Dayana Excel

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The night air was cold and I shivered as I exited the club, yet there was a fire

inside of me that was burning me. It was warning me inside out and I groaned. I
walked to the alley way to the side and leaned against the wall fanning my face.

Boy was it hot inside there. The soft material of my dress was colder against the
air sticking to my body in sensations I had never experienced before and I sighed
closing my eyes and leaning my head against the wall.

The soft satin was moudling to my naked stomach underneath making sensations spiral
through my body. All of a sudden I felt like I was wearing too many clothes and
opened my eyes looking around. It was dark and the only light was from the moon as
there street light nearby had stopped working a few months ago.

I stood up straight quietly and slipped my hands under my already short peach satin
dress feeling the fabric against my soft thighs and moaned. I slipped my fingers,
letting the heat from them soak into my body as I ran them up to my hips.

Feeling more wanton then ever I left my left hand go down brushing my core and

Shit this was too much, but I wanted more. I hooked my fingers in the material
pulling them down and kicking them off moaning as the cold air brushing my
throbbing core and arched my back. I bit my lip closing my eyes running my fingers
over my now naked core.

A harsh pant and whimper left my lips. I had never understood the sensation like
now ever before. I looked around just to make sure I was alone and slipped my hands
behind my back unbuckling the bra.

I had big breasts, not too big but not small either, just perfect but I definitely
needed to wear a bra or it was noticeable. But I was feeling reckless.

I was in a new area of the town with a friend checking the bar out and there would
be no one who remembered me. That and she was already wasted probably screwing
someone in the bathroom.

I let the white bra slip out from under my dress and fall to the damp ground. I
looked down moaning as I saw my nipples harden being even more outlines in the
satin dress as it molded to my curves.

The wind blew the dress sticking to my core where it was already moist, the
material darkening and I took a hesitant step forward the material rubbing against
my sensitivity and I groaned.

Shit this was good.

I gently sat on the ground, the damp ground that was wet from the rain, and as wet
as my core. My breathes were coming out faster as I gently opened my legs my eyes
closing as I felt the air touch all over me.

I arched leaning against the wall letting a finger drift down to my core gasping as
I felt the warm liquid touch my fingers. I gently stroked it, the smell engulfing
me taking me higher.

I moaned louder as the sense took me over spreading my legs farther apart. My skin
was hot, all over my core burning with need and desire and I needed it quickly.

My breasts were hard the nipples painfully sticking out making me moan louder. It
was like a natural instinct as my fingers drifted back down, one of them pressing
at my soft lips. I pressed harder at my lips moving them in a soft circular motion,
my moans taking over the sound of the wind as my hips rocked at their own will.

My head ground against the wall behind me, my breathes coming out faster as I
presser harder on my clit, making me heat up fully.

"Please," i whispered into the wind as something inside me was building up and I
moaned squeezing my legs back together not being able to control the sensations I
was feeling.

I moved my fingers faster, my hips following as I sped up. The wind was cold
against my wet core making me even more aroused my sensations maddening me. I
moaned loudly ignoring the fact I could be easily heard as I added my second hand
as they joined by first rubbing against my clit.

:"Argh" I groaned in frustration as I felt my body tighten, my breath stop as I

moved my finger one last time and something inside of me clicked. I groaned loudly
as I felt myself come and gasped as my fingers were wet and sticky.

I opened my eyes suddenly looking around and realized no one was there and let out
the breathe I was holding. I looked down and touched my core jerking at the
sensitivity and got up.

Feeling reckless I left my garments there and walked back towards the bar. There
was something in my satiated for now, but a new monster inside was raging for more,
for something to fill me up in every possible way.
The air inside was warmer, filled with a smell of something you couldn't explain.
It was thick with desire in a way.
Even over the loud music you could hear moaning from the rooms inside, remaining me
of what I did outside making a blush faint my tanned skin.
Making my way through the dance floor I walked over to the bar ordering myself some
cold water with extra ice. Right now I needed something to cool me down.
As I waited I looked around my eyes meeting a pair of grey steel like eyes of
someone across the bar staring at me.

