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iSCPC User Guide

IDS Release 7.0

September 15, 2006

13865 Sunrise Valley Drive | Herndon, VA 20171 | +1 703.648.8000 |

Copyright © 2006 iDirect, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is
prohibited. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

The specifications and information regarding the products in this manual are subject to change without
notice. All statements, information, and recommendations in this manual are believed to be accurate but
are presented without warranty of any kind, express, or implied. Users must take full responsibility for
their application of any products.

Trademarks, brand names and products mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective
owners. All such references are used strictly in an editorial fashion with no intent to convey any affiliation
with the name or the product’s rightful owner.


1.0 Procedure Overview........................................................................................... 1

1.1 Assumptions ...................................................................................................................1
2.0 Installing the iSCPC Software ........................................................................... 3
2.1 Obtaining the iSCPC Modem Software and iSite Client ..............................................3
2.2 Installing the iSCPC Modem Images and Software......................................................3
Installing Software Directly from the iDirect Web Site .......................................................4
Installing Software from the a CD .....................................................................................4
2.3 Downloading the Software to the iSCPC Modem.........................................................5
Logging On to iSite............................................................................................................5
Downloading the iSCPC Package to an iNFINITI Remote................................................6
Downloading the iSCPC Images to a NetModem or NetModem II Plus............................8
3.0 Creating an iSCPC Connection in iSite .......................................................... 11
3.1 Adding an Unknown Element ......................................................................................11
3.2 Creating the iSCPC Configuration...............................................................................11
3.3 Configuring the Remote Parameters on the Information Tab...................................13
Guidelines for Entering the Transmit and Receive Properties ........................................13
iSCPC Modulation Modes ...............................................................................................14
3.4 Creating and Configuring the Second Remote ..........................................................15
4.0 Configuring the Remote IP Addresses ........................................................... 17
4.1 iSCPC IP Addressing Scheme Guidelines ..................................................................17
4.2 Entering the IP Addressing Information .....................................................................17
4.3 Examples .......................................................................................................................18
Example 1: RIPv2 Enabled .............................................................................................18
Example 2: Static Route with RIPv2 Disabled ................................................................19
5.0 Configuring Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters......................................... 22
5.1 Adding Service Levels..................................................................................................23
5.2 Adding Rules to Service Levels...................................................................................23
5.3 Adding Filter Rules .......................................................................................................25
5.4 Enabling SAR ................................................................................................................26
6.0 Saving and Applying the iSCPC Configurations ........................................... 28
Saving a Remote Options File to Disk ............................................................................28
Applying the iSCPC Configurations ................................................................................28

7.0 Commissioning the SCPC Carriers................................................................. 31
7.1 Determining the Transmit Power.................................................................................31
7.2 Configuring the Transmit Power Values in iSite ........................................................32
8.0 Establishing Link Encryption for iSCPC Connections .................................. 33
8.1 Downloading the iDirect Encryption Key Generation Utility.....................................33
8.2 Generating an Encryption Key.....................................................................................34
8.3 Converting a Binary Encryption Key to iDirect Format .............................................34
8.4 Enabling Link Encryption on an iSCPC Connection..................................................34
8.5 Verifying Correct Operation of the Encrypted Link ...................................................37
9.0 Monitoring iSCPC Remotes ............................................................................. 39
9.1 Viewing Settings and Statistics ...................................................................................39
Settings and Statistics: Equipment Details Tab ..............................................................41
Settings and Statistics: Modem Parameters Tab ............................................................42
Settings and Statistics: Ethernet Statistics Tab...............................................................43
Settings and Statistics: Satcom Statistics Tab ................................................................44
9.2 Viewing the IP Statistics Graph ...................................................................................45
9.3 Viewing Remote Events................................................................................................48
Appendix A Determining Your Remote’s IP Address .......................................... 49
A.1 Opening a Console Connection to a Remote Modem................................................49
A.2 Determining the IP Address of an iNFINITI Remote...................................................49
A.3 Determining the IP Address of a NetModem II or NetModem II Plus........................50
Appendix B Reconfiguring Your PC’s IP Address ............................................... 51
Appendix C Connecting with iSite if Auto-Discovery is Disabled ...................... 53
C.1 Logging On to iSite without Auto-Discovery..............................................................53
C.2 Enabling IGMP Version 2 Messages on Your PC .......................................................54
Appendix D LNB Frequency Stability Requirements ........................................... 57


Figure 1: Selecting Login from the iSite Tree Menu..................................................................................... 5

Figure 2: iSite Login Dialog Box................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3: Selecting Download Package from the iSite Tree Menu .............................................................. 6
Figure 4: Selecting the iNFINITI Software Package to Download ............................................................... 7
Figure 5: Download Package Dialog Box..................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Selecting Download Images from the iSite Tree Menu................................................................. 9
Figure 7: Selecting the NetModem Software Images to Download ............................................................. 9
Figure 8: Download Command Center Dialog Box .................................................................................... 10
Figure 9: Creating a New Element in the iSite Tree................................................................................... 11
Figure 10: Selecting Create Configuration Æ iSCPC from the iSite Tree Menu........................................ 11
Figure 11: iSite iSCPC Configuration Dialog Box – Information Tab......................................................... 12
Figure 12: Change Password Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 13: iSite iSCPC Configuration Dialog Box – IP Configuration Tab ................................................. 17
Figure 14: IP Addressing with RIPv2 Enabled ........................................................................................... 18
Figure 15: Add Static Route Dialog Box..................................................................................................... 19
Figure 16: IP Configuration with Static Route ............................................................................................ 20
Figure 17: Static Routes with Gateway ...................................................................................................... 20
Figure 18: Edit Static Route Dialog Box..................................................................................................... 21
Figure 19: Adding a Static Route for a LAN Gateway................................................................................ 21
Figure 20: iSCPC QoS Tab – Traffic.......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 21: Adding a QoS Service Level ..................................................................................................... 23
Figure 22: Selecting the Add Button for a Service Level Rule ................................................................... 24
Figure 23: Adding a Rule to a Service Level.............................................................................................. 24
Figure 24: Adding a Filter Rule .................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 25: Enabling SAR on your iSCPC remote ...................................................................................... 26
Figure 26: Selecting Save Configuration As from the iSite Tree Menu ..................................................... 28
Figure 27: Selecting Load Configuration From File from the iSite Tree Menu........................................... 29
Figure 28: Selecting Load Configuration From File from the iSite Tree Menu........................................... 29
Figure 29: Applying the Remote Configuration .......................................................................................... 30
Figure 30: Updating the Transmit Power in iSite ....................................................................................... 32
Figure 31: Locating the Keygen Utility on the iDirect Web Site ................................................................. 33
Figure 32: Generating an Encryption Key .................................................................................................. 34
Figure 33: Enabling Link Encryption in iSite............................................................................................... 35
Figure 34: Remote Options File Segment after Selecting Link Encryption in iSite .................................... 35
Figure 35: iNFINITI Options File Segment after Modifying for Encryption................................................. 36

