MCH-Fluids Properties Excercises

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MCH- Petroleum Training & Consulting




Four different cases are considered for an oil deposit as defined below:
Case A B C D
Bo 1.9 1.5 1.2 0.9

Temperature and pressure values at reservoir conditions for all cases are Tr = 90°C and
Pr = 280 bars.
a) Four different values of the GOR (m3/m3) are given in a random order : 280, 160, 40,
How would assign these values to the cases considered above
A Bo = 1.9 GOR?
B Bo = 1.5 GOR?
C Bo = 1.2 GOR?
D Bo = 0.9 GOR?

b) Three different values of the bubble point pressure are considered: 280, 150 and 60 bars.
How would assign these values to the cases above
A Bo = 1.9 Pb?
B Bo = 1.5 Pb?
C Bo = 1.2 Pb?
D Bo = 0.9 Pb?


We have a well in an oil field producing

Qo = 2500 m3/d
Qg = 378450 Sm3/d
The actual pressure is 165.5 bara. What is the volume produced in reservoir conditions?
Oil PVT Properties are attached.
Pressure Bo Rs Bg
3 3 3
(bara). (m /m3) (m /m ) (m3/m3 )

275.9 1.2417 90.83 -

229.7 (Pb) 1.2511 90.83 0.00489
165.5 1.1822 62.69 0.00668


The oil and gas rates, measured at a particular time during the producing life of a saturated oil
reservoir are, x stb oil/day and y scf gas/day.

1. What is the corresponding underground withdrawal rate in reservoir barrels/day.

2. If the average reservoir pressure at the time the above measurements are made is 2400 psia,
calculate the daily underground withdrawal corresponding to an oil production of 2500
stb/day and a gas rate of 2.125 MMscf/day.
Note that at a reservoir pressure of 2400 psia, the PVT parameters are:
Bo = 1.1822 rb/stb
Rs = 352 scf/stb
Bg = 0.0012 rb/scf


For the gas composition given in the following text, determine:

1. Apparent molecular weight,

2. Specific gravity,
3. Pseudo-critical pressure and the critical temperature of the gas

Component Yi Mi Pci (psia) Tci (°R)

C1 0.775 16.04 673 344

C2 0.083 30.07 709 550

C3 0.021 44.10 618 666

i-C4 0.006 58.12 530 733

n-C4 0.002 58.12 551 766

i-C5 0.003 72.15 482 830

n-C5 0.008 72.15 485 847

C6 0.001 86.18 434 915

C7+ 0.001 114.23 361 1024

N2 0.050 28.02 227 492

CO2 0.030 44.01 1073 548

H2S 0.020 34.08 672 1306

At 5,000 psia and 180 °F, estimate:

1. Z-factor
2. Eg, the gas expansion factor

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