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Developing relationship Skills

▪ Developing empathy
▪ exploring diversity
▪ expanding social circles
▪ communicating effectively
▪ working cooperatively
▪ resolving conflict
▪ seeking help
Learning Targets
1. I will show that I am a team player by demonstrating Spirit of the Game.

2. I will show caring for others and responsible social behavior during game play by
showing correct etiquette.

3. I will show that I value physical activity by being able to demonstrate the benefits
and joy of physical activity.

4. I will show that I can recall and apply a range of skill and techniques, and strategy to
perform at a high level.
Score more points than the opposing team by passing, striking, or
hitting the ball over the net so the opponents cannot legally
return the ball.
Serving Practice
● Practice serving over the net with a partner
○ Underhand or overhand
● Serve, catch, serve catch
Serving Practice Underhand
● Face your target
● Hold the ball in medium space with your
non-striking hand (imagine the ball sitting on
a batting tee).
● Use a bowling motion (step with the opposite
foot and bring your striking hand back).
● As your open hand comes forward, strike the
ball with the heel of your hand.
● Do not toss the ball in the air during the
striking motion.
● Follow through toward your target.
Practice Drills
● Bump back and forth with a partner
● Bump with a bounce first
● Set with a partner
● Bounce, set, catch with a partner
● Practice spikes
○ Both partners stand on the same side of the net
○ Partner A bounces ball on ground, Partner B spikes over a net
● Versus - 1 Hit
○ You and your partner are now facing against each other, you get 1 hit each and the rally starts with a
Small Games
● Longest Rally
○ Groups of 2-4 on each side
○ Work as a big group of 4-8 and keep the ball going as long as possible
● King/Queen of the Court
● Winner: first to 25 & you must win by 2 OR highest score wins after time ends
● R,P,S one time, winner gets to serve first
● Right back position is the server
● Rotate CLOCKWISE one position when the team begins their turn to serve
● Ball can be volleyed a total of 3 times by a team before going over the net
● You must let the ball bounce BEFORE you can hit it, except the serve
● A player may NOT hit the ball two times in a row
● If the opponent hits the ball over the net and it lands outside the boundary line, it’s
considered out
● If the ball touches the boundary line it is still counted as being in bounds
● The ball can NOT bounce over the net; it must be hit over the net
● When giving the ball to the other team, you must underhand throw it over the net.
● The first hit on your side must always be a bump or a set
● If your team hits the ball into the net and it wasn’t your 3rd hit of the ball, you may
still play the ball.
● Shake hands after every game!
It is illegal to:
● Touch the net during play
● Hold the ball momentarily
● Throw the ball
● Hit the ball before it bounces
● Legal serving area is anywhere behind the service line (Blue Line).
● The server must bounce the ball and then hit it.
● The serve MUST be an underhand serve, meaning your hand must come from
below your waist.
● The server must always say the score of the game before serving. Always say your
teams score first.
● The serve is not good if:
○ The balls lands outside the boundary lines.
○ The serve bounces on the serving team’s side before going over the net.
○ The server is out of turn.
Bump, Set, Spike
Game Play
● Once the ball is served, players can move in any formation on
the court. The serving team continues to serve until the
opposing team scores a point; the serve is then awarded to
that team. A service fault occurs if the ball fails to make it over
the net, touches a player of the serving team, lands out of
bounds, or the server’s footsteps over the serving line. If this
occurs, the serve is awarded to the other team.
A point is scored when:

● The ball bounces twice on the opponent's’ side

● The opposing team is unable to return the ball within three
● The opposing team cannot legally return the ball into the
● The opposing team hits the ball out of bounds
● The opposing team commits a fault or foul

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