Figure 36: Selecting Telnet from the iSite Tree Menu ............................................................................... 37
Figure 37: Sample output of a successful ping command ......................................................................... 38
Figure 38: Selecting Settings and Statistics from the iSite Tree Menu...................................................... 40
Figure 39: Settings and Statistics: Equipment Details Tab ........................................................................ 41
Figure 40: Settings and Statistics: Modem Parameters Tab...................................................................... 42
Figure 41: Settings and Statistics: Ethernet Statistics Tab ........................................................................ 43
Figure 42: Settings and Statistics: Satcom Statistics Tab.......................................................................... 44
Figure 43: Selecting IP Stats View from the iSite Tree Menu .................................................................... 45
Figure 44: IP Statistics Graph: Default Display .......................................................................................... 46
Figure 45: IP Statistics Graph: Context Menu............................................................................................ 46
Figure 46: IP Statistics Graph: Parameter Selection Area......................................................................... 47
Figure 47: Selecting Event ÆView from the iSite Tree Menu.................................................................... 48
Figure 48: Serial Port Connection Parameters .......................................................................................... 49
Figure 49: Executing the laninfo Command on an iNFINITI Remote .................................................... 50
Figure 50: Local Area Connection Status Dialog Box................................................................................ 51
Figure 51: Local Area Connection Properties Sheet.................................................................................. 51
Figure 52: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Dialog Box..................................................................... 52
Figure 53: Logging On Without Auto-Discovery......................................................................................... 53
Figure 54: Starting the Registry Editor....................................................................................................... 54
Figure 55: Selecting TCP/IP Parameters in the Registry Editor ................................................................ 55
Figure 56: Selecting Modify from in the Registry Editor............................................................................. 55
Figure 57: Changing the IGMP Version to Version 2................................................................................. 55

1.0 Procedure Overview
This document contains the procedure for using iSite to create point-to-point, SCPC
connections between iDirect remote modems. Please read this entire document before building
your iSCPC network. In the procedure, you will create two new remotes in your network,
configure them with the appropriate parameters, and connect them over a satellite link.

The document contains the following major sections and appendices:

Installing the iSCPC Software
Creating an iSCPC Connection in iSite
Configuring the Remote IP Addresses
Configuring Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters
Saving and Applying the iSCPC Configurations
Commissioning the SCPC Carriers
Establishing Link Encryption for iSCPC Connections
Monitoring iSCPC Remotes
Determining Your Remote’s IP Address
Reconfiguring Your PC’s IP Address
Connecting with iSite if Auto-Discovery is Disabled
LNB Frequency Stability Requirements

1.1 Assumptions
The procedure assumes that you have:
Obtained the completed link budget
Installed the proper equipment to meet the link budget requirements

The frequency stability of the LNB required for your remote

Note depends on the size of the carrier being received. Appendix D
shows the frequency stability required at various data rates.

Obtained the frequency assignments from the satellite provider

Obtained the operating specifications for the BUC and the LNB
Built the antenna and installed the IFL cable
Pointed the antenna and verified the polarization (if appropriate) with the satellite

For details on the final two items in the above list, see the iDirect Remote Installation and
Commissioning Guide.

Do not connect the transmit IFL cable to the remote modem
Warning until you are instructed to do so in the commissioning section of
this document.

This document contains the procedure for creating iSCPC

connections using iSite. Beginning with iDS Release 7.0, you
can also establish iSCPC connections between remotes and
iSCPC line cards located at the hub using iBuilder. For details
on configuring an iSCPC connection between a remote and an
iSCPC line card, see the iBuilder User Guide for Release 7.0.

2.0 Installing the iSCPC Software
This section describes the steps for obtaining and installing the iDirect iSCPC modem software
and related application software on a PC running Windows. It also contains the procedure for
downloading the iSCPC software from your PC to your NetModem or iNFINITI remotes.

2.1 Obtaining the iSCPC Modem Software and iSite Client

You can download the iSCPC modem software and iSite GUI client from the iDirect Technical
Assistance (TAC) web site at You can download the files directly to the
client PC, or you can download the files to any PC and copy them to an installation CD.

To download the iSCPC software from the TAC web site, follow these steps:
1. Log on to the TAC web site by connecting your web browser to and
entering your iDirect User Name and Password when prompted.
2. Click the Software Releases link and scroll down to the section named iSCPC Software.

3. Click the link for the iSCPC release you want to install.
4. In the dialog box, select Save to Disk and click OK.

2.2 Installing the iSCPC Modem Images and Software

The steps for installing the software package on your PC differ slightly, depending on whether
you have downloaded the software from the iDirect TAC web site directly to the client PC, or
you have created a copy on CD. The following sections provide the procedures for each case.
Once you have successfully installed the files on your PC, they will be organized into the
following folders:
A folder containing iSCPC documents and tools
A folder, with three subfolders, containing the iSCPC software for each iDirect modem
• NetModem II

• NetModem II Plus
A folder containing the iSite client software

Installing Software Directly from the iDirect Web Site

Once you have downloaded the software from the TAC web site, all files will be contained in a
single ZIP archive file on your PC. Follow these steps to complete the installation:
1. Copy the ZIP archive file to the directory into which you want to extract the files. (The
ZIP file will be named iSCPC-<version>.zip, where <version> is the iDirect release
number. For example, 7_0_1 represents iDirect release 7.0.1.)
2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file using any of the various tools that recognize the .zip
format. The list of such tools includes Info-Zip (, WinZip
(, and PKZIP (, among others. This will
result in the following set of folders containing the documents and software:

NetModem-<version #> /Docs/

where <version #> is the iDirect release number.

3. To make it convenient to start iSite, you can create a shortcut to the iSite folder on your
desktop or taskbar.

Installing Software from the a CD

Follow these steps if you want to install the iSCPC package from a CD:
1. Insert the CD into the CD drive of your PC.
2. Open the CD drive and navigate to the CD folder containing the file iSCPC-
<version>.zip, where <version> is the iDirect release number. For example, 7_0_1
represents iDirect release 7.0.1.
3. Copy the ZIP archive file to the location on the client PC into which you want to extract
the files.
4. Select the file iSCPC-<version>.zip and extract the contents of the ZIP file using any of
the various tools that recognize the .zip format. The list of such tools includes Info-Zip
(, WinZip (, and PKZIP
(, among others. This will result in the following set of folders
containing the documents and software:

NetModem-<version #> /Docs/

where <version #> is the iDirect release number.
5. To make it convenient to start iSite, you can create a shortcut to the iSite folder on your
desktop or taskbar.

2.3 Downloading the Software to the iSCPC Modem

The procedures in this section explain how to log on to iSite and download the iSCPC software
images to your remote modems. The steps for downloading the software vary slightly,
depending on whether you have NetModem or iNFINITI remotes.

Logging On to iSite

Follow these steps to log on to your remote modem using iSite.

1. If you do not know the IP address and subnet mask of the remote, determine these
settings by following the procedure in Appendix A on page 49.
2. Configure the IP address of your PC or laptop as a host in the remote’s subnet by
following the procedure in Appendix B on 51.
3. Connect the LAN port of your PC or laptop to the LAN port on the remote using a
crossover LAN cable. (If you are connecting to a 5000 Series or 7000 Series iNFINITI
remote, connect a straight-through LAN cable to any of the eight LAN B ports.)
4. Start iSite by opening the shortcut that you created earlier. (Or navigate to the directory
in which you stored the iSite application and double-click iSite.) Assuming that you have
IP connectivity between the NetModem and your PC, iSite should automatically discover
the modem and display it in the iSite Tree View.

