Saez, 2006), and inhibiting and discarding in- dren have begun to exhibit the acquisition of good reading abilities. We
formation (Carretti, Borella, Cornoldi, & De Beni, 2009; Savage, used a global measure of WM's executive processes (Analogy test) and
Cornish, Manly, & Hollis, 2006). The training of WM's executive pro- a direct measure of a key executive process (Semantic Updating test). Al-
cesses during reading has even been used as a basic procedure to im- though, we didn't expect a clear relationship between visuo-spatial WM
prove children's text comprehension abilities (García-Madruga et al., and reading comprehension (see Goff, Pratt, & Ong, 2005) we also used a
2013). visuo-spatial WM test because we expected it to nevertheless be related
Working memory plays a central role in several other domains of cog- to academic achievement measures. As mentioned before, one way of
nition, including writing, arithmetic, and problem solving (Gathercole, thinking about fluid intelligence is that it functions as a measure of the re-
Alloway, Willis, & Adams, 2006; Swanson, 2011; Swanson & Siegel, sult of applying WM's executive processes to new reasoning problems.
2001; Yeniad, Malda, Mesman, van Ijzendoorn, & Pieper, 2013). Several We also assessed students' reading comprehension abilities. Likewise,
studies demonstrate that children who score poorly on working memory we collected their academic scores in language (Spanish) and mathemat-
measures associated with executive skills typically perform below ics. The aim of the study was to evaluate the inter-relationships between
standard in national curriculum assessments of core areas such as basic cognitive measures of WM's executive processes and intelligence
language (i.e., reading, writing, spelling and handwriting), mathematics with reading comprehension, as well as their capacity to predict academ-
and science. This is true across both primary and secondary school ic achievement in Language and Mathematics. Apart from the clear in-
years (e.g., Berninger & Swanson, 1994; Gathercole & Alloway, volvement reading comprehension has on language, we predict that
2008; St. Claire-Thompson & Gathercole, 2006). In order to identify executive processes will independently influence language ability. And
unique associations, several studies examined whether distinct apart from the clear involvement executive processes have on mathe-
executive processes are uniquely linked to children's attainments in matics, we predict that reading comprehension will independently influ-
school-based assessments of language, mathematics and science. Find- ence mathematics performance.
ings indicate that inhibition is significantly associated with general Our hypotheses were the following:
academic learning rather than the acquisition of skills and knowledge
in specific domains (St. Claire-Thompson & Gathercole, 2006). There is 1. There will be significant positive correlations of Semantic Updating,
evidence that updating and shifting may also be related to attainment Analogy and fluid intelligence scores, with reading comprehension
in language and mathematics (St. Claire-Thompson & Gathercole, measures. There will also be significant correlations between all
2006; Yeniad et al., 2013). As for the obvious relationship between in- WM and intelligence measures, as well as reading scores with aca-
telligence and academic achievement, recent studies have demonstrat- demic achievement (Language and Mathematics).
ed that IQ is strongly related to academic achievement (e.g., Mayes & 2. WM's executive processes (Analogy and Semantic Updating) and
Calhoun, 2007; Watkins, Lei, & Canivez, 2007). Even so, in this respect, fluid intelligence will predict participants' performance on the read-
an interesting finding is that working memory skills at the start ing comprehension measures.
of formal education is a more powerful predictor of subsequent 3. Reading comprehension and WM's executive processes and fluid in-
academic success in literacy and numeracy than IQ (Alloway & telligence will predict academic achievement in Language. After con-
Alloway, 2010). trolling for the effects of reading comprehension, executive variables
Finally, reading abilities and academic achievement are intimately will still be able to independently predict academic achievement in
related: most learning activities across many diverse situations and sub- Language.
jects require that students activate and apply their reading abilities. 4. WM's executive processes, intelligence, and reading comprehen-
Reading is very important in the context of learning mainly because sion will predict academic achievement in Mathematics. After
it is a powerful learning tool and a means of constructing meaning controlling for the effects of executive variables, reading compre-
and acquiring new knowledge (see Moje, Stockdill, Kim, & Kim, 2011; hension will still be able to independently predict academic
Pretorius, 2002). In particular, in Mathematics, Kintsch and Greeno achievement in Mathematics.
J.A. García-Madruga et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 35 (2014) 41–48 43

