Lecture #2 - The Welsh and Their Words. The Traditional Culture in Wales Has Always Placed Special

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Lecture #2 - The Welsh and their words. The National Parks.

The Welsh and their words. The traditional culture in Wales has always placed special
emphasis on the reading of poetry and the singing of choirs. In the 19th century there was a powerful
puritan religious movement that preached a good and simple life. In the chapels the oratory of the
preacher and the strong singing of male voice choirs were used to win the hearts of the people and turn
them away from bad living.
Famous people from Wales: Anthony Hopkins, Richard Burton, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Courteney
Cox, Dylan Thomas, George Herbert, and Christian Bale
Before the Normans arrived, the use of surnames wasn’t really known. Many English surnames
were originally connected with a person’s job - Charles Baker, Margaret Thatcher, someone’s size-
Jack Long, Mary Little', or a family relationship - Robin Williamson (Robin, son of William) Peter
The most common Welsh surnames were all originally Christian names in some form: Dylan
Thomas, Roger Dames (a form of David), Geoffrey Jones (from John), David Williams etc.
Welshmen living in England are often called by the nickname ‘Taffy’. This may come from the
River Taff, which runs through the capital Cardiff, or it may come from Dafydd, the Welsh form of
The National Parks. There are three National Parks in Wales which cover approximately one-
fifth of the whole country. These parks are protected by law because of their natural beauty. The most
famous of the parks is Snowdonia in the north-west. It covers 840 square miles (2,176 sq. km.) of
some of Wales’ most breathtaking countryside. The highest mountain range in Wales is in this area,
with several peaks over 3,000 feet (910 m.).
Many people travel to the parks each year for special holidays. These include a large number of
outdoor activities such as walking, climbing, and riding, or water- sports such as canoeing and fishing.
People camp and live without all the usual comforts of home.

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