Suddenly feeling self conscious I looked away and averted my gaze but I could feel
his gaze on me. I licked my lips tapping my fingers on the bench as a glass was
pushed towards me.
I looked up seeing the man disappear. Where did he go? Not that I care I thought
picking up the glass.
The cold glass was like heaven amongst my heated hands and I held back a moan
realizing how easily things affected you when you were aroused.
I pushed my way through the crowd to a small spot but saw one of the rooms empty.
Which was rare and walked towards it shutting the door behind me.
I made my way to the coach sitting down and leaning against the leather and closed
my eyes lifting the glass to my lips and taking a sip. Enjoying the cold water go
down inside me.
I heard the door open and sat up.
"you didn't lock it" said a masculine voice followed by a click. As he took a step
forward, his rich business suit molding his strong physique , his grey eyes watched
me for any objection as he came closer
And all I could do was stare. His eyes raked over me and I gulped shifting in my
seat feeling hot.
He came closer and kneeled on the ground taking the glass from me and placing it on
the ground.
"I see we have a problem" he said.
"what pr-eh problem?" I asked cursing my voice not remaining strong.
He placed his hands on my knees spreading them gently apart and positioning himself
I bit my lower lip as he ran a finer up my thigh, up my inner thigh and to my core
making me gasp and jerk.
He smirked "that" he said as he ran the hand down my core making my eyes close and
moan and up my stomach towards my breasts and the tip of a nipple jutting against
the fabric "and this" he said.
I opened my eyes to see him smirk as he watched me.
"and I can help" he said devilishly. I didn't say anything; I couldn't trust my
voice so licking my lips I nodded.
He smiled his hands going to the top of my shoulders and slipping the straps of my
dress down and I slipped out of it to slide out but he stopped leaving it hanging
just letting it show my shoulders.
He dipped his hand into the glass taking a ice out an I watched wearily as he
brought it up to my collar bone and gasped as the cold object touched me. A droplet
of water slipped through the gap down between my breast making me moan.
I leaned back arching my chest as he grabbed another ice cube and moved to my
breasts running the ice cube over my dress making it wet an my nipples harder as
the cloth stuck to me slowly become see through.
He bent down taking one nipple into his mouth making me gasp as he bit it through
the fabric.
"oh shit" I moaned as I felt my core start to get wet. I felt him smile and wrap
his hands around my waist as he pulled me down to lie on the furry rug.
"take it off" he said. I unzipped the dress and he helped pulling it off me
groaning as he saw my naked body underneath.
I was proud of leaving my underwear outside. The reaction was perfect.
He grabbed an ice cube and I gasped
as he positioned himself between my legs.
And instead of trailing it down my skin he went straight to my core placing it
against my already swollen bud making my groan in pain.
He smiled leaning down. The rough fur under me and the movement of the ice on my
bud was too much as I squeezed
MY eye shut not stopping the moans that seemed to come out of me endlessly.
"spread" he said pausing my legs wider. I opened them and watched as he took the
glass, pouring the water on the to of my core and I gasped thrashing my hips and he
grabbed them holding me down protested by my moans.
The cold water was extremely painfully pleasing against me. He leant down licking a
drop of water off my bud and I started panting.
He look up his eyes twinkling mischievously as he poked his tongue out his pink
tongue tracing my lips and I gasped biting my lips my eyes closing.
His hands tightened on my waist as his tongue slipped between my delicate moist
folds as they licked up the juices. I felt his hands go down and open them as his
tongue traced my bud making my hips jerk. His tongue fondled my bud applying the
right amount of pressure as he suckled it making me moan loudly and clutch his
The pain And pleasure was driving me
Insane as my womb clutched with needed. I could feel it building up in me as he
spread my legs wide than I thought and his whole head fitting between my legs.
I felt his mouth enclose around me too sensitive bud sucking on it and I screamed
as my thighs tightened around his head and mu body arching of the ground as he
sucked making my body shatter releasing the honey.
He gently lifted up sucking my nectar as the juice came out, not missing it as it
trailed down my thighs in its sticky matter.
He licked up my lips again and I shuddered as he looked up.
"oh the night has just begun" he said bending down and blowing onto my lips making
my moan and spread my legs once more
Leaning up on my elbows I watched as he winked at me wickedly and letting his
tongue stroke our brushing my core again.
I sighed moaning placing my feet on the ground flat so he had more access. I had no
idea how I was getting wetter more and more and how many orgasms one could handle
in one night but I could feel my body churning for more.
He grasped my thighs pulling my closer his tip of the tongue penetrating my core.
He raised up placing kisses around my core and up to my stomach and rose higher as
he greeted my breasts again groaning as he suckled on them. I could feel his
erection against my core as he came higher and moaned. Fuck he felt big.
I wrapped an arm around his neck pulling him as I kissed his body sprawled on top
of mine as I placed my hands on his shoulders slipping the jacket out. Our bodies
moved in synchronization even before we were both naked, just imaging what we could
do when our skins were touching made my womb clench with need.
"I need you, now," I whispered as my fingers fumbled with his buttons. He groaned
his lips grazing my neck as he bite down on my skin softly.
His fingers joined mine removing the buttoned much quicker and slipped it off. I
looked up at his body, how could someone be made so perfectly? His skin shone in
the dark lights of the room reflecting on the contours and muscles on his chest and
abdomen. I groaned wrapping my legs around his waist pulling him back as he
continued to place feather lights kisses all over me.
I tightened my legs even more feeling his member dig into my core painfully. "Now,"
I gasped writhing on the ground.
His teeth scraped the sensitive skin between my neck and shoulder as I felt his
hands tingle down my body to his jeans as he worked on removing them swiftly.
I unwrapped my legs to let him pull them off and placed a hand on his chest pushing
his down to lay on his back before he could work on his brief. He looked at me
confused and I seductively licked my lip straddling him. I bent down letting my
hair cascades all over him as I let my tongue out tracing his lips.
I felt him jerk beneath me and smiled as his fingers dug into my hips, in a
painfully nice way. I moved down tracing every contour in his muscles till I
reached a dusty nipple.
Looking up into his eyes i took one into my mouth and he sighed closing his eyes. I
moved my lower body against him and he groaned jerking again. I smiled moving down
licking y way down his abs to his breifs.
I heard him suck in a breathe as he watched me.
Letting my tongue travel over his bulge I applied pressure in an area sucking on
the material letting my teeth grate over it. He moaned painfully his hands knotting
into my wild hair.
I let my teeth gently scrape over the material as i worked on sucking it and his
hips moved.
"Fuck you're killing me," he moaned. My core clenched with need and I moaned as I
placed my hands on his chest running them down as I licked his length and gripped
his briefs with my teeth pulling them down slowly.
HIs stormy eyes turned even darker with desire and I pulled them off crawling onto
him. I licked my lip hovering over him and let my tongue tough his head and he
jerked. Quickly I climbed up capturing his mouth in a kiss and he groaned.
"Teaste" he whispered grasping my hips and spinning us over making me gasp.
The rug was cold against my hot and bothered body and I moaned as I felt his tip
touch my core.
It entered a bit before retreating and I moaned as I felt my own liquid dripping
down my thighs. His fingers touched my bud and I closed my eyes as it collected the
juices rubbing it over my legs.
"Please," I whimpered. I felt his warm breathe over my face before his lips
captured me in a kiss where they fought for dominance at the same time he entered
I gasped my legs trying to squeeze shut and his hands pulled them out further. I
gasped arching off the floor as he entered me, further and further till his whole
length was in and then pulled back out. I whimpered as i felt only his head and he
smirked instead of pulling out like I thought he was he pounded back into me
reaching the very inside and I let out a scream of pleasure.
His hands held my waist tightly as he thrust into me his head sucking on one of my
hard nipples making me wriggle on the floor. He twisted my body on an angle, going
even further, his length rubbing my clit making me wriggle on the floor.
I could feel his body tensing as his finger rubbed my slit at the same time and I
"More," I said as he moved faster at the same time rubbing my bud. My eyes shut as
my body began to tremble and he sucked on my lower lip letting his tongue meet
mine. With one last hard thrust his body pounded into mine shattering me as he came
himself and collapsed on top of me.
His fingers brushed my swollen and too tender clit as he ended with a soft kiss
sucking on my lips.
I groaned sitting up shielding my eyes from the harsh light. Memories from last
night came flooding back and my cheeks flushed and i rubbed my hands over my face.
What was I thinking?
Not only did I sleep with him, in a bar, as soon as I realized what had happened I
pushed him off and out of me and ran out with just my coat over my naked body and
hailed a cab.
And now I was feeling the after effects.
I got heading to the bathroom feeling a tingling down under. It didn't help I was
starting a new job today and I had to rock up even when I didn't get any sleep.
All I kept seeing were his lust filled eyes and felt his hands caress my naked
flesh, touching and licking every inch taking me to pleasure over and over again.
I moaned just imagining his hands over me again. His finger tips pinching my rock
hard tips while his tongue showed me a feeling I had never felt before.
The hot water turned cold and I stood there still bothered. God, i thought as my
body wanted more.
I had never been this...horny to be truthful
I slowly let my hand travel down, past the curve of my hips to the aching spot.
I gasped as I touched my folds my eyes widening, I felt my whole body churn for him
again. I let a finger rub my clit my body preparing for pleasure when I mentally
snacked myself.
Oh god stop it.
Disgusted I turned the shower off hopping out and grabbing the towel. Great now I
was hot and bothered. Perfect way to start the day.
I pulled on the tight office skirt and the light green satin shirt. It didn't help
that the shirt was soft against my skin making me aroused even further.
I turned and looked in the mirror. My tan skin was flustered, I hated how I had a
blush, I had dark skin from all the beaches and horrible weather and yet I had a
My eyes were dilated and my hair was a mess. I quickly tied it in a bun and ran out
to the bedroom. Slipping on my heels I grabbed my bag and jacket.
Late on my first day is not a good impression.
Ignoring my body'a wantonly feel, I ran out of my apartment past my angry neighbor
and ran outside.
I arrived half an hour later, late. I waited impatiently outside his door licking
my lips. oh god don't get me fired on my first day.
The door opened and the receptionist came out
"He will see you now!"
I nodded, counted to ten, and walked in.
He looked up as I walked in and he gave me a smile and I froze. He was attractive.
With shiny blue eyes, blonde hair and a muscular body you could tell he was
everyone hottie in high school.
He looks like he just graduated out. of uni like me.
"Sorry I'm late sir," I said. He laughed waving a hand.
"Don't apologize! Traffic, peak time. I understand."
I smiled nodding, god he wasn't like the asshole I thought, I mean every good
looking guy is one. Or so I had thought in high school.
"First things first. I know this wasn't part of the job description but there a
meeting and Annabel's called in sick. Do you think you could run down and grab 6
regular latte coffees?"
I blinked, "Yea sure," I said. What else was I meant to say. He handed me a note
and I rushed out. Where was I meant to get these from?
There was a coffee shop across the road and I walked in stopping.
The line was massive!
"Screw this," I whispered quietly. There has to be another shop.
Walking back out I walked down the street till I saw another shop that was empty.
I walked in ordering the coffees and paying. Hopefully these tasted good enough.
My job was relying on this.