3. Method on the two, three or four words in the task referring to the biggest objects
or animals following the order in which they were presented in the list.
3.1. Participants The instructions emphasize that the participant will be presented with
lists that include eight nouns referring to animals or objects, the size
Seventy-seven third-grade students (40 girls) from two middle- of which has to be considered in order to select at each moment the
class socio-economic schools in Alcobendas (Madrid) participated in predefined number of the biggest elements. Participants are not informed
the experiment. The students attended two different classes in each about the range of positions within the list where the target items are
school. Children were 8.06 to 9.2 years of age at the time of the study going to appear, such that they must pay attention to all positions. To
(M = 8.61; SD = .28). carry out the task successfully, participants have to change the content
of memory by updating old irrelevant items with relevant incoming
3.2. Procedure items (the biggest element). The task is preceded by three practice lists
of two-word strings participants must remember. Returning to the exam-
All participants completed three WM executive processing tasks and ple given in this section, the participants would have to recall “elephant–
a reading comprehension test. Participants were also tested on a fluid train”. The scoring procedure was the same as in the previous Analogy
intelligence test. Participants were tested in two independent sessions. WM test.
In the first session, participants carried out the reading comprehension
test in their classrooms, which took about 30 min. The second session -Visuo-spatial test. A new test of visuo-spatial WM was used for
was carried out in a quiet room. Each student was individually present- assessing students' visuo-spatial WM capacity and the executive pro-
ed with the three WM tests and intelligence test. WM tasks were pre- cesses related to the control of this kind of dual task. The visuo-spatial
sented on a computer screen. This second session lasted about 70 min test is a Spanish adaptation of the Visual Span Task developed by
with a short break between tasks. The order of administration of the Cornoldi et al. (2001). The test consists of a series of locations of several
test in this session was randomized. black dots presented in 4 × 4 (16 cells) white matrices in which one of
the rows and one of the columns from the matrix randomly appears col-
3.3. Measures ored in gray. The position of dots are randomly distributed in the cells'
matrix and held visible for 2 s on the screen. When the last dot of
3.3.1. Working memory each series is displayed, a bell rings to inform participants of the end
of each series. The task has three levels of difficulty. Each level consists
-Analogy test. A new analogy test of working memory for primary school of three series of an increasing number of trials (i.e. positions of dots
children (Orjales & García-Madruga, 2010) based on the Analogy Rea- in the matrix) ranging from two to four trials. Participants are asked to
soning Span task developed by Gutiérrez-Martínez, García-Madruga, do two tasks simultaneously: 1) to press the spacebar when the black
Carriedo, Vila, and Luzón (2005) was used to assess students' working dot appears on a gray cell from the matrix (and not press it when the
memory capacity. In this task, participants are asked to read out loud dot appears on a white cell); and 2) to remember, at the end of each se-
and solve a series of verbal analogies and then to recall the word- ries, the positions of the last dots of each series in order of appearance
solution of each analogy in order. The verbal analogies are very simple and to identify them on a new blank matrix. Thus, the positions of
and easy to solve, for instance: “Teacher is to school as doctor is to: a) dots participants have to remember are only those that appear in the
