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Asian College of Aeronautics


Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines


A Research Study
Presented to
Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for the
Senior high school completion
Technical Vocational Livelihood


Shayne Chizlette De Guia

Therese Mae Casiple

April 2019

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines


This research study entitled, Use of Social Media and its

Impact on Academic Performance of Tertiary Institution Students:
prepared and submitted by Shayne Chizlette De Guia and Therese
Mae Casiple in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
completion Technical Vocational Livelihood, is hereby approved.

_______________ MILO DIEGO M. FEROLINO

Date Research Adviser

_______________ ARIEL E. ESTEPA

Date Senior High School Head

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines


The researchers would like to express their gratitude to the

following persons who extended their valuable time and for the
expertise rendered in helping them in the completion of this study:

Sir Bambilla Ramie, Asian College Of aeronautics for the

approval of pertinent papers, for the support and encouragement;

Sir Milo Diego Ferolino, Research Adviser, for the expertise,

valuable support, guidance, patience, and concern which motivates
the researchers to finish the study;

Miss Angeline Veloso, Research Teacher, for allotting her time,

patience, suggestions that served as guide for improvement and
nourishing us to complete the study.

The faculty and staff of Asian College of Aeronautics for

supporting and guiding researchers to accomplish this study.

The De Guia and Gedalangga for giving us your valuable time,

understanding, hospitality and letting us conduct research study in
your homes.

The researchers parents, Mrs. Ruby G. De Guia, Mr. Jose De Guia,

Mrs.Annalyn Casiple and Mr. Ramon Casiple, Thank you for giving us
home where we could make mistakes and not pay them for all of our
life, a foundation to know we are God’s child, and sense that, no
matter what happen, we have a purpose in life.

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
All of the above, to God almighty, for his guidance, blessings,
unconditional love and enlighten the researchers body and mind.

Shayne Chizlette De Guia

Therese Mae Casiple

April 2019

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
De Guia, Shayne Chizlette G. and Casiple, Therese Mae G., Installing
Intruder Alarm System Maintains the Security of Home. A Research
Study, Technical Vocational Livelihood, Asian Colleges of
Aeronautics, Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines, March 2019.


The purpose of this study was to determine the interest in the topic
of security and in particular to the security system is
understandable for various reasons, for this type of problem it is
important to understand that the more financial resources are used
for an inefficient security system the greater become the problems
and negative effects from its operation. Security system is a
revolutionary product in generation z, People come up in different
ideas how to protect their homes and installing security system is
the most common, in further generation the idea of securing the home
will be in demand especially in big companies. This study will be
realistic and appropriate design using alarms and thermal sensors.
Both researchers and device would access data for meta-analyses and
other kinds of re-use this is accessible using the trial and error
mode. The case study showed how the device reacts when detecting
thermal sensor and sensitivity sensor. It was observed by movement,
time and sound using parameters relevant to the case study (example:
meter from the device, sensitivity of the device, initiated time to
trigger the alarm, decibels produced by external siren). And still
leaves a positive outcome in evolving the technology entity.

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines


Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………I
Approval Sheet……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………II
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………V
List of Refrences…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………VI
List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23
List of Appendices………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………VII
Chapters 1
Introduction to the study
Background of The Study………………………………………………………………………………………………1
Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
Background and Theoretical Framework of the study…………………………4
Research Hypothesis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………………………………………7
Definition of terms…………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
Significance of the study…………………………………………………………………………………………12
Scope and Limitation……………………………………………………………………………………………………12
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

On concept of security…………………………………………………………………………………13

The “traditionalist” VS “wideners”…………………………………………………15

Securitization theory……………………………………………………………………………………17

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
Criticism on concept of security……………………………………………………………………19

Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology


Research Design………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………21

Respondents of Study…………………………………………………………………………………………………………21

Sampling Method………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22

Data Collection………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22

Chapter 4

Result and Discussion

Table 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23

Table 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………24

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

Summary of Research…………………………………………………………………………………………………………25

Recommendation for future research…………………………………………………………………26




A. Appendices……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………VIII
B. Appendices……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………VIIII
C. Appendices……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………X
D. Appendices……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………XI

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Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
List of Tables

Table 1………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23

Table 2………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………24

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Background of the Study

A wireless camera system is one of the best type of

security camera systems just like a wireless surveillance camera
system. So whether you're looking for a surveillance we have
what you need. The intruder alarm system provides home security
purposes. Not only there are residents inside the home but on
regular basis but also it would be a good idea to have security
monitoring during big parties, when no one’s at home and
reviewing purposes.

