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POSITIVE USES OF PSYCHIC ENERGY (P Positive Uses of Psychic Energy LL human accomplishment requires an expend- iture of energy, and the laws governing energy IEQINC resources must be thoughtfully considered. Energy is only useful to the degree that it is applied to its legitimate ends, and knowledge of these ends depends, in turn, upon the internal integrity of the person and the degree to which his consciousness has been matured by wisdom, discipline, and experience. On the spiritual level of activity, energy manifests as the power of will; on the mental level, as attention; on the emotional level, as interest; and on the physical level, as vitality. At the moment, we are concerned primarily with psychic energy, which may be said to include the mental and emotional activities of atten- tion and interest. We all recognize that physical activity is the result of cer- tain impulses which impel the person to translate internal stimuli into appropriate bodily functions and actions. Such actions are associated with incentive, and without the im- pelling force of internal directives, there is slight inducement for exertion. We also know that mental-emotional activity may be either constructive or destructive in its results, depend- ing upon the censorship of judgment or idealism for its 1 2 Posrrive Uses or Psycuic ENercy ethical and moral significance. If the standard of values is confused, activity often leads to conflict. Action merely for the sake of action is seldom significant or valuable. Release of psychic energy vitalizes the mental and emo- tional life of the person. This vitalization, however, is sig- nificant only to the degree that it enriches the cultural life of the individual. Although man’s energy is usually suff- cient to his requirements, this does not justify the wasteful exhaustion of such resources. Any expenditure of energy which is not directed by enlightened purpose is not only wasted, but may result in attitudes or feelings which are detrimental to personal security. Energy therefore depends for its value on the activity of a guiding principle within man which determines its use and regulates its expenditure. Most psychic energy is released and directed by the mind, which establishes foci of attention. We energize any subject or object toward which we direct attention, and attention, in turn, is stimulated and strengthened by interest. The focal point of attention, moved by an action of the will, is in almost constant motion. It can be fixed upon various parts of the body, or it may be projected to other persons or attach itself to objects and places. In a well-organ- ized personality, the attention is less likely to wander, and there are fewer inconsistencies and interruptions in daily living. If attention wanders aimlessly from one subject or object to another, there is little, if any, penetration, and a person addicted to this habit is called superficial. While breadth of interests is important, constructive broad-mindedness is only possible when faculties have been properly trained and dis- ciplined. It is everywhere evident that the average individu-

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