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Honesy always gets rewarded

Once upon a time there was a poor woodcutter. He was very poor but he
was always honest. One hot day, he took his axe and went inside the
nearby forest in search of wood. After searching for a long time, he found
one good tree near a river inside the forest.

“ Hemm.. this tree is good. I can get lots of firewood”

So, the woodcutter started to work.

„Swish, swoosh, swish swoosh..”


Oh no! As the woodcutter was cutting the woods, his axe slipped from his
hands and fell inside the river. The river was very deep. So he couldn't get
into the water to take his axe out. He started crying.

“ Oh..oh..what am I going to do?”

“ I have lost my precious axe. Oh dear, oh dear..”

Suddenly, a beautiful angel appeared from inside the river water.

“ Why are crying my dear woodcutter?”

She asked.

“ Oh, I have lost my axe…now I won‟t be able to cut woods anymore.”

The woodcutter told her how his axe fell inside the water. The angel went
inside the water and after sometime came out with a golden axe in her
hands. The woodcutter refused to accept that golden axe. The angel
again went inside the water. This time she came out with a silver axe and
gave it to the woodcutter. Again the woodcutter refused saying that his
was not a silver axe. The angel dived into the water. This time she came
out with the woodcutter's iron axe. The woodcutter happily accepted his
axe and thanked the angel. The angel was pleased with his honesty. The
angel rewarded the gold and the silver axes to that woodcutter.

MORAL: Honesy always gets rewarded.

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