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Outcome: Create a great Marketing Program for MD Medicines that is much more valuable than the

current standards.

Limiting Beliefs:
1. I don’t have prior experience in Marketing: I have done a course on Marketing, I have read a
book on Marketing by a Marketing titan. I have brought sustained profits for my own diagnostic
centre for the past 6 months. I need to be creative here rather than being experience driven.
2. What if I am not able to produce enough value?: I will use The Ultimate Success Formula. I’ll
commit and find a way right now or in the future.

Compilation of fundamental principles and creating an explosive Strategy out of it.

So, here we go!

What are the 6 principles of Persuasion?

Social Proof: We ask our current clients to recommend our services to other friends and they get Rs. x
Off on next visit | After building some traction, we target communities on the basis of regions
They perceive them as the expert: We highlight the Stand-out credentials of the person involved.
They like them: Rapport Building during the visit of the patient – True Caring, Communication in
Their services are scarce and not found anywhere else: Pehli Baar, Iklauta; Don’t miss out! If you don’t
do this, you will be in real pain
They are reciprocating: They received a small gift from the organization; Great parties to the doctors for
referring patients
They have committed before and are now being consistent with their new identity: Survey that makes
them commit to something

Neuro-associative conditioning in Marketing

1. Leverage in Content
a. Massive Pain with not coming: What will they miss out on? What is it costing them right
now & in the future?
b. Massive Pleasure with coming: What will they gain right now & in the future?
2. Anchors: In my communication, our name gets linked to pleasurable sensations only.
3. Interrupt the Pattern: ‘Stop thinking that its not important. It may cost you your loved ones

22 Immutable Laws of Marketing -

Situation Outcome
Launching a new product/service Setup a new category or divide the category into a
new one. Eventually, a category will divide into 2
or more categories.
Utilize trends in figuring out a way forward. Ride
long-term trends. Be wary of fads.
Creating Demand Attack the mind rather than the market
Creating Demand Install a simple-benefit oriented word in the mind,
which is different from competition. You can also
own an attribute.
Crafting a long-term Marketing Direction In a category, you can possibly be the top-2 or
nothing at all. Strive to be in top-2 or create a new
Sacrifice products lines-target market-constant
change for success.
Competing Second place strategies are to be opposite of the
3rd place: Create a new category or divide the
Retaining Market-share Eventually, a category will divide.
If leader, introduce different brands into
Anything Think Long-term. Marketing effects take time to
Framing Apply candor; Accept some widely noted negative-
create an open mind-hit something positive
Creating any Strategy Understand that you will need money somewhere
down the road. Be open to the idea.
Analyze all moves and play the best one. The
universe works on Power Law.
Don’t get overconfident due to past successes.
Failure is something to learn from.

Chet Holmes Marketing Strategies

As soon as I am done with Chet Holmes Marketing Strategies & The Strategy of Pre-eminence, I will
jump into the volcano.

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