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Virtual Reality: Supplementing Education Today to Fill the Tech Shortages of Tomorrow

Kelly Nichols
Graduate Student of Educational Technology
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada

1. Introduction (STEAM). Moreover, educational trends have shifted from subject and
content mastery through rote learning and memorization to problem
1.1 Theoretical construct
solving and experiential learning. This paradigm shift can be seen in the
Digital literacy is defined by the US Educational Testing Service as “the
re-haul and reconstruction of educational curriculums around the world.
ability to use digital technology, communication tools and/or networks
For example, British Columbia’s recently updated curriculum focuses on
appropriately to solve information problems in order to function in an
flexibility, innovation and twenty first century skills, knowledge, and
information society” (as cited in Lankshear & Knobel, 2015, p. 8).
abilities (BC Ministry of Education). To help navigate changing
Digital literacy is one of the many tasks charged to schools in an effort to
pedagogical and educational technology trends, the New Media
develop digital literate citizens who can navigate the evolving digital
Consortium (NMC) and the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN)
world. Additionally, with the rapid rate of new and evolving technologies,
have been producing an annual Horizon report which charts innovative
educators can often feel overwhelmed and entry into technology learning,
practices and technologies for K-12 education. According to their 2017
adoption and/or implementation may seem daunting. However,
report, analytics technologies and virtual reality (VR) are identified as
employers, parents, and students have come to expect technology infused
important developments in educational technology and are suggested to be
classrooms that support Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math
adopted between 2018-2019.

advancements, the utilization of digital environments have been increasing

1.2 Definitions & Descriptions by educators and instructors in STEAM courses with ‘theoretical
The characteristics of a twenty first century learner are described by underpinnings of instructional design theories” (Pellas et al, 2016, p.
Papanastasiou et al. (2018) as adaptable, flexible, resilient, and critical and 2236). Digital environments, such as VR, provide an opportunity to
systems thinkers. A learning environment that provides social and realize experiments previously inconceivable due to spatial and temporal
cross-cultural skills such as executive functioning, life and career, learning capacity, limited resources, risk of injury for participants, and financial
and innovation, information, media, and technology can provide an costs. There are a range of digital environments as outlined in Milgran’s
encompassing and holistic learning experience. Consequently, VR is a (1994) Reality-Virtuality Continuum which represents how situated or
highly promising learning and teaching tool that can help to develop the immersed the user is (Sala, 2016, p. 6). As figure 1 shows,​ ​VR is the most
foundational literacies in twenty first century learners because it “supports immersive of the different digital environments.
the creation of highly interactive 3D environments and may be used as a
learning or educational environment at all educational levels and in all
disciplines…” (Papanastasiou et al., 2018, p. 4). Alfalah (2018) defines
virtual reality as “… a collection of hardware such as Personal Computer
(PC), Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) and tracking sensors, as well as
software to deliver an immersive experience” (p.2633). VR tools can offer
artificial worlds and simulated and interactive digital learning
environments. Moreover, unlike simulations and games with structured
environments, VR worlds can be open ended in which users design and 1.3 Methodology
create their own objects (Ludlow, 2015 & Merchant et al., 2014). The This paper will provide a brief, representative and non-exhaustive review
STEM acronym refers to all teaching fields of Science, Technology, of current literature on the applications and effectiveness of virtual reality
Engineering, and Mathematics, although STEAM is becoming more in education as well as attempt to address several unanswered questions
widely used to include the field of artistic design. Thanks to technological from previous research and adding to the literature by providing further

examination concerning VR and education. Additionally, this paper will collaboration. (Alfalah, 2018 & Merchant et al., 2014; NMC/CoSN,
also argue for the need to increase VR instruction to children and 2018).
teenagers in order to facilitate and provide students with the needed twenty
first century and STEAM learning skills required for both post-secondary Table 1 ​Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
programs and tech related fields currently facing a talent shortage in
Inclusion Criteria
Canada. The selection process includes a defined set of articles from peer
reviewed journals that meet the criteria outlined in Table 1. Attention is (a) Must be about K-12, higher and/or tertiary education
paid to how VR supports knowledge and skill development in comparison (b) Must involve VR and/or AR as primary component
with other traditional educational models and tools. K-12, higher (​c) Must refer to twenty first century and/or STEAM skills
education and tertiary education students, instructors, and curriculum
Exclusion Criteria
developers are considered as a whole when analyzing VR systems
usability, technology acceptance, and instructional effectiveness of VR (a) Articles before 2010

