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QUESTIONNAIRE - Students’ Difficulties in Writing Thesis

Name : Dwi Rahayu P. Date :

7th November 2018
ID : E1D113039
Instruction: 1. Read the questions below carefully. (Bacalah pertanyaan dibawah dengan seksama)
2. Choose the best answer based on the reality or your opinion.
(Centanglah jawaban yang paling benar berdasarkan pengalamanmu dalam menulis skripsi)

3. This questionnaire is for research purposes and there is no relation in any

assessment. (Kuisioner ini diperuntukan untuk tujuan penelitian dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan penilaian

What are your difficulties in writing your thesis? Check the box based on your level of difficulty!
(Apa kesulitan anda dalam menulis skripsi? Centanglah berdasarkan tingkat kesulitanmu!)

The level of difficulty: 1 – Very Difficult (Sangat Sulit) 2 – Difficult (Sulit)

3 – Moderate (Sedang) 4 – Easy (Mudah) 5 – Very Easy (Sangat Mudah)
Writing Introduction Chapter
1. Finding ideas in writing research background (Menemukan ide dalam
menulis latar belakang penelitian)

2. Compose sentence in writing research background (Menyusun kalimat

dalam menulis latar belakang)

3. Identify research problem (Mengidentifikasi permasalahan penelitian)

4. Identify the purpose of the study (Mengidentifikasi tujuan penelitian)
Writing Review of Related Literature Chapter
5. Determine what should be included in the literature review (
Menentukan apa saja yang harus dicantumkan dalam literature review)

6. Find relevant sources for literature (Menemukan sumber yang relevan untuk

7. Paraphrase from the source I read (Parafrase dari sumber yang saya baca)
Writing Methodology Chapter
8. Determine the research mehod to be used (Menentukan metode penelitian
yang akan digunakan)

9. Determine techniques for taking samples (Menentukan teknik untuk

mengambil sampel)

10. Determine the number of samples (Menentukan jumlah sampel)

11. Access the research subject (Mengakses subyek penelitian)
Writing Finding & Discussion Chapter
12. Collect the data (Mengumpulkan data)
13. Analyze the data (Saya kesulitan untuk menganalisis data)
14. Explain the findings of the study clearly (Menjelaskan secara detail tentang
hasil penelitian)

15. Use the findings to answer problems in research (Menggunakan hasil

penelitian untuk menjawab permasalahan dalam penelitian)

Writing Conclusion Chapter

16. Summarize the findings of the study (Merangkum hasil dari penelitian)
17. Provide suggestion from the findings of the study (Memberikan saran
dari hasil penelitian)

* Adapted from Dwi Handini (2013)

1. Do you have any difficulties in writing thesis?
2. What is your major difficulty?
a. In writing introduction chapter
b. In writing review of related literature chapter
c. In writing methodology chapter
d. In writing result chapter
e. In writing conclusion chapter
3. What is the main cause of the difficulty?

* Adapted from Dwi Handini (2013)

1. Yes, I have many difficulties in writing my thesis

2. a. Finding ideas in writing the background of study
b. Choosing the best relevant studies
c. To determine which techniques of research method is relevant
D. The major difficulties is to calculate and analyze the data
E. There's no major difficulties :) as far as I remember

3. Less reading and writing practice, afraid of grammatical errors...

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