Recent reports said that there are a lot of crime and it

could not be avoided, installing intruder alarm system maintains
the security of home. Traditionally occupied a central place in
debates on a wide range of experts is the theme for the system.
The subject of this type of debate varies but almost always
includes questions about the functions, principles of
construction and operation as well as problems with the security
system. This fact is fully understood against the importance of
security and its systematic nature for man and human
communities. The editorial presents the view of the author on
the functions, principles and problems of system security, found
an explanation by using the tools of the theory of “presence”.
(Geo V. Ario,2012)

The relevant speculations could start with a common

understanding of what the system in general. In the literature
different definitions could be found, which together makes it
possible to say that the system is a set of interrelated
components, which has properties not typical of any of the

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Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
components considered separately. In this aspect, the security
system could be defined as a set of interrelated components
that generates and maintains security which could not be
generated and maintained by the components considered
separately. (Rachelle Green,2011)

As a natural consequence, the question of what could be the

components of the security system comes. In general, the type of
components depends on the level and nature of the system
security. As an example: a national security system should
include all institutions at the country level, which are
relevant to creating and ensuring security. In terms of its
components, security system performs functions guarantee
their harmonious and consistent connection in the interest of
achieving the maximum level of security and creating conditions
for symmetric response to threats even when they are with
asymmetrical nature (example: terrorist threats). Extremely
important is the understanding that, as in any system, to the
security system it is impossible to be added or removed
components without negatively affects its operation. (David

For the security system definition it is true that the

system is not an end in itself but a tool of one’s presence.
This definition is made by using the tools of the theory of
‘presence’, and it is genesis should be explained. Longtime
attempts to find a common or universal definition of “security”
among other things show that solving such a case can only be
done using adequate notions of universal human world. An example
of such an idea is that of “presence.” (Gabriel Shaw, 2004)

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Issues of cultural determinism arising and relating to the

fact that culture is the atmosphere of presence and the aim to
present to monitor the effects of the environment, security. To
be balanced the same security system should take into account
the cultural characteristics of the community whose interests
and whose security it needs to defend. Problems of resource
failure arising from system security need to be directed not
only at present but also the future. As a rule, the security
system is built, operated and developed in conditions of chronic
scarcity of resources. For this type of problem, it is important
to understand that the more financial resources are used for an
inefficient security system the greater become the problems and
negative effects from its operation. (Data A,2015)

Interest in the topic of security and in particular to the

security system is understandable for various reasons. One of
them is the role of security in the pyramid of needs of people,
which place is the fundamental. Not a weak argument for the
security interest is its complex nature, enabling the
application of various tools of knowledge for its research and
development. This paper presents a summary of a possible insight
into security whose greatest advantage is the universality of
the instruments used and hence, the universality of wordings
made. (Yonchev D, 2008 Security Levels. Sofia NBU)

Conceptual Framework

The study was conducted at Asian College of Aeronautics,

Sambag Jaro Iloilo city, De Guia’s Residence, Napnapan sur

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
tigbauan Iloilo, Gedalanga’s Residendce ,Napnapan Sur,
Tigbauan Iloilo.

Using a thermal sensor the sensor component works by

detecting and tracking objects which give off thermal signature
such as intruder, The alarm system gives us a warning that
someone foreign is inside the private property. Using short
message service a text messaging service component of
communication systems. It uses standardized communications
protocols to allow fixed line to exchange short text messages
and conform if it’s a false alarm or a real intruder.

Background and Theoretical Framework

Security system is a revolutionary product in generation z,

People come up in different ideas how to protect their homes and
installing security system is the most common, In further
generation the idea of securing the home will be in demand
especially in big companies.

On the concept of security. Since its inception the

security studies represent the core of the International
Relations, predominantly dealing with the issues of war and
peace. In the years following the Second World War security
studies have become a synonym for Strategic Studies with a
distinct focus on the military sector. However, with the growing
complexity of the international relations` agenda, namely with
the rise of economic and environmental challenges count,
emergence of the new security challenges, risks and threats,
emergence of the new international relations` actors, the

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
traditional view of the sole concept of security, that is, its
essence, has become too narrow.