(Alfalah, 2018). Additionally, this paper will also identify the challenges (b) Articles referring to VR/AR applications outside of the field of

and limitations associated with VR usability, accessibility, and technology education

acceptance with specific reference to attention tunneling, usability

difficulties and infective classroom integration. . To overcome the barriers 1.4 Background Knowledge

identified in the literature, this paper will highlight strategies that have Canada is currently facing a technological crisis with an expected shortage

been successfully employed as well as identify research suggesting new of 220,000 tech workers by 2020. Despite boasting some impressive

experimental approaches that may be effective. Moreover, this paper will STEM (Science, Technology, Education, Math) universities as well as

provide evidence-based examples of VR instruction that support twenty innovative tech start-ups and businesses, Canada’s supply has not been

first century and STEAM skills with relation to content understanding, keeping up with the demand. (Mahimker, 2018). In a list compiled by

transfer of learning, memory retention, student motivation, and, it was found that six out of the ten most difficult technology
jobs to fill were related to engineering. (Simpson, 2018). In a report by

Ranstad (2015), a Canadian leader in staffing, recruitment and HR opportunity for experiential and situated learning. Difficult abstract
services, it was identified that analytics, mobility, big data, security, social, concepts can be realized by “positioning the learner in the ‘real world’ to
the Internet of Things and the cloud will be drivers of demand for tech provide meaning and learning and promote the transfer of knowledge”
skills across virtually all industries. Forecasting of technology shortages is (Schott & Marshall, 2018, p. 844). This paper will provide commentary
not a recent observation, so why has there been such a failure to fill these on the representative but not exhaustive research identifying the barriers
diverse and bountiful technology roles? One common argument is “brain facing the integration of VR into classrooms and examine the literature for
drain”, and losing our Canadian tech talent to our southern neighbors, advances and changes surrounding VR technologies in overcoming these
however, Statistics Canada provides a more convincing argument and that obstacles. Additionally, it will review research that indicates successful
is only 24.8% of post-secondary graduates are from STEM fields VR implementation in producing twenty first century skills and STEAM
(Mahimker, 2018). Additionally, those that do graduate from STEM learning to prepare students for emerging or unfulfilled technological
related fields, are not entering the workforce with the needed skills careers.
(Simpson, 2018). Furthermore, an even more concerning narrative is that
women and aboriginals are not only underrepresented in the STEM 2 Review, Results, and Discussion
workforce compared to their male and Canadian counterparts, but in fact
are being outnumbered by immigrant workers (Randstad, 2015, p.5). To 2.1 Usability
understand these gender and national disparities, as well as the overall Attention Tunneling
shortage of tech talent, a look backwards and from the bottom up is For educators, health and safety is at the forefront of concerns as they have
needed. To build the needed talent pool, earlier learning intervention is a duty of care to ensure that technologies they use in classroom are safe.
necessary so that kids, especially girls, can “build the skills and confidence Consequently, new technologies with limited research may make
they need to pursue STEM disciplines” (Mahimker, 2018). Several skills educators hesitant before introducing them into their classrooms.
students need to have to be successful in STEAM courses include higher Attention tunnelling is one example of a health and safety risk that could
order thinking, problem solving, and critical thinking. These skills can be be associated with VR. While there was no found literature directly
acquired through hands on experiments and activities. VR provides an linking VR, education, and attention tunnelling, we can draw examples

from studies on Augmented Reality (AR) and attention tunnelling. Lambie should they become uncomfortable. Ultimately, for educators who are
(2015) defined attention tunneling as “a problem of allocation of attention already tasked with ensuring safe learning environments, implementing the
responsible for ignoring events outside of the area of attention” (p. 20). use of VR in the classroom safely would be no different than many other
Studies have highlighted the serious consequences of attention tunneling, other tools and technologies. Providing training or safety instructions with
for example, surgeons focusing intently on a surgery and leaving tools left VR materials could support educators in better achieving this. It should be
behind in the patient, or pilots paying attention to landing gear failure but noted however, that there are currently no studies available of potential
ignoring descending altitude and crash landing (Dixon et al., 2012 & long-term effects of VR use.
Wickens, 2005). Perhaps the most mainstream example of attention
tunnelling has resulted from the popular “Pokemon Go” game which Infective classroom integration
became a temporary world-wide craze. Although this app did not employ To meet the needs of 21st century learners, educational services must
VR, it did employ (AR) which falls centre left on the Reality-Virtuality provide stimulating, contemporary changes (Morales, Bang & Andre,
(RV) Continuum. Pokemon Go was directly linked to fatalities and 2012). Technologies for educational learning provide both an effective and
injuries caused by both drivers and pedestrians playing the game on their exciting opportunity to achieve these goals. However, despite the
mobile devices (Abrams, 2016 & Reilly, 2016). These incidents occurred increasing amount of accessible technologies for educators, the inability of
with users still having one foot in the real world, consequently, it is educators to effectively integrate technologies into the classroom leave
understandable that the thought of being fully immersed could lead to students wanting. Outside teacher acceptance, which will be discussed
increased risks to safety and well-being. Other concerns of safety include later in this paper, the main challenge preventing teachers willing to
motion sickness or visual disturbance, which can occur with fully implement VR technologies into the classroom include lack of awareness,
immersive (HMD’s) semi-immersive, and non-immersive VR training, workable resources, and system networks and hardwares.
technologies. Research has revealed and demonstrated the severity of Although VR technologies are not new, they are still in relative infancy in
cybersickness symptoms (nausea and disorientation) when using Oculus educational institutions. Consequently, most educators have not yet
for locomotion tasks with VR. (Fernandes et al., 2016, p. 909.) However, thought about the implications of VR developments for teaching and
these risks are significantly less as a user can simply remove themselves learning (Ludlow, 2018). The most widely reported used of VR in