medicine; b) hospital”. The structure of the task is very similar to RST matrix when the bell rings: two dots at level two, three in level three
(Daneman & Carpenter, 1980). However, in this case participants, in- and four on the fourth level. The scoring procedure was the same as in
stead of only reading out loud and automatically selecting the last the Analogy and Semantic Updating test, except what counts is remem-
word of each sentence, have to solve a verbal analogy inference and bering the dots in their positions, not words. Remembering correctly
store and remember the correct word-solution. The task includes placed dots in an incorrect order was also scored as .5 points.
diverse levels in which the number of verbal analogies to be resolved
by participants progressively increases from 2 to 5. There were 3 series 3.3.2. Intelligence
of verbal analogies at each level. As a scoring procedure, we gave a point We used the Matrices Subtest of the Kauffman Brief Intelligence test
for each remembered word in a given series in which participants re- (KBIT; Kaufman & Kaufman, 2000). This test evaluates non-verbal fluid
membered the words in the correct order. When participants remem- intelligence: it assesses a child's ability to solve new problems by per-
bered all the words of a series, but changed the order of some words, ceiving relationships and completing abstract analogies. For the Spanish
the words out of order were scored as .5 points. The recall of correct version of the Matrices subtest, the reliability coefficient in 8 year-old
words when participants did not remember all the words of a series children is .80.
was not considered.
3.3.3. Reading comprehension
-Semantic Updating test. Based on the work of Palladino, Cornoldi, De To measure reading comprehension, we used the Spanish version
Beni, and Pazzaglia (2001), we developed the Semantic Updating test (EDICOLE; García-Madruga et al., 2010) of the Diagnostic Assessment
for primary school children. This task assesses the recall of a variable of Reading Comprehension (DARC; August, Francis, Hsu, & Snow,
number of items following a specific semantic criterion in a list of 2006; Francis et al., 2006). This new test is based on a theoretical anal-
words. Participants are presented with nine lists that include eight con- ysis of reading comprehension and consists of four main components
crete and highly familiar words that refer to objects or living entities (Hannon & Daneman, 2001). The task requires children to silently
measurable by size. They are required to select and remember a limited read three short texts and answer 44 related comprehension questions.
and predefined number of the biggest elements that were named in the Presented in narrative-style, the texts consist of four small paragraphs
word list, while suppressing the rest of the elements. The nine lists are di- that describe transitive relations among a set of real and artificial enti-
vided into three levels of increasing trials, varying by the number of rele- ties. For instance, “Maria likes to eat fruit. Most of all, she likes to eat
vant elements to be recalled (i.e., two, three, or four words). The lists are nuras. A nura is like an orange. But a nura is bigger than an orange”. Com-
presented in a fixed order. The words in the list (e.g., elephant, pea, light- bining the information in the text with world knowledge should, in
bulb, phone, glasses, train, tooth, pencil) are presented written on a com- principle, allow for the construction of a five-entity-long linear ordering
puter screen, at an approximate rate of 2 s per word, while they are also along a dimension that is likely to be familiar to all children. Three of
named aloud by the experimenter. The end of the list is signaled graphi- the entities are unknown to all readers (artificial terms, e.g. “nura”)
cally on the screen, and the participant is immediately required to report and they are presented as nonsense words, whereas two of the entities
44 J.A. García-Madruga et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 35 (2014) 41–48