Before a more detailed insight into the root of the

problem, it is necessary to clarify what is meant by “the
concept of security”. The question on the essential
characteristics of this concept also presents a logical
priority, having in mind that without clear and precise
definition of its content and scope, it is impossible to
initiate empirical observations and the security phenomena
analysis. Buzan’s definition is clear and saying that “security
is pursuit of freedom from threats” (Buzan, 1991: 18), however
the content itself of this concept remains obscure. Huysmans
suggests that by defining the meaning of a category (security in
this particular case) we are condensing it into one sentence
(Huysmans, 1998: 229). The main function of the definition is
the identification of the subject of the research, or to put it
more precisely, the removal of any doubt reader could have
concerning the following content of the text. Conceptual
analysis is similar to the definition in extent that it also
condenses the meaning of security for the establishment of a
singular scientific goal’s sake of all future research projects,
but condensing its meaning is being performed in a much more
complex way than with just one sentence. The starting assumption
of the conceptual analysis is that the meaning of the nation
that is being examined is more or less familiar, but also that
it usually isn’t expressed in the explicit manner. Making it
explicit by eliminating its ambiguities and inconsistencies in
the different uses is the sole purpose of the conceptual
analysis. “Conceptual analysis does not result with the new
definition. It is not comparative analysis of definitions with

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
the purpose of formulating an all-embracing definition. Rather,
it formulates a common denominator which expresses “common
conceptual distinctions underlying various conceptions of
security” (Baldwin A. David (1997) “The concept of security”, in
Huysman, 1998: 231). The question is whether there is a
generally accepted definition of the meaning of concept of
security in theory and whether it should be regarded as an
“essentially contested concept”[i] (Baldwin, 1997: 5) or it is
more suitable to say that the concept itself is insufficiently
explained and blurry. Anyways, the security concept can be
“dangerously ambiguous” (Wolfers 1952) should it be used without
additional specifications.

The securitization framework has been a useful tool to

analysts who want to challenge the notion of the objectivity of
security threats. The framework is elegant and has generated
much academic interest and sparked the number of critiques and
debates, aiming to broaden and further specify the framework in
order to increase its logical coherence and explanatory power.

However important and innovative contribution to our

understanding of security may it be, the securitization
framework is problematically narrow. First, the form of act
constructing security is defined narrowly, with the main focus
on the speech of dominant actors, usually political leaders,
which encourages an interpretation that securitization is only
happening when there are discursive interventions of those who
are institutionally legitimate to speak on behalf of a
particular political community (usually a state). This also
excludes a focus on other forms of representations, such as
images or material practices. (McDonald, 2008: 564). Thus, the
focus is on the speech and it is per formative power to

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Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
construct security. At the same time, the conceptual framework
of securitization puts a special emphasis on the acceptance of
the audience which is claimed to be essential in the successful
securitization process. Contextual factors, which the Copenhagen
school terms facilitating conditions, help explain why some
securitizing moves are more likely to be accepted by the
audience than the other. These facilitating conditions are taken
as givens that either help or hinder securitization but are not
conceptualized as constitutive of the speech acts, which is at
odds with the claim that security is a social construction.
There is tension between understanding securitization as a
productive process by focusing on the per formative power of the
speech act, and as a constructed process by claiming that
security is inter-subjectively constituted. This tension gave
rise to critique by the so-called Second Generation of
securitization analysts who argue that securitization cannot be
properly understood outside historical and cultural context in
which security discourse takes place. Thus, the very meaning of
security is contextual. Finally, the framework of securitization
is narrow in the sense that the nature of the act is defined
solely in terms of the designation of threats to security
(McDonald, 2008: 564). This claim is based on a commitment to
the idea that security is constituted in oppositional terms: by
designating that which it is not or that from which it needs
preservation or protection (Weaver, 1995: 56). Sometimes it is
more effective if security is conceptualized in terms of
normative goals that should be achieved or expression of the
core values that are in need of being protected, than if it is
articulated only in terms of “from what and from whom it needs

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
protection”. Thus, seeing security as something negative per se
does not represent a logical imperative anymore.

Research Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significance relationship between installing

intruder alarm system maintains the security of home and
intruder alarm system crash privacy of home.

Statement of the Problem

Close circuit television and surveillance camera is not

enough to guard and make sure the security of home. In some
cases there had been inconvenience using these, some intruder
uses mask and items to hide their identity.

Some essays discussing surveillance cameras in public

places show that the cameras may be abused. One example of how a
public camera may be misused is that, information gathered by
law enforcement can be used as a form of blackmail.

Another form of abuse is voyeurism. Spying on women using

public surveillance cameras is quite common in areas where these
cameras have been set up. This can become quite an issue that
needs to be dealt with.

Overall, the simple lack of control or limits on the public

camera use is one of the biggest problems. Until now, there is
not a good check-and-balance system, in order to prevent abuses
from occurring.