"Thank you," I said grabbing the coffees that were placed in a cardboard holder
which made it much easier to carry.
I rushed back taking the alley road beside the building, it was much quicker.
The office building had two wings, the east and a west. Our company owned the west
side and who knew who was in the east.
But this had slipped my mind.
So when I kicked the door open, since my hands were full, I kicked empty air as the
door was being pulled open and I stumbled forward losing balance my body colliding
into a large masculine chest.
Three coffees spilled over and. down my top making me swear, a hot latte was not
what you wanted down there, it burned.
"I am so fired," I snapped looking up to apologize when the hand around me
tightened and I gasped my whole body heating up as I met a pair of grey eyes.
"Hello stranger,"
"You're fucking me," I snapped.
His eyebrows knotted in confusion and I wriggled out of his grip pushing away only
to hit a door behind me. He smirking taking a step forward his eyes amused.
"If you order me to I-"
"Shut up!" I snapped my face flushing. It didn't help that he smelled good and the
traitor body of mine was yearning for his touch. His eyes strolled down my body and
I followed his gaze to my top where there was a large coffee stain.
The coffee had made my light satin top mould to my black bra underneath exposing
more than needed.
I looked back up seeing his hungry eyes on me and swallowed, oh god.
He was wearing a crisp white shirt that was perfectly tucked into his suit pants
and wore the top two buttons undone with a loose navy tie.
"You left,"
He took a step closer and I leaned against the door keeping the try of what was
left of the coffee between us.
His left hand came beside the door behind me while his right traced my jaw line
making me shiver.
His face leaned down and my eyes shut automatically my back arching towards him.
Traitorous body.
"Yesterday, you left..." he whispered his lips sucking on my jaw making their way
They latched onto my '? neck sucking and I gasped my hands wobbling.
"I was eh..busy?" I said making it sound more like a question. His finger brushes
my top where it was stained and I gasped my lips parting.
"Are you busy now?" he asked his fingers unbuttoning my blouse. The first button
popped open and he pulled away his eyes looking at the skin showed and groaned.