Table 1 underlying reading comprehension. For the Spanish version of the

Descriptive statistics of measures: mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation. DARC, the coefficient of reliability for the total score was .87.
N = 77 Mean Min. Max. Std. Dev.

WM's executive processes

3.3.4. Academic achievement
Semantic Updating test 8.81 2.00 24.00 5.47 Participants' scholastic achievement measures were the final
Analogy test 5.31 0.00 16.00 3.54 scores obtained in the two basic subjects of Language (Spanish) and
Visuo-Spatial test 14.15 0.00 27.00 7.32 Mathematics. The score in Language was the mean of the scores in or-
Intelligence thography, grammar, reading comprehension and written expression.
KBIT 28.10 19.00 36.00 4.23 The Mathematics score was the mean of the scores in numeration, cal-
Reading comprehension
culus, geometry and problem solving. All the scores were measured on
DARC memory 9.58 3.00 12.00 1.83 a scale from 0 to 10.
DARC inferences 6.21 1.00 12.00 2.72
DARC integration 8.18 1.00 15.00 3.97 4. Results
DARC total 23.90 8.00 39.00 7.41

Academic achievement The descriptive statistics of the variables can be seen in Table 1. As
Language achievement 6.86 4.00 9.00 1.33 predicted, 96% of participants gave correct responses to 100% of the
Mathematics achievement 6.99 4.00 9.00 1.39
prior knowledge items. The overall DARC score was computed from
the other three DARC scores: memory, inference and integration.

referred to are likely to be known by all children (real terms, e.g. orange) 4.1. Hypothesis 1
and differ strikingly on the critical dimension: cats and turtles in text 1
(speed), tennis balls and footballs in text 2 (size), and carrots and straw- The inter-correlations of the variables—the three WM measures, the
berries in text 3 (hardness). Participants were asked to make inferences K-BIT measure of intelligence, the three measures of DARC and the over-
about the position of these entities along these linear dimensions. all measure, and academic achievement in language and mathematics—
After each text, readers are asked a series of sixteen “yes/no/I don't can be observed in Table 2. As predicted there was a clear pattern of pos-
know” questions. The comprehension questions are designed to assess itive correlations of working memory and intelligence with reading
readers' performance on four central components of the comprehension comprehension, except for the unsurprising case of the visuo-spatial
processes: (a) knowledge access, i.e., accessing relevant prior knowledge measure. The Analogy test significantly correlated with memory and in-
from long-term memory (e.g., “An orange has a peel?”; two [2] items in ferences, and the Semantic Updating test correlated significantly with
each text); (b) text memory, i.e., recalling from memory new informa- memory, inferences and integration. K-BIT also reliably correlated
tion presented in the text (e.g., “Maria likes to eat fruit?”; four [4] with the three component measures of DARC. As predicted, there was
items in each text); (c) inferences, i.e., making novel inferences based a very clear pattern of positive and significant correlations of cognitive
on information provided in the text but without prior knowledge variables. That is WM's executive processes (particularly Semantic
(e.g., “A nura is smaller than an orange?”; four [4] items in each text); Updating) and intelligence, and the reading variables (particularly, In-
and (d) integration, i.e., integrating accessed prior knowledge with ference and overall DARC measure), correlated significantly with both
new text information (e.g., “Do you peel a nura to eat it?”; five [5] academic measures. Apart from DARC Total, the correlations between
items in each text). Participants are encouraged to read the text careful- DARC Inferences and Language and Mathematics were the highest
ly at their own pace and to answer the comprehension questions with- correlations found.
out having the text in front of them. The task is preceded by a practice
text and some comprehension questions across each category. In 4.2. Hypothesis 2
order to calculate the overall DARC measure we omitted the knowledge
access score because almost every participant responded correctly to In order to assess the capacity of WM's executive processes and fluid
100% of the items. Therefore, the overall DARC score was computed intelligence to predict reading comprehension, we carried out four mul-
from the number of correct responses on the memory, inference and tiple regression analyses on the main variables: Memory, Inferences,
integration categories, as these are related to the basic processes Integration and DARC Total. The independent variables were Semantic

Table 2
Pearson's correlations between measures.

N = 77 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

WM's executive processes

1. Analogy test
2. Semantic Updating test .26⁎
3. Visuo-Spatial test .26⁎ .32⁎⁎

4. KBIT .31⁎⁎ .30⁎⁎ .03

5. DARC memory .40⁎⁎ .27⁎ .16 .34⁎⁎
6. DARC inferences .35⁎⁎ .48⁎⁎ .14 .35⁎⁎ .54⁎⁎
7. DARC integration .19⁎ .35⁎⁎ .08 .37⁎⁎ .47⁎⁎ .67⁎⁎
8. DARC total .33⁎⁎ .44⁎⁎ .13 .44⁎⁎ .71⁎⁎ .86⁎⁎ .91⁎⁎

