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Complete the sentences.

15 Millenials are waiting longer and longer to get married and have children.

16 The more she thinks about her crush, the more in love she feels.

17 The better your curriculum, the more likely you are to get hired.

18 It seems that more and more women are working, and, as a result, many children are alone most part of the

19 The lower the quality of education in Mexico, the lower the population's opportunities.

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in parentheses.
26 The scientists could have found a cure for cancer by that time. (could / find)

27 Should pregnant women be given more benefits? (should / give)

28 It's important to be informed consumers of the news, but, in general, we expect that reporters can be trusted to
tell the truth. (can / trust)

29 There were many ways in which our workplace could have been made (could / make) less stressful, but no one
wanted to consider them.

30 Old people should not have been hired (should not / hire) in dangerous jobs. That practice could be risky for

31 Playing football must have been (must / be) so dangerous before proper equipment was required. At least there
are some safety measures in place today.

Rewrite the sentences using supposed to and the words in parentheses.

32 My grandfather says this generation is a lot different than his. He tells me, "Be more respectful to your parents
and other adults." (I / be)

I am supposed to be more respectful to my parents and other adults.

33 My doctor told me, "If you’re crazy and you know it, shake your meds." (I /shake your meds)

I'm supposed to shake my meds.

34 Her husband didn't arrive in time to help her dress the kids for the family dinner. (her husband / arrive)

Her husband was supposed to arrive in time to help her dress the kids for the family dinner.

35 My mom asked which member of the family is buying the cake for Christmas. (who / buy)

Who's supposed to buy the cake for Christmas?

36 Our school’s rules state that students can leave early on Friday, but some teachers are making us stay later.

We are supposed to leave early on Friday, but some teachers are making us stay later.
Read the sentences. Decide if the person is very certain, almost certain, or not certain. Then
choose the correct answers.

37 Our final exam is today. There's no question about it.

very certain

almost certain

not certain

38 Bill probably got stuck in traffic. He must have been late to the meeting.

very certain

almost certain

not certain

39 Mary must not have brought homework. She’s sometimes lazy, so most likely she didn’t do it.

very certain

almost certain

not certain

40 The iPhone I bought in Amazon hasn't arrived. DHL might not have received the order. I wonder if the
Smartphone was delivered on time.

very certain

almost certain

not certain

41 Ariadne couldn't have returned from her job. It's obvious that her house has the lights off.

very certain

almost certain

not certain

42 Clearly, those students are inventing stories about how difficult the exam is. Quizzes aren't difficult, and what
they said couldn't have been true.

very certain

almost certain

not certain
Part 9

Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

43 Beyònce and JayZ are back together again. I was glad to hear that they had _____________.

44 Andrea and her boyfriend have had a ____________ because she’s been dating other guys.

45 Her relationship with her best friend has been ____________ for a while. They say she used her clothes without

46 My parents ____________ when she left school after being told not to.

47 If teens have everything they want and don’t help around the house, they are likely to become ____________.


43 Patched things up

44 Falling out

45 Going downhill

Grounded my sister


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