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Narrative Writing - Plan an Original Short Story

Write a short story about a character or characters facing some sort of conflict. The
conflict can be either internal or external. Your short story must be 1-2 pages.

Remember, a strong narrative has the following elements:

● A beginning that introduces the narrator or characters and the situation
● A clear sequence of events
● dialogue , description, and pacing
● Words and phrases that link events
● Concrete words and phrases and sensory details
● A conclusion that follows from the events

1. Brainstorm
In order to begin writing your short story, first jot down ideas using Coggle It,
Google Drawing, or Keep the following questions in mind
while brainstorming.

● Where does the short story take place?

● Who are the most important characters?
● What situation or conflict will your characters face?
● How will the conflict be solved?
● What will happen in your narrative?
● How will your characters act and speak to each other?
● Will the narrator be 1st or 3rd person?

2. Setting - ​Setting Review Video

Every short story has at least one setting. Many stories
have multiple settings. In the table below, include your
setting or settings for your short story. Remember, setting
is where and when the story takes place. Use detail when
describing your setting!


Describe in Detail:

3. Character Development & Dialogue - ​Understanding Character Development Video

In your story, you must include, one or more characters. Fill in the
table below describing your character’s physical characteristics as
well as character traits. Don’t have a narrator say it, have
characters SHOW, THINK, SPEAK IT.

Character 1 Character 2 Character 3

Three-Five Physical - - -
Characteristics for - - -
each - - -
- - -
- - -

Three-Five Character - - -
Traits for each - - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

Three-Five pieces of - - -
dialogue - - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

4. Conflict & Sequence of Events -

a. ​Video - What is Conflict?
b. Main Events/Plot Video


What is the main conflict in the story?

1. First

2. Next
3. Then

4. Last

5. Theme

Video - What is Theme?

How do they grow?

What do they talk about?

How is it connected to conflict?

After conflict is resolved, what
do they learn?

What is the theme of the story?

6. Write Your Story!

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