Auto-discovery does not work reliably in all versions of the

Windows operating system. If iSite does not discover your
remote modem, see Appendix C on page 53 for alternate
methods of logging on to the remote.

5. Log on to the remote using iSite as follows:

a. Right-click the remote in the iSite Tree View (Figure 1) and select Login to
display the Login dialog box (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Selecting Login from the iSite Tree Menu

b. In the Login As area of the iSite Login dialog box, select Admin. Then enter the
Admin Password and click OK. (“iDirect” is the default Admin password.)

Figure 2: iSite Login Dialog Box

c. Click OK to log on.

If you have an iNFINITI remote, follow the procedure in the next section to download the
software from your PC to the remote modem. If you have a NetModem II or NetModem II Plus
modem, please skip to the section “Downloading the iSCPC Images to a NetModem or
NetModem II Plus” on page 8.

Downloading the iSCPC Package to an iNFINITI Remote

Follow the steps in this section to download the executable images to an iDirect iNFINITI
remote. If you have NetModem II or NetModem II Plus, follow the steps in the next section.
1. Right-click the remote in the Tree View and select Download Package from the menu to
display the Download Package dialog box. (See Figure 5).

Figure 3: Selecting Download Package from the iSite Tree Menu

2. Click the Open button in the Download Package dialog box to display the Open dialog
box (Figure 4). In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder that contains the iNFINITI
software package. By default, the iNFINITI software package is installed on your PC in
the following folder:
NetModem-<version #>/Images/Remote_iNFINITI, where <version #>
is the iDirect release number.

Figure 4: Selecting the iNFINITI Software Package to Download

3. In the Open dialog box, double-click the .pkg file to select the package for download and
return to the Download Package dialog box. The file names for all files to be
downloaded are displayed in the Contents area of the dialog box.
4. Select the following options in the Download Package dialog box:
a. In the Image Version Check area, select Don’t check versions.
b. In the Configurations area, select Download images only.
c. In the Reset area, select Don’t reset.
5. Click the Start button to begin the download.

Figure 5: Download Package Dialog Box
6. Monitor the progress of the download in the Information area of the dialog box and
report any abnormalities to the iDirect TAC.
7. Close the Download Package dialog box when the word Done is displayed, indicating
that the package download is complete.

Do not reset the remote modem at this time. The reset will be
performed later in this procedure.

Downloading the iSCPC Images to a NetModem or NetModem II Plus

Follow these steps to download the executable images to an iDirect NetModem II or NetModem
II Plus. If you have iNFINITI remotes, follow the steps in the previous section.
1. Right-click the remote in the Tree View and select Download Images from the menu to
display the Download Command Center dialog box. (See Figure 8.)

Figure 6: Selecting Download Images from the iSite Tree Menu
2. Click the Select button in the Download Command Center dialog box (Figure 8) to
display the Open dialog box. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder that contains
the NetModem software images for your NetModem or NetModem II Plus. By default,
these images are installed on your PC in the following folders:
NetModem-<version #>/Images/iSCPC_NM2
NetModem-<version #>/Images/iSCPC_2Plus

Figure 7: Selecting the NetModem Software Images to Download

3. In the Open dialog box, double-click the .ldr file to select the images for download and
return to the Download Command Center dialog box. When you select the .ldr file, the
correct set of images will automatically be selected for download.
4. Select DEFRAGMENT in the Download Command Center dialog box.
5. Click the Download button to begin the download.

Figure 8: Download Command Center Dialog Box
6. Monitor the progress of the download in the Status area of the dialog box and report any
abnormalities to the iDirect TAC.
7. Close the Download Command Center dialog box when the word Completed is
displayed, indicating that the image download is complete.

Do not reset the remote modem at this time. The reset will be
performed later in this procedure.

3.0 Creating an iSCPC Connection in iSite
This section explains how to use iSite to configure an iSCPC connection between two remotes.
You will need to configure these parameters on each of the two remotes in the circuit.

3.1 Adding an Unknown Element

Add a new element in iSite as follows:

1. Launch iSite. (Do not log on at this point.)
2. In the Tree View, right-click on the iDirect globe and select New from the menu. A new
element labeled Unknown# 0 [] is added to the iSite tree. (See Figure 9.)

Figure 9: Creating a New Element in the iSite Tree

3.2 Creating the iSCPC Configuration

Follow these steps to create the iSCPC element in the Tree View:
1. Right-click the Unknown element in the tree.
2. Select Create Configuration Æ iSCPC to display the iSCPC Configuration dialog box
Information tab. (See Figure 11.)

Figure 10: Selecting Create Configuration Æ iSCPC from the iSite Tree Menu

Figure 11: iSite iSCPC Configuration Dialog Box – Information Tab

3.3 Configuring the Remote Parameters on the Information Tab

Once you have created the iSCPC element in the Tree View, follow these steps to configure the
parameters on the remote Information tab.
1. Select the Model Type of your remote modem.
2. Enter the Serial Number of your remote modem.
3. If you want to change the User Password or the Admin Password for the remote:
a. Click on the ellipsis button (…) beside the password text box for the password
you want to change.

b. In the Change Password dialog box (Figure 12), enter and confirm the new
c. Click OK to save the password and return to the main dialog box.

Figure 12: Change Password Dialog Box

4. Select any options (such as Link Encryption or Compression types) that you want to
apply to your iSCPC connection. (For details on configuring your iSCPC connection for
Link Encryption, see “Establishing Link Encryption for iSCPC Connections” on page 33.)
5. Enter the Transmit and Receive properties, using the guidelines in the next section.

Guidelines for Entering the Transmit and Receive Properties

Use these guidelines when entering the iSCPC transmit and receive properties.

Transmit Properties

L-Band Frequency: L-Band frequency can be calculated using this formula:

Transmit L-Band Frequency = RF Uplink Center Frequency – BUC Translation
BUC Translation Frequency: Determined by the operational parameters of the
BUC, entered in MHz
Transmit Power: Enter a transmit power of –25 dBm. This setting will be adjusted
during the commissioning procedure.
Information Rate: The data rate from the satellite provider frequency assignment,
entered in kbps.

Modulation: Select a modulation type. (See Table 1 for options.)
Error Correction: Select a FEC rate. (See Table 1 for options.)
Scrambling: Select the default, IDR. This is the only available selection.
FEC Blocks per frame: Select a frame length that is as close as possible to 125 ms.
ODU Tx DC Power: Select this setting if you require the modem to provide 24 Volts
DC power to the BUC.
ODU Tx 10 MHz: Select this setting if you require the modem to provide the 10 MHz
clock to the BUC.
Spectral Inversion: Select this setting if required by the BUC.

