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Relational Database Management System

Course Description
Course number DB07 Course RDBMS
Author(s) Seema Acharya. Name
Pre-requisites for attending course
Knowledge of basic file handling concepts, programming fundamentals
Stream Target Compet Type Category3
PM Role1 encies2 Essential DB
Estimated course 7 days ( 3.5 hours of lecture and 4.5 hours of practical/day)

Course Objectives
Sl# Objective Demonstrable knowledge/skills
1. To introduce basic RDBMS concepts Knowledge of basic concepts and terminology

2. To introduce database design Knowledge of ER modeling and normalization

3. To introduce SQL commands Knowledge of DDL , DML and DCL commands

4. To introduce embedded SQL concepts Ability to understand a PRO*C program

5. To introduce OLTP concepts and Knowledge of serializability of transactions,

introduction to OLAP concurrency and recovery

Course Design
Sl# Unit name Unit objectives and keywords Lecture
1. Introduction To explain basic RDBMS concepts and 1.5
introduce basic terminology

2. ER modeling To explain ER modeling notations, 3

construct ER diagrams and convert ER
diagram to relational schema
3. Normalization To explain functional dependency and 3
normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF , BCNF)

4. SQL To explain the basic DDL ,DML 10

commands, the concept of sub queries
(independent and correlated), Views, set
operations (union, intersect, minus), Joins,
Embedded SQL,
5. OLTP & Intro to OLAP To introduce basic transaction processing 7
concepts , ACID properties of transactions,
serializability of transactions, Locking,
Timestamping and Recovery mechanisms
To introduce OLAP, data warehousing, data
marts, Star schema and Snowflake schema

PM Stream (Choose one)-SE: Software Engineer, PA: Programmer Analyst, PM: Project Manager
Competencies (Choose appropriate ones)-TK:Technical Knowledge, P:Programming, T:Testing, D:Design,
A:Analysis, PS:Pre-sales.
Category (Choose one)-PL: Programming or Programming Language, OS: Operating Systems, DB: Database, NM:
Networks and Middleware, SE: Software Engg, TO: Technical Overview

ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/001 Version No: 1.0 1

1. “Database system concepts”, Henry F Korth, Abraham Silberschatz, Second ed., McGraw-Hill
International editions, Computer Science series(1991)

2. "Fundamentals of Database Systems", Elmasri, Navathe, Third ed, Addison Wesley

3. "An introduction to Database Systems", C.J.Date, Sixth ed, Narosa Publications

ER/CORP/CRS/DB07/001 Version No: 1.0 2

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