Life of Jose Rizal Was A Truly Inspiring Story

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life of Jose Rizal was a truly inspiring story.

Not just as an word is powerful, there comes positive and negative in it.
ordinary story of a Filipino but a story of a very It could heal one’s heart but also harm another like a
intelligent and talented Filipino, who is ready to sacrifice double edged sword. Rizal have a God fearing heart so
his whole life just to give freedom and peace to his family, that he have ignite change and peace and thus mean we
and own nation. For one semester, I’ve known who really Filipinos should have a good conscience and God fearing
Rizal is. It might not all about him, but those learning’s heart to impose positive changes.
and knowledge I learned, is enough to say to myself and
Thanks to Rizal for he is inspires me and thanks to our
to other Filipino and even not, that he deserves to be professor who imparts and explains all this knowledge
what he have known for today. And that is, the National for us to better understands it. Walking alone, writing
poems, staring outside windows and identifying kinds of
Hero of the Filipino. His life was truly amazing and birds is not my kind of childhood but ideally Rizal’s. I
colorful for the hero’s experiences mold him to what God really don’t know whether I should applaud him for
being smart or feel bad for him for having an emo kind of
purposely do to him. Jose Rizal, for my own insights, tells childhood but as far as I know, my childhood has a lot of
me the value of certain things which is important for the similiarities and differences in comparison to his.
I grew up in a typical Filipino home here in Davao. We
success of his life. That is God, Family, Country and Self. lived in a community with friendly and generous
neighbors. I’d say that I also enjoyed my childhood
He could not reach as that far without God. The Lords is
compared to Rizal since we both have our own opinion
the most important one who could determine our on how we prefer to do different things. Unlike him, I
enjoy my day playing outside. Every afternoon, I would
success, just like as Rizal feared God and in return, he put on “Off” lotion and would go outside to play with my
have been bless abundantly not by material things neighbors. We would play filipino games like ‘tumbang
preso’ and ‘patintero’. Sometimes, I also prefer catching
only but a spiritual one. That is intelligence, skills, love, grasshoppers and ladybugs in our garden. We would
and compassion. Also the role of family is next important also catch fireflies at night and put them into jars. I would
only stop playing because my lola tells me to go home
for Rizal had been blessed with a family who could guide because it’s already time for dinner.
There are also days when we’d play under the rain, fly
him to what he really aims. Even nowadays, family is one
kites made out of plastic bags and after a long day of
of the foundations of a person’s character. Next one is playing, I usually take a bath and put on my pajamas
before going to sleep. My mom lets me drink a glass of
country! For Rizal’s portray the love of the country as a milk so that I’d be able to sleep faster. I could say that I
means of loving his fellow Filipino, thus helping them to was well taken care of eventhough I often stay outdoors
to play. When I stay indoors, i usually play with toy
attain justice from the evil and corrupt priest and cooking sets, doll houses, play dough and legos with my
Spaniards who are mistreating them in their own land for cousin and siblings. There are also times when I draw
and make images of different animals.
God has created us to extend our help with our fellow as On the educational side of my childhood, I really had
a symbol of glorifying Him. And last is Self. I have learned similarities with rizal since my mom is also very strict in
letting me study for exams and answering assignments.
from Rizal’s life that you should make yourself fruitfully. When she teaches me, she usually gives me rewards
when I do good and spanks me when I don’t. She lets me
He makes himself grow to wisdom and knowledge to use
study independently yet monitores me to keep track of
it in God’s purpose. He did not say to himself that he is my pace. Since education is also very important to her,
she makes sure that we do it seriously.
not worth enough and live blind for what is happening in My childhood has a lot of similarities and also differences
his environment. Thus, he is knows that he is a child of when being compared to Rizal. This is because we enjoy
doing things differently and we both have our own
God. Moreover, Rizal proved that pen is mightier than a opinion on how we consume our time. We both have
sword. For his expertise in writings enable him to different perspectives about certain things and that’s
what makes us different from each other. I may not do or
convince his whole fellowmen to attain justice, thus enjoy the same things as Rizal but I believe that I am
happy with how my childhood went since it molded me
destroying an empire. For words flies wherever and
into the person that I am now.
ignites every man’s feelings. Just like as a saying says that

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