Academic achievement
9. Language .30⁎⁎ .40⁎⁎ .31⁎⁎ .37⁎⁎ .40⁎⁎ .52⁎⁎ .44⁎⁎ .53⁎⁎
10. Mathematics .14 .42⁎⁎ .36⁎⁎ .42⁎⁎ .33⁎⁎ .46⁎⁎ .32⁎⁎ .43⁎⁎ .79⁎⁎
⁎ p b .05; one tailed.
⁎⁎ p b .01; one tailed.
J.A. García-Madruga et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 35 (2014) 41–48 45

Updating, Analogy and KBIT. These variables explained 22% of the vari- Spatial test (10%) obtained a score of zero. Participants' scores in intelli-
ance in the DARC Memory measure (F (3, 73) = 6.98; p b .000), Analo- gence and reading comprehension were similar to those found in prior
gy being the only significant variable (B = .155; β = .300; p = .008). studies with participants at the same school level (López-Escribano,
The three variables predicted 31% of variance of DARC Inferences Elosúa, Gómez-Veiga, & García-Madruga, 2013).
(F (3, 73) = 11.12; p b .000), Semantic Updating being the only signif- The Analogy test is a double task measure of WM in which main
icant variable (B = .186; β = .374; p = .001). As for DARC Integration, executive functions are involved: participants have to focus and switch
the three variables explained 21% of the variance (F (3, 73) = 6.28; their attention in two different though directly connected tasks. The
p b .001), Semantic Updating (B = .187; β = .258; p = .023) and K-BIT first task—solving the analogies—requires participants to link textual in-
(B = .268; β = .286; p = .014) being significant. Finally, WM's executive formation with long-term memory and select the correct word that
processes and fluid intelligence variables predicted 32% of the variance of then must be stored in working memory; the second task requires par-
DARC Total (F (3, 73) = 11.41; p b .000), Semantic Updating (B = .420; ticipants to keep the selected words in WM and remember all of them in
β = .310; p = .004) and K-BIT (B = .515; β = .294; p = .006) being proper order. In the Semantic Updating test, participants have to select
significant. from a list words that must be stored in working memory given their
long-term knowledge of the size of objects. The peculiarity of the Se-
4.3. Hypotheses 3 and 4 mantic Updating test is that participants have to change and update
the content of their working memory, while suppressing and inhibiting
Finally, two hierarchical regression analyses were carried out in the rest of the elements. That is, besides the involvement of focusing and
order to evaluate the predictive capacity of reading comprehension switching attention, and connecting with long-term memory, this test
(DARC Total) and WM's executive processes, including now Analogy, explicitly demands the application of both updating and inhibition op-
Semantic Updating, Visuo-Spatial working memory and intelligence, erations. The Visuo-Spatial test is also a double task. The first task, press-
on academic achievement in Language and Mathematics (see Table 3). ing the space bar when dots are in gray cells, is quite simple and not
The results show that 38% of the variance in Language is explained by directly connected with the second task, remembering the final position
these variables (F (5, 71) = 8.72, p b .000). Likewise, the same variables of the dots. In other words, this task is related more to WM visuo-spatial
explained 38% of the variance in Mathematics (F (5, 71) = 8.87, p b . capacity than it is to the central executive. The involvement of executive
000). As shown in Table 3, the hierarchical regression analysis for control varies between tasks, being highest for the Semantic Updating
Language included only the reading comprehension variable in Model test and lowest for the Visuo-Spatial test. Finally, as we claimed in the
1, whereas Model 2 included both reading comprehension and execu- Introduction, participants' performance in KBIT may be considered a
tive variables. On the contrary, for Mathematics, Model 1 included the result of the application of WM's executive processes to novel reasoning
four executive variables and in Model 2 the reading comprehension var- problems. That is, it is a measure of executive function. A similar as-
iable was added. The results show that both kinds of variables, executive sumption is made when researchers implicate people's ability to solve
ones and those of reading comprehension, contributed independently other novel and complex cognitive tasks as measures of executive func-
to the variance explained in Language and Mathematics. tion. For instance, the Tower of Hanoi is a problem—solving task that in-
volves a measure of planning, or, the Wisconsin Test involves abstract
5. Discussion and conclusions and strategic concept formation abilities and is an informative measure
of people’s cognitive flexibility.
The three WM's tests—Semantic Updating, Analogy and Visuo- Our results confirmed our hypothesis about the inter-correlations be-
Spatial tests—were used for the first time with students at this school tween semantic updating, analogies and fluid intelligence with reading
level. The distribution of the scores in each test was normal, although comprehension measures. All three executive measures correlated signif-
the Analogy and Visuo-Spatial tests were a little more difficult: four icantly with the four reading comprehension measures. The highest
participants taking the Analogies test (5%) and eight taking the Visuo- inter-correlation was between semantic updating and inferences. As for