Receive Properties

L-Band Frequency: L-Band frequency can be calculated using this formula:

Receive L-Band Frequency = RF Downlink Center Frequency – LNB Translation

LNB Translation Freq: Determined by the operational parameters of the LNB,

entered in MHz.
LNB Stability (+/-): Determined by the operational parameters of the LNB, entered
in MHz.
Information Rate: The data rate from the satellite provider frequency assignment,
entered in kbps.
Modulation: Select a modulation type. (See Table 1 on page 15 for options.)
Error Correction: Select a FEC rate. (See Table 1 on page 15 for options.)
Scrambling: Select the default, IDR. This is the only available selection.
FEC Blocks per Frame: Enter the same value as configured for the transmit
properties of the peer remote.
ODU Tx DC Power: Select this setting if you require the modem to provide 24 Volts
DC power to the LNB.
ODU Tx 10 MHz: Select this setting if you require the modem to provide the 10 MHz
clock to the LNB.
Spectral Inversion: Select this setting if required by the LNB and downconverter.

iSCPC Modulation Modes

Table 1 shows the iSCPC FEC rates and modulation modes supported for each iDirect modem
type in iDirect release 7.0. Earlier releases support a subset of these services. When
configuring your iSCPC connections, iSite limits your selections of Modulation and Error
Correction parameters to those supported on your modem for your release.

Table 1: iSCPC Modulation Modes

Modulation Mode
iSCPC Payload
7.0 iSCPC Links

Hardware Support BPSK QPSK 8PSK Block Size §

FEC Bytes
.431 53
5000 Series, 7000 Series Yes Yes X 1K
.533 66
5000 Series, 7000 Series Yes Yes X
.495 4K 251
II+ X Yes X
5000 Series, 7000 Series Yes Yes Yes
.793 4K 404
II+ X Yes X
.879 5000 Series, 7300 Series Yes Yes Yes 16K 1800
§ SCPC channel framing uses a modified HDLC header, which requires bit-stuffing to prevent false end-of-frame detection.
The actual payload is variable, and always slightly less than the numbers indicated in the table.

3.4 Creating and Configuring the Second Remote

Repeat the steps in sections 3.1 through 3.3 to create and configure the second remote in the
iSCPC connection.

The diagram on the next page will help you to determine the correct parameters.

Remote A Remote B
RF Uplink Center Frequency _______________________ RF Downlink Center Frequency _______________________
Tx L -Band Frequency _______________________ Rx L -Band Frequency _______________________
Polarization _______________________ Data Rate _________ Polarization _______________________ Data Rate ________

RF Uplink Frequency – BUC Frequency Trans = Tx L -Band RF Downlink Frequency – LNB Frequency Trans = Rx L-Band

Satellite ____________

NetModem A NetModem B

Remote A Remote B
RF Downlink Center Frequency _______________________ RF Uplink Center Frequency _______________________
Rx L -Band Frequency _______________________ Tx L -Band Frequency _______________________
Polarization _______________________ Data Rate ________ Polarization _______________________ Data Rate _________

RF Down Link Frequency – LNB Frequency Trans = Rx L -Band RF Uplink Frequency – BUC Frequency Trans = Tx L - Band

Remote A BUC Parameters Remote B BUC Parameters

BUC Translation Frequency _______________________ MHz
BUC Translation Frequency _______________________ MHz
ODU DC Power _______________________ Y/N
ODU DC Power _______________________ Y/N
ODU IO MHz Reference _______________________ Y/N
ODU IO MHz Reference _______________________ Y/N
Spectral Inversion _______________________ Y/N
Spectral Inversion _______________________ Y/N

Remote A LNB Parameters Remote B LNB Parameters

LNB Translation Frequency _______________________ MHz
LNB Translation Frequency _______________________ MHz
Frequency Stability _______________________ MHz
Frequency Stability _______________________ MHz
ODU DC Power _______________________ Y/N
ODU DC Power _______________________ Y/N
ODU IO MHz Reference _______________________ Y/N
ODU IO MHz Reference _______________________ Y/N
Spectral Inversion _______________________ Y/N
Spectral Inversion _______________________ Y/N

Remote B Eth0 IP address_____________________ Remote B Eth0 IP address_____________________

SAT0 IP address____________________ SAT0 IP address____________________

4.0 Configuring the Remote IP Addresses
This section provides guidelines and procedures for configuring the IP addresses on the
remotes in your iSCPC connection.

4.1 iSCPC IP Addressing Scheme Guidelines

Follow these guidelines when configuring the IP addressing information for each remote:

Eth0 of remote A cannot be within the same network as the Eth0 of remote B.
Sat0 of remote A must be within the same network as the Sat0 of remote B.
Sat0 must not be within either of the networks used on either Eth0.
RIP on Eth0 must be enabled in both remotes or static routes must be in place to direct
traffic. (See the examples beginning on 18.)

4.2 Entering the IP Addressing Information

1. Click the IP Configuration tab. (See Figure 13.)

Figure 13: iSite iSCPC Configuration Dialog Box – IP Configuration Tab

2. Enter the ETH0 interface IP Address and Subnet Mask for the default VLAN.
3. Enter the SAT0 interface IP Address and Subnet Mask.

The IP addressing should be planned such that the SAT0

Note interfaces on both of the iSCPC remotes are in the same

4. You must enable RIP on ETH0 for both remotes, or static routes must be in place to
direct traffic. (See the examples in the next section for the steps required for these
operations.) Therefore, do one of the following:
a. Enable RIP routing by selecting Enable RIPv2.

b. Add Static Route on each remote with the gateway pointing to the SAT0
interface on the peer remote.

4.3 Examples

These examples in this section illustrate how to configure your remotes with RIPv2 enabled
(Example 1) and how to configure your remotes using static routes with RIPv2 disabled
(Example 2). In the examples, the remotes are configured with the IP Addresses shown in
Table 2.
Table 2: IP Addressing Schemes for Examples A and B
Remote Eth0 Addresses Sat0 Addresses
Remote A / 24 / 24
Remote B / 24 / 24

Example 1: RIPv2 Enabled

To configure the iSCPC connection using RIPv2:

1. Select the IP Configuration tab.

2. In the ETH0 Interface section, enter the Eth0 addressing for the remote.
3. In the SAT0 Interface section, enter the Sat0 addressing for the remote.
4. Select the Enable RIPv2 check box for both the Eth0 Interface and the Sat0 Interface.
5. Repeat these steps for the peer remote.

Figure 14 shows the configuration for Remote A. Remote B should be configured in a similar
manner, using the second set of addresses in Table 2.

Figure 14: IP Addressing with RIPv2 Enabled

Example 2: Static Route with RIPv2 Disabled

To configure the iSCPC connection with RIPv2 disabled using static routes:
1. Select the IP Configuration tab.
2. In the ETH0 Interface section, enter the Eth0 addressing for the remote.
3. In the SAT0 Interface section, enter the Sat0 addressing for the remote.
4. Open the Add Static Route or Edit Static Route dialog box for the remote by clicking
the Add or Edit button in the Static Routes section of the dialog box.
5. In the IP Address text box, enter the range of addresses that you want to forward to the
peer remote over the satellite.
6. Enter the Subnet Mask.
7. In Gateway, enter the peer remote’s Sat0 interface.
8. In Interface, select Sat0.
9. You do not need to configure a Cost for the route. Since there is only one static route,
Cost has no meaning in iSCPC.
10. Click OK.

