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What is marketing? What does great marketing look like?

What is required of you to become a great


The objective of a business is optimal stakeholder satisfaction. That happens via the following

1. Optimal Value-Creation for its clients

2. Optimal Profits-Creation for its investors
3. Optimal Sustenance-Creation wrt its secondary stakeholders like employees, vendors,
environment etc. so that its current results are sustained long-term.

Optimal Profits-Creation requires you to create optimal demand for the Planned Value delivery. And
then delivering on the Planned Value.

Marketing is the function that satisfies Optimal Demand Creation for the Planned Value Delivery.
Every function has a throughput, input, by-products, parameter-tuning & risks associated to it.

Input  System  Throughput + By-products
You need to tune the comprehensive set of parameters in order to maximize the value of
Throughput and By-products out of the system. You also need to manage the risks and properly
devise risk mitigation pathways in order to ensure optimal uptime of the system itself.

Now, lets understand this from the perspective of Marketing.

I invest my
1. Time
2. Money
3. People
4. Operational resources
Into this activity. What I get in return?
1. Sales: Money
2. Fanhood: Money in the future, Emotional asset
What are the parameters in marketing?
1. Message
2. Channel(s)
3. Frequency of use
4. Synergy between activities
These 4 parameters need to be finetuned in order to create a maximal outcome out of my
investments. We also need to manage the risks associated to the system of marketing we have
Message has in-turn, sub-parameters:
a. Offering: What?
b. Pricing: What for?
c. Benefit: Why?
d. Process: How?

One of the fundamental processes of Marketing is:

Generate absolute trust from the client  Advise them on their best possible outcome consistently
that results invariably in your own profits.

Trust is controlled by:

1. Empathy
2. Commitment & Consistency

What constitutes a masterful marketing program?

1. Empathetic communication with claims of higher standards that are absolutely going to be
2. Clearly shows the absolute compelling benefit for the client
3. A clear message that what I am asking for, is far less than what I am asking in return.

How do you select a channel?

It has to be determined basis: RoI. We are getting Sales and Fanhood in return. Are we sure that the
corresponding investments in terms of Money, People, Time, Resources is absolutely going to bring
in the corresponding returns?
A channel’s job is to target the most coveted prospects with the message and bring maximal returns
wrt Sales & Fanhood.

Questions to ask after each Marketing Program’s formulation:

1. Am I targeting my most desirable prospects in the most resource-efficient manner?
2. Am I communicating with maximal empathy?
3. Am I able to communicate higher standards in the most trustworthy way?
4. Am I communicating the absolute compelling benefit of what I am offering?
5. How much immediate sales can this Marketing Program offer?
6. How much fanhood can this Marketing Program offer?

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