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ACTS, Pune

Teaching Guidelines for Software Engineering – DAC August 2007

Duration: 30 class room hours + 10 Hours lab

Objective: To acquire the knowledge of Software Engineering, and Hands–On

awareness of Project Management Software

Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Computer and Clarity of OOP concepts

Evaluation method for SE: Theory exam 100% weightage

List of Books / Other training material

Courseware: Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach by Roger S. Pressman

Reference books: Fundamentals of Software Engineering by Rajib Mall

Session 1:
º Introduction to Software and Software Engineering
º Software Process

Assignment – Reading:
º Brook's paper on Mythical man month Addison-Wesley 1975

Session 2:
º SDLC and Process Models

º Describe and compare different SDLC models

Session 3:
Requirement Engineering
º Requirement analysis
º Use case approach
o Use cases & usage scenarios
o Identifying use cases
o Use cases & functional requirements
o Benefits of Use cases

Assignment – Reading:
º Taxonomy based risk identification SEI CMU/SEI-93-TR-6, 1993

º Compare traditional and Object Oriented based requirement analysis
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ACTS, Pune
Teaching Guidelines for Software Engineering – DAC August 2007

Session 4:
º Design concepts

º Develop five levels of abstraction of problems defined in above requirement
analysis cases

Session 5:
º Software implementation and maintenance
º Software testing (Continue to next session)

Assignment Reading:
º Structured programming, language standards

Session 6:
Lecture (Testing contd.)
º Software testing

Session 7:
º Software Quality Assurance
º Software Quality Attributes
o Defining quality attributes
o Attribute trade-offs

Assignment Reading:
º CMMI Model, ISO 9001:2000 standard

Session 8:
º Configuration management

Assignment Reading:
º Highs and lows of change control computer, vol31, no. 8 August 98

Session 9:
º Technical metrics for software

Assignment Reading:
º Reading on Personal software process and team software process

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ACTS, Pune
Teaching Guidelines for Software Engineering – DAC August 2007
Session 10:
º Project Planning

Session 11:
º Project Management Definition
º Distinctive characteristics of Software
º Scope, Organizing, Planning,

Assignment Reading:
º Software projects are different, Max Bullock & Wideman

Assignment - Tutorial:
º Project Management, Heinz

Session 12:
º Scheduling, Graphical Schedule representations
º Activity Organization, Milestones, Deliverables
º Task Dependencies,
º Staffing, Communication

Assignment – Lab/Tutorial:
º MS Project > Help > Quick Preview
º MS Project > Help > Create your project

Session 13:
º Project Risk identification, analysis, planning monitoring
º Monitoring, Reviews, Control, Reporting
º Project Closure

Assignment – Lab/Tutorial:
º MS Project > Help > Create your project (Continued)

Session 14:
Case studies:
1. Provident fund calculation
2. Food order automation

Session 15:
Case studies:
3. Network based common mailing system
4. Digital library for research papers

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