Figure 15 illustrates adding the static route to Remote A. Figure 16 shows the IP
Configuration tab on Remote A after adding the IP addressing information and the static route.

Figure 15: Add Static Route Dialog Box

Figure 16: IP Configuration with Static Route

Looking at the static route configured in Figure 16, if a packet is destined for the IP Address,
the remote will forward it to the Gateway through the configured Interface. Thus, in the
example, if Remote A receives a packet on its Eth0 interface destined for the
network, it will forward the packet to Remote B’s Sat0 Gateway ( using its own Sat0
interface. Remote B’s Sat0 is programmed by default to send those packets to remote B’s Eth0.

A common configuration includes a gateway router at one site to handle traffic on a customer
network. If a site is configured with a gateway, then default routing is not sufficient to forward
traffic received on the sat0 interface to the router on the LAN. Figure 17 shows the addition of
gateway to the configuration in Figure 16.

Figure 17: Static Routes with Gateway

To add a static route that will forward the satellite traffic to the gateway over the LAN interface,
follow these additional steps:
1. In the Static Routes area, select the default route and click the Edit button to display
the Edit Static Route dialog box. (Figure 18)

Figure 18: Edit Static Route Dialog Box

2. In Gateway, enter the IP address of the gateway.

3. In Interface, select Eth0.
4. You do not need to configure a Cost for the route. Since there is only one static route,
Cost has no meaning in iSCPC.
5. Click OK.

Figure 19: Adding a Static Route for a LAN Gateway

Figure 19 shows the addition of the static route for the LAN gateway. Note that selecting Eth0 in
the Edit Static Route dialog box results in ixp1 in the Interface column for the static route.
With the addition of the new static route, any packet that the remote receives on its sat0
interface will be routed to the gateway with IP address on the eth0 interface.

5.0 Configuring Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters
Quality of Service (QoS) refers to the classification and prioritization of IP traffic in order to
optimize the delivery of packets based on various criteria such as traffic type, source and
destination IP addresses, etc. Attributes of a connection that affect QoS include throughput,
latency, jitter and packet loss, among others. For example, voice packets require minimal
latency and jitter. Configuring QoS parameters to allow voice packets to be sent at a higher
priority than data packets can improve the QoS of Voice over IP (VoIP) traffic. For a detailed
discussion of iDirect QoS principals see the iDS Technical Reference Guide for Release 7.0.

Using the QoS tab, you can configure service levels and filters that control the QoS of the traffic
on your iSCPC link. When you click the QoS tab for your iSCPC connection, you will see three
additional sub-tabs at the bottom of the screen labeled Traffic, Filter and Data Rate (Figure
20). Selecting a sub-tab allows you to define the parameters for each category.

Figure 20: iSCPC QoS Tab – Traffic

5.1 Adding Service Levels

To define a Service Level on the QoS tab, follow these steps:

1. Select the Traffic sub-tab of the QoS tab.
2. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the dialog box to enable editing.
3. Click the Add button in the Service Levels area of the screen to display the Add
Service Level dialog box (Figure 21).

Figure 21: Adding a QoS Service Level

4. Enter a Level Name for the service level.
5. Enter the remaining QoS parameters for your Service Level as required. (For
descriptions of the various Service Level parameters, see the section “Adding a Service
Level” in the iBuilder User Guide for Release 7.0.)

5.2 Adding Rules to Service Levels

Once you’ve defined a Service Level, that Service Level is displayed in the Rules area of the
dialog box. You can add rules to the Service Level as follows:
1. Select the Service Level in the Rules area of the QoS Traffic sub-tab and click the Add
button to display the Add Rule dialog box (Figure 23).

Figure 22: Selecting the Add Button for a Service Level Rule

Figure 23: Adding a Rule to a Service Level

2. In the Add Rule dialog box, define the rule for this Service Level by entering the
qualifiers you want to associate with the rule. Selecting a check box to the left of a
qualifier allows you to enter the parameters in that area of the screen.
3. When you are finished defining the rule, click OK to save your changes.

5.3 Adding Filter Rules

In addition to the rules associated with your Service Levels, you can also add Filter rules that
are applied independently of the Service Levels. To add these rules:
1. At the bottom of the QoS tab, select the Filter sub-tab.
2. In the QoS Filter sub-tab, click the Add button to display the Add Filter dialog box
(Figure 24).

Figure 24: Adding a Filter Rule

3. In the Add Filter dialog box, define the rule by entering the qualifiers you want to
associate with the rule. Selecting a check box to the left of a qualifier allows you to enter
the parameters in that area of the screen.
4. When you are finished defining the rule, click OK to save your changes.

5.4 Enabling SAR

By default, Segment Assembly and Reassembly (SAR) is not enabled on your iSCPC remotes.
You can enable SAR and define a SAR segment size on the Data Rate sub-tab of the QoS tab.
For more on SAR, see the chapter titled “QoS Implementation Principals” in the iDS Technical
Reference Guide for Release 7.0.

Follow these steps to enable SAR and set the segment length:
1. Click the Data Rate sub-tab at the bottom of the QoS tab.
2. In the SAR area of the screen, select the check box to the left of Segment Size to
enable SAR.
3. Enter a Segment Size.

Figure 25: Enabling SAR on your iSCPC remote

The remaining fields on this tab are not applicable to iSCPC


Note You do not need to configure the parameters on the Geo
Location tab. Geo Location dialog parameters, used by the
Look Angle Calculator, are not required for iSCPC operation.

6.0 Saving and Applying the iSCPC Configurations
This section explains how to save your remote options files to disk and how to download the
options files to your iSCPC remotes.

Saving a Remote Options File to Disk

When you have finished entering the remote configuration parameters, you can save the remote
options file to your hard disk as follows:
1. Right-click the iSCPC remote in the Tree View and select Save Configuration As.

Figure 26: Selecting Save Configuration As from the iSite Tree Menu
2. In the Save As dialog box, navigate to the folder in which you want to save your options
file. Enter a file name and click the Save button.

Applying the iSCPC Configurations

Follow this procedure to load the remote modems with the iSCPC parameters that you entered
previously. Before you can apply the iSCPC configuration to a remote, you must first establish
IP connectivity to that remote from your PC or laptop computer. The procedure assumes that
you have already downloaded the iSCPC software to the remote modems. If not, please follow
the procedure in section 2.0 on page 3 before you execute the steps in this section.
To apply the iSCPC configuration using iSite, the following conditions must exist:
Your computer’s IP address must be in the range of addresses specified by the remote’s
IP address and subnet mask.
Your subnet mask must match the remote’s subnet mask.
Your computer must be connected directly to the remote via a LAN crossover cable, or
indirectly via an external switch or router.

Follow the steps in this section to apply the iSCPC configurations to your remote modems.
1. If you do not know the IP address and subnet mask of the remote, determine these
settings by following the procedure in Appendix A on page 49.
2. Configure the IP address of your PC or laptop as a host in the remote’s subnet by
following the procedure in Appendix B on 51.
3. Connect the LAN port of your PC or laptop to the LAN port on the remote using a
crossover LAN cable.
4. Log on to the remote using iSite. (For details, see “Logging On to iSite” on page 5.)
5. To load the configuration from a saved Options file, right-click on the remote in the Tree
View and select Load Configuration From File.