His tongue strokes across my collar bones making my body arch towards him as he
went lower.
Oh fuck.
"Yes," I breathed out to his question.
"Good," he said. I frowned not understanding and opened my mouth but the words
caught in my throat as he undid another button. I moaned as his finger traced the
soft skin on my breast, going lower to slip a finger under the lace.
The next two buttons came off undoing my shirt and he placed his hand on my
stomach, caressing it as his lips moved down to take one hard throbbing nipple into
his hot mouth.
I moaned out loud as his teeth nipped at it. The air felt too hot and it didn't
help that I was still bothered from this morning.
His teeth tugged, pulling the bra down under making it push up. He groaned taking
it wholly into his mouth sucking on it and my legs squeezed together.
He noticed as his fingers stroked up my thigh bunching up the material tucking it
in the top of the skirt, like a thick belt. His fingers brushed the top of my
panties and I felt warmth flood down there.
Damn it what made me wear a black bra and orange underwear. He broke away looking
down smirking "That's hot,"
Before I could protest, and before my brain could register what we were doing or
where his lips attacked mine in a new frenzy.
I moaned as his tongue battled with mine for dominance. His fingers slipped in and
I gasped feeling the new intruder.
His palm cupped me, covering me as my juices wet him. He groaned slapping my pussy
softly so the wet liquid spread.
My legs parted as he ran his fingers up and down. Ah fuck. I grasped his shoulders
dropping the coffee tray, surprised it even stayed for this long and squeezed my
eyes shut.
"Look at me,"
I opened my eyes meeting his ones. I felt a finger slickly open my fold and I
moaned my breathe coming out in a pant. My knees buckled and I leaned into his hard
The finger entered me slowly causing a long pained moan as I leaned back. His eyes
held mine, glinting mischievously, as he added another finger. I tried closing my
thighs but he pulled them apart with his other hand, making the skin separate as
far as it could while standing.
The cold air stuck to my hot skin making sensations as he moved his fingers. I
never realized how deep he could go just with those long manly fingers.
My hips bucked and he smiled letting his thumb stroke my clit. After last night it
was sensitive, the smallest touch making me scream.
"You're so wet," he whispered sucking on my ear. His voice causing my body to
clench. He sucked on my neck as he moved faster adding the last finger in, making
me take more than I could.
My body shook as his thumb pushed against my clit as he moved it in me one more
time making me cry out as I came.
My juices creaming down my thighs as I leaned into him my body drained.
I looked down past my naked legs to the coffee and swore.
"I'll get you some more," he opened the door stepping out and I leaned against the
What the fuck have I done?

