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I also found t
Just noticed

1 Met Arne and his wife Elly unexpectedly during a Cancun Winter vacation in 1993.
We both were invited to an information session in a restaurant by Air Transat.
It had rained a lot the day before and streets were flooded everywhere.
We had to take off our shoes and roll up our pants above the knee to wade through water to get the restaurant.
Seated at the table surprisingly was Arne and Wife.
We got together on many occasions for supper, we both had accommodations in a different part of town.
2 Arne was getting medical treatment for prostate cancer and was switching from standard medical treatment
to some a holistic approach, would have appeared to be the wrong decision.
3 Arne was tough negotiator, I recall we were negotiating in India the Dehra Dun turn key installation, I was on the t
I recall Arne walking out of the meeting when they asked for a swimming pool on site. Arne took to chewing
Betel Nut a favorite with the locals. Has some psychoactive ingredient, one's mouth turns red, streets are coated R
because locals are splitting the juice for months before the rains come. They never did get their swimming pool.
We had difficulty finding a hotel room, Arne and myself were assigned the same terrible room.
We walked in and pigeons flew out of the bathroom, droppings and feathers everywhere.
That night Arne refused to use the bed with greyed sheets, he slept in a large chair.
4 Arne was tough in all respects, people on on assignment complained about the tough conditions and the meager
field allowance they got, Arne would not give in to their demands. Shortly after the RCA Eng and Scientists Associa
was formed/Certified. Abe Bell and myself with a few others pioneered the association formation.
Arne Lovas 1925-1997
1993 Cancun Age 68
RCA Employee # 14375
Ed 54 at that time
Mike Morris found a picture of Arne's
head stone, with luck we finally found a picture
for George's Memorial Honor presentation.

I also found the head stone in United Church Cemetry Claytion Ontario
Just noticed that headstone pegs Arne from Norway, Wife from Denmark

er to get the restaurant.

ent part of town.
d medical treatment

nstallation, I was on the team.

ne took to chewing
s red, streets are coated Red
et their swimming pool.

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Eng and Scientists Association

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