Figure 27: Selecting Load Configuration From File from the iSite Tree Menu
6. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder in which you stored the remote options file.
Then double-click the options file you want to apply to this remote.

Figure 28: Selecting Load Configuration From File from the iSite Tree Menu

7. In the Tree View, right-click the remote and select Apply Configuration to Remote.
Then click Reset Now.

Figure 29: Applying the Remote Configuration

After you have applied both configurations and reset the remotes, you are ready to commission
the SCPC carriers with your Satellite Provider. This is described in the following section.

7.0 Commissioning the SCPC Carriers
As preparation for carrier commissioning:
Review the remotes’ configurations to ensure that the L-Band frequencies and the ODU
parameters are correct for the BUC and the LNB
Follow the appropriate satellite provider access procedures and contact your Satellite
Provider to commission the carrier.

7.1 Determining the Transmit Power

Work with your satellite provider to commission the carriers as follows:

1. Disconnect the power to the remote modems.
2. Connect the transmit IFL cable to the modems.
Ensure that your remote is powered off before connecting the
transmit cable to the remote. The remote must be powered off
whenever the transmit or receive cables are connected or
3. Apply power to the remote modems when instructed by the satellite provider to bring up
the carrier.
4. Log on to the remote through the console port
5. If you are required to transmit at a frequency other than the operational frequency, use
the tx freq command to change to the new frequency. The command has the
following syntax:
tx freq <fx> where <fx> is the L-band frequency in MHz.
6. If a CW carrier is required, enter the following commands:
a. tx cw enable
b. tx cw on
7. Enter the following command to adjust the transmit power of the remote:
Tx Power +/- <XX.X> where XX.X represents the increase or decrease in

Begin with a low transmit power, increasing the power

Note gradually until the desired level is reached. The range of
transmit power for iDirect remotes is from -35 dBm to +7 dBm.

8. If using a CW carrier, you can turn it off by typing:

tx cw off

To force the remote to transmit a modulated carrier instead of a CW carrier, reset the remote.

7.2 Configuring the Transmit Power Values in iSite

After the proper carrier level has been established through the console port on both remotes,
you must update the transmit power in the iSite remote configuration.

For each remote:

1. In iSite, update the Transmit Power in the Transmit Properties section of the
Information tab to match the power determined during the commissioning procedure.
(See Figure 30.)

Figure 30: Updating the Transmit Power in iSite

2. Follow the procedure in section 5.0 on page 22 to apply the new configurations and
reset the modems.

Receive lock should now be achieved by both remotes and your iSCPC connection should be

8.0 Establishing Link Encryption for iSCPC Connections
iDirect supports the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for iSCPC connections between
iNFINITI remotes and Triple DES encryption for iSCPC connections between NetModems. Only
static keys are currently supported. To enable encryption, you must add the encryption key to
the options file of each remote in the connection and download the options files to the remotes.
Changing keys requires you to edit and reload the options files.

For iNFINITI remotes, link encryption is only available on the

5150, 5350 and 7350 models.

8.1 Downloading the iDirect Encryption Key Generation Utility

You must have a valid encryption key in the iDirect format before you can enable encryption for
your iSCPC link. The iDirect keygen utility is a Linux-based executable file that you can load on
any Linux-based computer to generate new keys or to convert existing keys to iDirect format.
You can download keygen from the TAC web site by following these steps:
1. Log on to the TAC web site by connecting your web browser to and
entering your iDirect User Name and Password when prompted.
2. Click the Software Releases link and scroll down to the section named iSCPC Software.
3. Click the KEYGEN link and select Save to Disk in the dialog box to download
keygen.bz2 to your PC or laptop.

Figure 31: Locating the Keygen Utility on the iDirect Web Site
4. Using a utility such as WinSCP, copy keygen.bz2 from your PC or laptop to the
directory on the Linux-based machine in which you plan to run keygen.
5. Log on to the Linux-based machine and change to the directory containing the zip file
6. Enter the following command to unzip keygen.bz2. This will replace keygen.bz2 with
the keygen file.
bunzip2 keygen.bz2
7. Enter the following command to make keygen an executable file:
chmod a+x keygen

You can now use keygen to generate new encryption keys in the iDirect format or to convert
existing binary keys to the iDirect format

8.2 Generating an Encryption Key

Follow these steps to generate a new encryption key in the iDirect format. If you already have a
valid binary key, see section 8.3 for instructions on how to convert it to the iDirect format.
1. Log on to the Linux-based computer on which keygen is installed.
2. Enter the following command to generate an encryption key in iDirect format:
keygen -<key type> -gen
where <key type> is 3des or aes.
Figure 32 shows the command to generate an AES encryption key to a file named
key.txt and the resulting key.

Figure 32: Generating an Encryption Key

Note To view the keygen command usage, enter keygen with no


8.3 Converting a Binary Encryption Key to iDirect Format

Keygen generates new keys in the format required by the iDirect system. However, if you obtain
a binary key from another source, you must execute keygen to convert it to the iDirect format.
To perform the conversion, keygen requires the binary key to be contained in an input file.

Follow these steps to convert an existing binary key to the iDirect format:
1. Log on to the Linux-based machine on which keygen is installed.
2. Copy the file containing the binary key to the Linux-based machine.
3. Enter the following command to perform the conversion:
keygen -<key type> -file <filename>
where <key type> is 3des or aes and <filename> is the name of the file
containing the binary key.

8.4 Enabling Link Encryption on an iSCPC Connection

Follow these steps for each remote in the iSCPC connection to enable encryption on the SCPC

1. Log on to your iSCPC remote using iSite. (See instructions on page 5 for logging on to
iSite.) Once you log on, the iSCPC Configuration Information tab will be displayed
2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the Edit button.
3. Select the Link Encryption check box (Figure 33).

Figure 33: Enabling Link Encryption in iSite

4. Right-click the iSCPC remote in the Tree View and select Save Configuration As.
5. In the Save As dialog box, navigate to the folder in which you want to save your options
file. Enter a file name and click the Save button. (Do not apply the changes at this time.)
6. Open the remote options file with Notepad or another text editor.
7. Scroll down in the options file until you see the [ENC] section. Figure 34 contains an
example of this section of an options file after Link Encryption has been selected in

Figure 34: Remote Options File Segment after Selecting Link Encryption in iSite
8. Edit the remote options file as follows:
a. Delete the lines:
enc_algorithm = dynamic
enc_algorithm_mode = dynamic
b. Add the lines:
enc_key = <Key>
where <Key> is the key you generated using keygen.

enc_algorithm = <Type>
where <Type> = AES for iNFINITI remotes or 3DES for NetModems.
enc_algorithm_mode = <Mode>
where <Mode> = CFB for iNFINITI remotes or CBC for NetModems.
enc_static = 1

For an iNFINITI remote, the edited options file should be similar to the example in
Figure 35. (For a NetModem, enc_algorithm should be set to 3DES and
enc_algorithm_mode should be set to CBC.)