Table 3
Hierarchical regression analyses of executive (WM executive processes and fluid intelligence) and reading comprehension (DARC Total) measures on academic achievement (Language
and Mathematics scores).

Dependent variable R2 R2 change F change B SE (B) β t Sr

I. Language scores
Model 1 DARC total .29 .29 29.98⁎⁎ .10 .02 .53 5.48⁎⁎ .53
Model 2 WM's (a) and Intelligence (b) .38 .09 2.72⁎
DARC total .07 .02 .38 3.33⁎⁎ .31
(a) Analogy test .02 .04 .04 .40 .04
(a) Semantic Updating test .03 .03 .11 .98 .09
(a) Visuo-Spatial test .04 .02 .21 2.09⁎ .20
(b) KBIT .05 .03 .16 1.45 .14

II. Mathematics scores

Model 1 WM's (a) and Intelligence (b) .34 .34 9.53⁎⁎
(a) Analogy test −.04 .04 −.11 −1.08 −.10
(a) Semantic Updating test .06 .03 .24 2.25⁎ .21
(a) Visuo-Spatial test .06 .02 .30 2.91⁎⁎ .28
(b) KBIT .12 .03 .37 3.56⁎⁎ .34
Model 2 DARC total .38 .04 4.40⁎
(a) Analogy test −.06 .04 −.15 −1.47 −.14
(a) Semantic Updating test .04 .03 .17 1.50 .14
(a) Visuo-Spatial test .06 .02 .31 3.02⁎⁎ .28
(b) KBIT .10 .04 .30 2.82⁎⁎ .26
DARC Total .04 .02 .24 2.10⁎ .20
⁎ p b .05.
⁎⁎ p b .01.
46 J.A. García-Madruga et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 35 (2014) 41–48

