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Recently I have been fascinated by how quickly you can scale a business if you just form a joint-

venture with someone. The key is to understand the fact that whenever you are trying to access a
market, somebody already has that access: the relationships, the channels, the reputation etc
because they have been there for quite a long time and everybody knows them. If you just access
their market via a joint-venture, or even a pseudo-one, it will take you no time to scale your business
to the level of their market.

This is exactly what we did when we setup our Diagnostic Centre. In fact, I have setup another
business along similar lines and I am hopeful of scaling it quickly.

Why am I telling you all this? I believe you have a book-launch coming soon and I thought this
specific strategy could bring you a broad reach in a short-period of time.

I believe the book you are writing ‘The Girl who started wearing pants’ is along the lines of Woman
empowerment. Can you guess who else cares about this cause? NGO’s for Woman Empowerment.

What if you send a hand-written letter along with a free copy of your book to the leaders of these
NGO’s clearly detailing your creation-myth (now don’t get me wrong, you are not fabricating stuff
here, you are telling them the detailed story of how you came into being, your story of
transformation and why did you decide to write your book) in 2-3 paragraphs and why you believe
this book can change the lives of those they are trying to serve. They should read the book and can
reach out to you if they really liked what you wrote and are interested in a speaking engagement or
a seminar or simply for an early discount for a bulk order where they can become your distributing
medium. You can promote your book at the end of your speaking-engagement and provide
discounts to early buyers.

I think this way, you can have a national presence quickly because you are not doing the hard work
of reaching each and every one who is interested in woman empowerment or need woman
empowerment. You are creating evangelicals who will do the job for you and further their own cause
too. I will recommend you to test this approach with 1 or 2 cases and see if it works and then
expanding it if you begin to gain traction. I have seen this approach work wonders for a lot of
people, so thought could be of a benefit for you.

Not to forget the disciplines of execution.

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