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Víctor Mauricio Valencia Gómez

Create or die: The hope of Latin America

University of La Salle

Engineering school, Eng. In automation

Bogota Colombia

The secret is not in the economic incentives, or technology parks, or scientists is not based
on that, but the secret is the kind of people who have the capacity, that is concentrated in
the work, creative minds are needed from all world, who are attracted by the environment of
acceptance of ethnic, cultural and even sexual diversity. In previous times, the most
important thing to encourage innovation was to offer economic incentives or reduce
bureaucratic obstacles or have a good business. And today the most important thing is to
have people with creative minds backed by good educational systems. In the country there
are people with talents, artists, inventors and entrepreneurs who have the idea of
procreating new things for the country, but what you see is that in the country there is hellish
bureaucracy, corruption and bad business and that is how it is very difficult to create an
innovative company.

Creative people look for creative minds, in order to become important innovation companies.
What generates creativity? It is the presence of another creative person, the idea of creativity
is something related to great individual geniuses with whom they can help each other. The
reality is that creativity is a social process; the greatest advances come from the people from
whom they learn, from the people with whom they collaborate, and the cities are real sources
of creativity.

Innovative minds tend to come together in places that allow them to work outside the rules
of traditional corporations, outside the bureaucracy, where they can control the means of
production and where they offer capital and not debt.

If several Latin American countries already have large reserves of creative minds, which are
the essential condition for innovative societies, their great challenge will be to improve the
quality and insertion in the world of their educational systems and create more tolerant legal
systems with business failure.

The risk of doing nothing will be enormous and the region is condemned to permanent
backwardness, because in the coming years there will be an extraordinary acceleration of
the scientific and technological advances that will further separate the advanced countries
from the peripheral ones. According to the majority of scientists, in the next decade the
technological inventions more revolutionized than all that humanity has produced since the
year 500 a.c. The reason is that science and technology are growing exponentially, faster
and faster.

For example, 3D printers that will allow the home-made and individualized manufacture of
almost any object and that threaten to annihilate industrial production throughout the world.
Robots such as those seen so far only in fiction films, which will become assistants,
bodyguards, sexual partners or servants, driverless cars that will gradually replace the
current ones and allow working, reading, or sleeping while the car It takes us to our
destination, like the glasses-computers, that will allow us to look at a garden, for example
and see in the glass the name of each plant.

Example of other things more:

-3D printers that manufacture shoes

-The drones that deliver pizza

-Cars without a driver

-Internet of things

-Super computer that prescribes medicine

-Personalized education

-Trips to the stars

-Techno-utopia vs techno-skeptics

-From manual work to mental work

-The capitals of science

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