the correlations between WM, intelligence and reading measures with Our results also confirm the role of reading comprehension
academic achievement, the results clearly confirmed the hypothesis. All in explaining academic achievement, not only in Language but also in
the measures reliably correlated with academic achievement in language. Mathematics. As we mentioned in the Introduction, reading compre-
Likewise, all the measures (except for Analogy, which did not reach the hension is a cognitive ability that underlies the correct understanding
significant level) reliably correlated with achievement in mathematics. of mathematical concepts and the comprehension and solving of math-
ematical problems. In a study, Vilenius-Tuohimaa, Aunola, and Nurmi
5.1. Executive processes and reading comprehension (2008) found a strong relationship between reading comprehension
and performance on math word problems with primary students one-
The regression analyses confirm our second hypothesis. It illustrates year older than our participants (fourth graders). The high correlation
the capacity these main executive measures of working memory and between DARC Inferences and Mathematics found in our work corrobo-
fluid intelligence have in predicting the various components involved rates the main conclusion of these authors: there are likely some basic
in reading comprehension. The results show that different variables reasoning abilities that underlie both Mathematics and reading compre-
are involved in predicting the three main components of reading com- hension. There are some clear limitations of our paper that also suggest
prehension. Thus, the variable particularly involved in predicting future work. First of all, our work has the obvious limitation in the mea-
DARC Memory was the Analogy test. This result clearly agrees with sures we have used. The DARC test has provided a reliable method of
our expectations regarding the mental work that underlies remember- scoring children in their reading comprehension abilities in English
ing information from texts: this kind of work can be carried out from and Spanish (August et al., 2006; Elosúa et al., 2012; Francis et al.,
the text-base representation. 2006; García-Madruga et al., 2013; López-Escribano et al., 2013). How-
Besides remembering textual information, the DARC Inferences and ever, the use of a different measure of reading comprehension would be
Integration items require that participants construct and manipulate in a clear improvement in future work. Even more necessary might be the
WM a situational model that represents the inter-relationships the five use of more specific tests of diverse WM executive processes. By doing
elements each DARC text addresses (i.e., the size of each kind of ball in so, for instance, we might try to distinguish the differential role of
text 2). The main difference between DARC Inference and DARC Integra- updating and inhibition. Likewise, having a wider variety of academic
tion items lies in the fact that answering Integration items requires and learning scores would be required as well as some independent ex-
making a connection with prior knowledge. Regression results confirm perimental measures of students' performance in diverse fields.
that for DARC Inferences the key variable was Semantic Updating, This paper is an introductory study on the relationship between cog-
whereas the variables that predicted participants' performance on the nition and academic achievement with third-grade Spanish students.
DARC Integration were KBIT and Semantic Updating. Our results confirm the capacity of reading abilities in predicting aca-
As we can see, our results show that three tests of executive process- demic achievement, not only in Language but also in Mathematics. It
es (Analogy, Semantic Updating tests and KBIT) are closely related with thus underscores the role of literacy in general, and reading comprehen-
reading comprehension abilities. These results clearly confirm those sion in particular, in the development of cognition and mind. Likewise,
found by diverse authors that connect reading comprehension with our results highlight the important role of WM's executive processes
WM's updating (Carretti et al., 2005; Palladino et al., 2001), inhibition in learning and academic achievement and its special relationship
(Carretti et al., 2009; De Beni & Palladino, 2000; Savage et al., 2006) with reading comprehension. However, in order to draw some more
and connecting and integrating information from text and long-term precise conclusions that allow for various improvements in education,
memory (Swanson et al., 2006). wider experimental work with students across a diversity of age and
school levels, including primary and secondary education, is clearly nec-
5.2. Academic achievement in language and mathematics essary. Finally, our focus on students' executive processes reveals our
fundamental interest in how students actively use their cognitive re-
Hierarchical regression analyses showed the capacity of reading sources while participating in learning activities at school. An indepen-
comprehension and executive processes to predict academic achieve- dent measure of students' active participation in learning situations
ment in Language and Mathematics, confirming Hypotheses 3 and 4. would also be required in future work.
As for Language, Reading comprehension explained 29% of the variance;
WM's executive processes and intelligence independently explained a
significant further 9% of the variance. In Mathematics, WM's executive
processes and intelligence explained 3% of the variance and reading
This research was conducted with the financial support of the
comprehension independently explained a significant further 4% of the
research projects: DGICYT PSI2008-00754 and Consolider-Ingenio
variance. KBIT, the Visuo-Spatial and Semantic Updating tests, were the
2010, CSD2008-00048, both from the Ministry of Science and Innova-
measures that particularly contributed to the variance explained for
tion of Spain. We thank students who voluntarily participated in this
both academic variables.
research as well as the Spanish state schools “Emilio Casado” and
These results clearly confirm prior evidence of the relationship be-
“Valdepalitos” of Alcobendas (Comunidad de Madrid).
tween executive functioning and intelligence with academic perfor-
mance in children (e.g., St. Claire-Thompson & Gathercole, 2006;
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