education has been at the post-secondary level. One of the previous slow internet speeds could continue to prevent classroom integration.
limitations of VR integration has been the poor instructional design of the However, “the drastic reduction in cost of technology and availability of
Virtual Learning Environments (VLE’s) themselves (Merchant et al., high-speed Internet connection, as well as the rapid increase in the
2014). Some VLE’s require low entry level knowledge of technology like processing power of the computer, led to the deployment of desktop-based
Google Expeditions and Nearpod VR, but limit educators and students in virtual reality technology in K-12, higher, and tertiary education
their ability to manipulate or create their own across-space learning (Papanastasiou et al., 2018, p.1)
situations (Cristobal et al. 2015). On the other side of the spectrum there
are programs like Unity and Unreal Engine which allow users to create 2.2 Accessibility

their own virtual environments, but require a high level of entry Cost

knowledge such as programming experience and familiarity with technical Cost is often a barrier associated with technology and education. VR

jargon. But in recent years, these limitations have been overcome with headsets range in the thousands for a classroom set making them

new authoring and web 2.0 tools, for example, educator and software cost-prohibitive for most school districts (ClassVR, RobotLab). To

developers like Madar (2018) noticed these discrepancies and the need for combat these high costs, Google Cardboard was created as a cost-effective

a tool that allowed for a variety of technology resources to be integrated in approach for schools to provide the headset hardware which can be

an easily, digestible manner. It was from this gap that programs like enclosed over a cell phone. With viewers being purchased for less than and Cubely were formed. (Cristobal et al, 2015; Madar, 2018 & US$8, and free software being provided by organizations like Google

Vincur et al., 2017). Using low barrier of entry technologies like visual Expeditions and Nearpod, the only remaining technology requirement is a

block-based programming increased successful use and overall student device to view from (Vishwanath, Kam, & Kumar, 2017). With most

performance (Vicur et al., 2017 & Singh, 2017). Moreover, programs like students owning or having access to a mobile phone or iPad, VR in most which is both free and browser based, further supports classroom classrooms can be realized. A report published by Media Smarts found

integration by overcoming the issues of cost and installation which can be that “One-quarter (24%) of students in Grade 4, half (52%) of students in

restrictive for low socio-economic schools with Bring your Own Device Grade 7, and 85 percent of students in Grade 11 have their own cell

(BYOD) programs. Network challenges will still remain however and phone.” (p. 3). However, even if a school decides to allocate funding

towards technology, the current structuring of funding may not be able to through adequate time and training. Repeatedly, the research highlighted
support it. For example, presently the BC government operates on a the importance of providing time and training for educators for effective
per-pupil funding formula in education leading to increased funding for VR technology integration into teaching and learning. Therefore during
school districts with higher enrolment. But for smaller school districts, the adoption and implementation phases of new technologies, it is
they may receive significantly less annual funding which could prevent acknowledged that “educational institutions planning to invest time and
them from saving money to be used towards new technologies. However, financial resources are likely to see the learning benefits in their students”
this could be changing,as the province is currently evaluating new (Merchant et al., 2014, p. 37).
equitable funding methods such as a needs-based formula that assesses
money needed per school district. Moreover, third party providers such as 2.3 Technology Acceptance
Nearpod are providing schools with free headsets and resources to try Teacher Attitudes
virtual reality. (Xconomy, 2016). One of the identified limitations of Should a school have either the resources or finances to acquire and
current VR designs is the “lack of authoring tools usable by teachers implement VR use with students, there first needs to be a desire to invest
without a high level of technical expertise” (Cristobal et al., 2015, p. 15). into new technologies. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
With third party providers like Nearpod adopting VR technologies, they informs us that “acceptance is represented by intention to use, which is
are also creating curriculum documents that guide teachers and facilitate determined by a learner’s attitude toward using the system and perceived
VR use at a more accessible entry level and through a technological usefulness” (Huang & Liaw, 2018, p. 93). (see Figure 2). One study found
platform educators are already familiar with. that there is a “Strong correlation between the intention to use technology
and the believe (sic) of usefulness of these technologies” (Alfalah, 2018, p.
Time & Training 2633). Furthermore, Ludlow (2018) laments that “Most educators have
More resources (time & money) are being devoted to designing and not yet thought about the implications of VR developments for teaching
developing desktop-based virtual reality instruction for teaching K-12 and and learning” (p. 3).
higher education curriculum (Merchant et al, 2014). But equally crucial as
the development of VR is the implementation which can be realized

technologies. Additionally, sharing it across learning spaces, which was

previously incompatible with web based learning systems like Moodle,
helps to provide seamless integration of different mainstream VLE’s and
Web 2.0 tools.