Figure 35: iNFINITI Options File Segment after Modifying for Encryption
9. Save the modified options file.
10. Using iSite, follow the procedure in section 6.0 on page 28 to download the modified
options file to the remote.

Link encryption will take efffect on the iSCPC link after you have downloaded the modified
options files to both remotes in your iSCPC connection.

8.5 Verifying Correct Operation of the Encrypted Link

Once you have enabled encryption on your iSCPC remotes, you can verify that the link is
successfully carrying encrypted data by following the steps in this section. Perform these steps
on both iSCPC remotes.
1. In iSite, right click on the iSCPC remote in the Tree View and select Telnet from the

Figure 36: Selecting Telnet from the iSite Tree Menu

2. In the Telnet window, log on to the remote modem as Username: Admin. “iDirect” is
the default Password.
3. Enter the following command to verify that encryption is enabled on the remote:
enc stats
The following is sample output from an iNFINITI remote with AES encryption enabled:
CurrentEncryptor = "AES_SW"
CurrentEncryptorMode = "CFB"
Encrypted = 12
Decrypted = 11
FailedToEncrypt = 0
FailedToDecrypt = 0
PushThruRefused = 0
PushThruFailed = 0
Filtered = 0

4. Check the communication path by typing:

ping <IP Address>
where <IP Address> is the IP address of the peer remote.

Figure 37 shows sample output of a successful ping command.

Figure 37: Sample output of a successful ping command

9.0 Monitoring iSCPC Remotes
Using iSite, you can monitor the settings, statistics and events associated with your remote
modems. Specifically, you can view the following data on an iSCPC remote:
Configuration and status details of the remote equipment
Modem parameters associated with the remote’s modulator and demodulator
Ethernet statistics (Beginning with release 7.1)
Satellite communications (Satcom) transmit and receive statistics (Beginning with
release 7.1)
IP transmit and receive statistics
Events generated by the remote

This section explains how to use iSite to monitor these values. You do not need to be logged on
to iSite to view the various settings and statistics. However, you must log on to reset statistics or
to view events.

The Ethernet statistics and Satcom statistics will not be

available in iSite until iDS release 7.1. In earlier releases, you
Note can view these statistics from the command line as follows:
Telnet to your remote. On iNFINITI remotes, enter the following
commands: eth, hdlc stats, and dma stats. On NetModems,
enter the commands scpc and scc stats.

9.1 Viewing Settings and Statistics

The iSite Settings and Statistics screen has four tabs:

Equipment Details
Modem Parameters
Ethernet Statistics
Satcom Statistics

Follow the procedure in this section to view the Settings and Statistics screen:
1. Right-click the iSCPC remote in the Tree View and select Settings and Statistics Æ
View from the menu. (Figure 38)

Figure 38: Selecting Settings and Statistics from the iSite Tree Menu
2. Click the tab you wish to view. An overview of each tab is discussed below.

You can also open the Settings and Statistics screen, as well
as the other monitor screens, from the Monitor menu in the
Note iSite menu bar. However, it is important to note that the menu
bar is context-sensitive. The selection of available menus
changes, depending on the selected screen type (configure or

Settings and Statistics: Equipment Details Tab

The Equipment Details tab is shown in Figure 39. This tab displays status and configuration
details about the remote modem, including operating temperature, transmit and receive lock,
receive Automatic Gain Control (AGC), etc. The status information is updated in real time.

Figure 39: Settings and Statistics: Equipment Details Tab

If the Downstream SNR field displays -1, the receiver is not

locked to a carrier.

Settings and Statistics: Modem Parameters Tab

The Modem Parameters tab is shown in Figure 40. This tab displays configuration details
about the remote modem’s Modulator and Demodulator, as well as the Connection Data
Source and Interface Type.

Figure 40: Settings and Statistics: Modem Parameters Tab

Note The Data Source field in the Connection area of the screen
indicates the source of the data transmitted by this remote.

Settings and Statistics: Ethernet Statistics Tab

The Ethernet Statistics tab displays statistics associated with the LAN interface of the SCPC
modem, including transmit statistics, receive statistics, and interrupt statistics. The information
shown on the Ethernet Statistics tab is typically used by iDirect support personnel and
engineers to troubleshoot communications problems. You should not need to use this tab
unless you are working directly with the iDirect TAC.

You can return the IP Statistics counts to zero by clicking the Reset Stats button. You must be
logged on to the modem to reset the statistics.

The Ethernet Statistics tab is shown in Figure 41.

Figure 41: Settings and Statistics: Ethernet Statistics Tab

Settings and Statistics: Satcom Statistics Tab

The Satcom Statistics tab displays statistics associated with the satellite interface of the SCPC
modem, including transmit statistics, receive statistics, and other (miscellaneous) statistics. The
information shown on the Satcom Statistics tab is typically used by iDirect support personnel
and engineers to troubleshoot communications problems. You should not need to use this tab
unless you are working directly with the iDirect TAC.

You can return the Satcom Statistics counts to zero by clicking the Reset Stats button. You
must be logged on to the modem to reset the statistics.

The Satcom Statistics tab is shown in Figure 42.

Figure 42: Settings and Statistics: Satcom Statistics Tab

9.2 Viewing the IP Statistics Graph

iSite’s IP statistics graph displays IP traffic in both the transmit direction and the receive
direction. By selecting display parameters, you can customize various aspects of the graph,
such as the type of IP packets displayed and the time interval of the data. The graph shows
real-time data, beginning at the time that the screen is launched.

To display the IP Statistics graph,

1. Right-click your iSCPC remote in the Tree View and select IP Stats Æ View from the
menu. (Figure 43)

Figure 43: Selecting IP Stats View from the iSite Tree Menu

By default, the IP Statistics graph is displayed with panes for both transmit and receive
packets, and with all parameters enabled. (See Figure 44.)

Figure 44: IP Statistics Graph: Default Display

2. If you want to modify the display parameters, right-click anywhere in the graph area of
the screen to view the context menu.

Figure 45: IP Statistics Graph: Context Menu

3. Either select the display settings directly from the context menu, or select Parameters
from the menu to show the parameters area of the screen as shown in Figure 46. The
parameter selections are discussed below.

Figure 46: IP Statistics Graph: Parameter Selection Area

The selectable display options for the IP Statistics graph are listed here. Some parameters are
configurable only from the context menu. (See Figure 45.) All others can be selected either
from the context menu or from the parameters area of the screen. Menu-only selections are
indicated in parentheses below.
Direction: Allows you to view the transmit traffic graph, the receive traffic graph, or both.
Units: Toggles the y-axis of the graph between kilobits per second (by selecting Bits)
and kilobytes per second (by selecting Bytes).
Interval: Toggles the x-axis of the graph among the following selections:
ƒ Seconds: Displays three minutes of data.
ƒ Minutes: Displays one hour of data, averaged over one minute.
ƒ Hours: Displays 12 hours of data, averaged over 10 minutes.
Activity: Allows you to select which IP traffic types to display, or to show the total IP
traffic as a single line on the graph.
Properties (context menu only): Allows to you modify the default color settings.
Legend (context menu only): Displays a color-coded legend of the graph contents.
Parameters (context menu only): Displays the parameters section at the top of the

9.3 Viewing Remote Events

iSCPC remotes generate events and warnings concerning various aspects of operation such as
component failures, loss of receive lock, etc. You can view the events generated by an iSCPC
remote as follows:
1. Right-click the iSCPC remote in the Tree View.
2. Select Event Æ View from the menu.

