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The Benefits of Physical Activity

Using your mind map and risk factors for heart disease, summarize and create a short
constructed response (2-3 sentences minimum) addressing the benefits of physical activity.

● Makes me feel better

● Improved cardio
● Bring more fit = less chance of injury
● Look more toned
● In a better mood
● Lower blood pressure/heart is more efficient
● Makes me want to drink more water/eat healthier
● Controls my weight
● I can eat more of what I want to with more calories to burn
● Something I can do with my friends and family to stay healthy
Think of it as an “elevator statement.” You get in the elevator on floor 1, and you could get off
the elevator on floor 20. What do you know about the benefits of physical activity that you could
articulate to someone in that amount of time.


The benefits of physical activity are endless. I feel better, look better, and have more
confidence in myself. I notice improved cardiovascular endurance, as my blood pressure
is lowered and my heart is much more efficient. I can do more and am less prone to
injury. My mood improves when I make the time to workout for even just an hour a day. I
am able to eat what I want, as I burn more calories, however, moving makes me want to
eat healthier and drink more water. Moving is key to losing pounds and controlling my
weight. I do use an app on my phone as well, to track it. I am grateful I am healthy to be
able to move and enjoy physical activity. #imove

Create one hashtag that encompasses your thinking and understanding of what you just wrote

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