Student Attitudes
In review of the VR capabilities, Madar (2018) identified that an
Figure 2
integrated system was needed to take advantage of all the technological
resources available and to present them in a more easily digestible manner.
Despite believing that technology integration is advantageous for students
Block based or visual programming is one example of how
and that it engages and supports students in meeting their needs, fear of
reconceptualizing a complex task can increase student success by lowering
technology due to perceptions of integration difficulties and lack of
the barrier of entry through an alternative means of teaching (Vincur et al.,
personal technology skills, slows adoption of VR technologies and hinders
2017). Consequently, while systems like Unity and Unreal engine were
its utilization (Alfalah, 2018). To overcome or shift educator attitudes,
previously inaccessible to younger students, new emerging technologies
Huang & Liaw (2018) identified the following needs: to explore the
like and Cubely allow students to gain access to VR technologies
potential effectiveness of virtual reality learning environments, and to be
earlier in school (Madar 2018 & Vincur et al., 2017). Increased success
appropriately assured of the educational effectiveness of virtual reality
earlier in the learning process supports positive attitudes and acceptance of
learning (p. 108-109). One of the ways to achieve this is to provide
new technologies. Huang & Liaw (2018) purport that “Perceived
educators with the ability to author their own 3-Dimensional Virtual
self-efficacy is the most important antecedent of perceived usefulness” (p.
Worlds (3DVW). In a mixed methods study by ​Muñoz-Cristóbal​ et al.
106). Moreover, linking VR technologies with theoretical underpinnings
(2015), it was proposed that using a system that supported authoring
of instructional approaches further supports technology acceptance, for
capabilities from pre-existing learning and design tools could help to
example, from previous studies it has been established that perceived
overcome the limitation of support services for teachers with VR
self-efficacy, interaction, and motivation are crucial factors in establishing

a constructivist learning environment (Huang and Liew, 2018, p. 95). awareness and knowledge has helped to reduce the health and safety risks
Additionally, VR systems allow students to create authentic artifacts that associated with attention tunneling. BYOD programs and improved
are meaningful to them through project-based learning (Morales, Bang, & network systems have helped to overcome accessibility issues of cost and
Andre, 2012, p. 792). integration, which will further be supported with the coming of 5G
networks (Wall, 2018). However, despite the advances in technology and
4 Conclusion increased accessibility, one key hurdle will continue to plague VR
adoption and that is teacher and student acceptance. Without proper
Virtual reality is becoming more commonplace and is already successfully training, time, and resources provided to educators and students,
adopted in “...many industries such as real estate, house building, perceptions of usefulness and ease of use can prevent VR uptake.
automotive, and scientific visualization” (Akbulut et al., 2018, p. 924). Consequently, it is crucial that VR technologies are accompanied with
But the true untapped potential lies in education. More than a tool, VR educational resources and tutorial training to reduce both the perceived
can be a vessel for teaching STEAM and 21st century skills that lay the and real barriers to entry of VR teaching and learning.
foundation for the technological demands of jobs today and in the future.
VR provides students opportunities in a way, previously inconceivable or 9 Recommendations
possible, to not only be the participants in learning but the creators. And if
“​If students co-create what they experience in class, they’ll be more useful 9.1 Recommendations for further study
in the workforce” (Gillmore, 2018). Moreover, with situated and Although this study has provided some contribution, further examination
experiential learning that VR provides, abstract concepts can be simplified of VR teaching and learning tools for K-12 educators that will support
to support younger learners understanding and help to retain and carry positive perceptions of educators towards integrating VR technology into
over the equal number of males and females in maths and sciences from the classroom is needed.
elementary to middle schools (Jones, 2017). ​As identified in this paper,
many issues that have prevented the mainstream implementation of using 1. While this study has already identified some VR tools that support
VR in the classroom have and continue to be overcome. Increased lower entry knowledge for VR use (Cubley &, further

investigation into these tools and the outcome they had on both Alfalah, S. F. M. (2018). Perceptions toward adopting virtual reality as a teaching aid

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VR unit or classroom.
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4. Qualitative interviews with educators on their needs and wants in
prototype.​ Behaviour & Information Technology, 35(​ 11), 907-918.
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