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Food Web Project

● You have the option to do your project on google drawing or on construction paper
○ For google drawing, you may copy pictures from the internet
○ For construction paper, you can trace pictures from the

● You must create your own food web.

● You must include 2 or more types of producers, 8 or more types of

consumers, and 2 or more types of decomposers

● Each animal/plant must be labeled

● Label which consumer is the primary, secondary, and tertiary

○ Producers​ (organisms that make their
own food from sunlight and/or
chemical energy from deep sea vents)
are the base of every food chain
○ Primary consumers​ are animals that
eat producers; they are also called
herbivores​ (plant-eaters).
○ Secondary consumers​ eat
primary consumers. They are
carnivores​ (meat-eaters) &
omnivores​ (animals that eat
both animals & plants).
○ Tertiary consumers​ eat
secondary consumers.
○ Food chains "end" with top
predators, animals that have
little or no natural enemies.

● Label if the animal is a herbivore,

omnivore, and carnivore.

● The food web must be colored

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