Figure 47: Selecting Event ÆView from the iSite Tree Menu

Appendix A Determining Your Remote’s IP Address
This appendix provides the procedure for determining the IP address of an iDirect remote
modem. In order to determine the IP address, you must first establish a console connection to
the modem from your PC and log on to the iDirect application on the modem. The procedure for
determining the IP address differs slightly between iNFINITI remotes and NetModems.

A.1 Opening a Console Connection to a Remote Modem

In order to determine the IP address of your remote you must first establish a console
connection to the remote from your PC. Follow these steps to establish a console connection:
1. Connect a serial cable between the COM1 port of your PC or Laptop and the console
port on the remote modem.
2. Launch a terminal emulator such as Tera Term or HyperTerminal and configure the
serial connection with the settings shown in Figure 48:

Figure 48: Serial Port Connection Parameters

3. Once you have saved the port setup, press Enter a few times to generate a login prompt
from the modem. At the prompt, log on to the root account. The default password is
4. If you are connected to an iNFINITI remote, follow the instructions in section A.2 to
determine the IP address of the modem. If you are connected to a NetModem II or
NetModem II Plus, follow the instructions in section A.3 to determine the IP address of
the modem.

A.2 Determining the IP Address of an iNFINITI Remote

Follow the steps in this section to determine the IP address and subnet mask of your remote
modem. The procedure assumes that you have connected to your modem using the serial port
and logged into the root account. (See section A.1 for details.)
1. At the Linux prompt, enter the command telnet 0 to connect to the iDirect application.

2. Log on using the following username and password:

Username: admin
Password: iDirect
3. Enter the command laninfo to view the IP address and subnet mask of your router.
4. Note the IP address and subnet mask. You will need these parameters when setting the
IP address on your PC to connect to the remote modem using iSite. (See Appendix B for

The steps of this procedure are illustrated in Figure 49.

Figure 49: Executing the laninfo Command on an iNFINITI Remote

A.3 Determining the IP Address of a NetModem II or NetModem II Plus

Follow the steps in this section to determine the IP address and subnet mask of your NetModem
II or NetModem II Plus. The procedure assumes that you have connected to your modem using
the serial port and logged into the root account. (See section A.1 for details.)
1. At the command line prompt, enter the command laninfo. This is sample output:
> laninfo
2. Note the IP address and subnet mask. You will need these parameters when setting the
IP address on your PC to connect the remote modem using iSite. (See Appendix B for

Appendix B Reconfiguring Your PC’s IP Address
Establish IP connectivity to the remote modem from your laptop by modifying your IP address
as follows:
1. From your computer’s Control Panel, double-click Network Connections. This screen’s
appearance varies in Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
2. Launch the Local Area Connection Status dialog box (Figure 50) by double-clicking
your LAN connection.

Figure 50: Local Area Connection Status Dialog Box

3. Click the Properties button to display the Local Area Connection properties sheet.

Figure 51: Local Area Connection Properties Sheet

4. On the Local Area Connection properties sheet, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
Then click the Properties button to display the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties
dialog box.

Figure 52: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Dialog Box

5. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box:
a. Select Use the following IP address.
b. Enter an IP address that is inside the range specified by the remote’s IP address
and subnet mask.
c. Enter the same Subnet mask that you retrieved from the remote modem using
the laninfo command.

Note For a local connection, you do not need to specify DNS server
d. Click OK to save your changes.
Once you have reconfigured the IP address on your PC or laptop, you should have IP
connectivity to the remote modem. This enables you to connect using “telnet” or iSite.

Appendix C Connecting with iSite if Auto-Discovery is Disabled
On startup, iSite should automatically discover any iDirect modems to which it has IP
connectivity. However, the auto-discover feature does not always work reliably with PCs or
laptops running Windows XP. This appendix discusses methods for accessing your remotes
using iSite if the auto-discovery feature does not work on your PC or laptop.

The appendix has the following sections:

Logging On to iSite without Auto-Discovery
Enabling IGMP Version 2 Messages on Your PC

C.1 Logging On to iSite without Auto-Discovery

If the iSite auto-discovery feature does not work on your PC, you can connect to your remote by
creating an unknown element in the iSite Tree View and logging on to that element using the
remote’s IP address. Follow these steps:
1. If you do not know the IP address of your remote, determine it by following the
procedure in Appendix A.
2. In the iSite Tree View, right-click on the iDirect globe and select New from the menu. A
new element labeled Unknown# 0 [] is added to the iSite tree.
3. Right-click the Unknown element in the tree and select Login from the menu.
4. In the Login As area of the iSite Login dialog box, enter the IP Address of the remote
and select Admin.
5. Enter the Admin Password and click OK. (“iDirect” is the default admin password.)

Figure 53: Logging On Without Auto-Discovery

6. Click OK to log on.

C.2 Enabling IGMP Version 2 Messages on Your PC

In order for the auto-discovery feature to work correctly, iSite requires IGMPv2 messages.
While PCs running Windows 2000 are generally configured to use IGMPv2, PCs running
Windows XP are generally configured to use IGMPv3. Therefore, if your PC is running Windows
XP, the iSite auto-discovery feature may not work reliably.

The procedure in this section details the steps required to reconfigure a PC using IGMPv3 to
use IGMPv2.
This procedure requires you to modify your Windows Registry.
Although iDirect is not currently aware of any issues associated
with this change, any Registry modifications can potentially
Warning affect the ability of other applications on your PC to execute
correctly. iDirect recommends that this change be tested in a
controlled environment on an identical PC to verify that
machines to be used in the field will not be affected.

A copy of your current registry should be saved prior to making

Warning any changes, in case you need to revert to the original
settings. This can be accomplished using the File -> Export
command in the Registry Editor.

Follow these steps to modify your Windows Registry to use IGMPv2:

1. Click the Start button in your Windows Taskbar and select Run from the start menu.
2. To start the Registry Editor, enter the command regedit in the Open text box and click

Figure 54: Starting the Registry Editor

3. In the Registry Editor (Figure 55), navigate to:

4. Under Tcpip, select Parameters.

Figure 55: Selecting TCP/IP Parameters in the Registry Editor

5. In the Name column of the right-hand pane of the Registry Editor, right-click
IGMPVersion and select Modify from the menu to display the Edit DWORD Value
dialog box.

Figure 56: Selecting Modify from in the Registry Editor

6. In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, enter the value 3. The value 3 represents IGMP
version 2.

Figure 57: Changing the IGMP Version to Version 2

7. Click OK to save the change.

You may need to restart your PC or laptop for the registry

change to take effect.

Appendix D LNB Frequency Stability Requirements
The frequency stability of the LNB required for your remote depends on the size of the carrier
being received. The table below shows the frequency stability required at various data rates.
Table 3: LNB Frequency Stability Requirements vs. Remote Data Rate


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