I quickly buttoned myself up and pulled my skirt down using the serviettes from the
coffee to clean up down under. My panties were too wet to wear and I took them off
disposing them and the coffee in the bin.

I can't believe I did that, what if someone saw us. Oh god I could get fired.

I groaned banging my head when the door opened and he came back in with six new

"What time do you finish?"

"Four," I said somehow managing to find my voice.

He leaned forward his lips brushing my jaw as he pushed the coffee holders into my

"I'll meet you down here," he said. His fingers dipped under my skirt and stroked
me making me gasp.

He smirked, letting his finger bathe in my juices flicking me making me aroused all
over again.

"Guess we'll have to meet," and with one last thrust of his finger in me he turned
and left

I leaned against the door, his finger leaving a long empty gap underneath that I
needed to be filled

Cursing under my breathe I ran up the stairs running to my table. I placed my coat
on quickly and smoothed my hair down walking towards the meeting room.

"The line was massive," I said as my boss opened it. I could briefly make out other
people around the table.

"That's alright. I've left work for you on your table. Instructions, are there as
well," He said completely oblivious to the fact I had a mind blowing orgasm under
the office.

I nodded quickly making my way to the bathroom. I undid my coat and strangled a

"That Bastard!" I snapped staying at the biggest hockey on my neck and disappearing
down into my breasts.

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