Another controversy of the use of surveillance cameras in

public places is that its effectiveness has not been proven.
While there has been a push for more public surveillance cameras

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Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
to be placed in public places because of the threat of terrorist
attacks, it is quite clear that a suicidal bomber is not going
to be deterred by the fact that there is a camera in place.
(Amanda Li,2018)

Does Installing Intruder Alarm System Maintains the Security

of Home?

1. Does it reduces crime rate?

1.1. Justice Policy

1.2. Economic

1.3. Social Problems

2. Does this provide evidence and gather clues?

2.1. Witness

2.2. Authentication

2.3. Tempering, Falsification and Spoliation

3. Is it convenient for everyday life?

3.1. Efficiency

3.2. Identification

3.3. Crime Detection

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
Definition of Terms

Wireless- wireless communication, or sometimes simply wireless,

is the transfer of information or power between two or more
points that are not connected by an electrical conductor. The
most common wireless technologies use radio waves. With radio
waves distances can be short, such as a few meters for Bluetooth
or as far as millions of kilometers for deep-space radio
communications (wikepedia,2006)

A security camera- is a video camera that records people's

activities in order to detect and prevent crime. COBUILD
Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins
Publishers security camera in British99 (Collins
dictionary,2017) Asymmetrical-having
two sides or halves that are not the same: not symmetrical.
or existing frequently or most of the time.

Surveillance- close watch kept over someone or something

Relevant-having significant and demonstrable bearing on the

matter at hand.

Voyeurism-a person who likes seeing and talking or writing about

something that is considered to be private.

Speculation-assumption of unusual business risk in hopes of

obtaining commensurate gain.

Inconvenience-to cause problems or trouble for subject to

Intruder- to come or go into a place where you are not wanted or


Limited- not high or great in number, amount.

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
Crime- an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the

Monitoring- a student appointed to assist

Security- the state of being protected or safe from harm

Purpose- The reason why something is done or used; the aim or

intension of something.

Maintain- to cause, to exist, or continue without changing.

Traditionally- a way of thinking, or behaving, or doing

something that have been used by the people in particular group,
family, society, for a long time.

Central- in the middle of something: located in the center of a

thing or place.

Debate- a discussion between people in which they express

different opinions about something.

Expert- having or showing special skill or knowledge because of

what you have been taught or what you have experienced.

Function- The special purpose or activity for which a thing

exist or is used.

Principle- a moral rule or belief that helps you know what is

right or what is wrong.

Speculation- idea or guesses about something that is unknown.

Interrelated- having mutual or reciprocal relation.

Component- one of the parts of something.

Generate- to produce or cause something to be produced.

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
Consequence- result of something that had happen.

Guarantee- assurance for the fulfillment of a condition.

Harmoniously- Having parts that are related or combined in a

pleasing way.

Presence- the fact of being in a particular place, state of

being present.

Determinism- a theory or doctrine that acts of the will in

nature, social, or physiological phenomenon are casually
determined by events or natural law.

Understandable- To know the meaning of something such as words,


Pyramid- Something that resembles a pyramid in a way that is


Demand- a strong need for something

Complex- a group of buildings, apartments, that are located near

each other.

Specify- to name or mention something or someone exact and


Contextual- the words that are used with certain words or phrase
to help explain the meaning.

Hinder- to make something such as task or action, slow or


Assumption- a taking to or upon oneself.

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
Significance of Study

This study will be beneficial to universities information

technology expert, school universities, protecting the security
of home policy beneficial to national security, future
researchers, as well as contributing research and knowledge to
future research.

Scope and Limitations

This study will be realistic and appropriate design using

alarms and thermal sensors. Both researchers and device would
access data for meta-analyses and other kinds of re-use this is
accessible using the trial and error mode.

This will be limited to three residences only but will be out

in market if the product is quality and successful.

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines


Review of Related Literature

On the concept of security

Since its inception the security studies represent the
core of the International Relations, predominantly dealing
with the issues of war and peace. In the years following the
World War security studies have become a synonym for Strategic
Studies with a distinct focus on the military sector. However,
with the growing complexity of the international relations`
agenda, namely with the rise of economic and environmental
challenges count, emergence of the new security challenges,
risks and threats, emergence of the new international
relations` actors, the traditional view of the sole concept of
security, that is, its essence, has become too narrow.
Before a more detailed insight into the root of the problem,
it is necessary to clarify what is meant by “the concept of
security”. The question on the essential characteristics of
concept also presents a logical priority, having in mind that
without clear and precise definition of its content and scope,
it is impossible to initiate empirical observations and the
security phenomena analysis. Buzan’s definition is clear and
saying that “security is pursuit
of freedom from threats” (Buzan, 1991: 18), however the
content itself of this concept remains obscure. Huysmans

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
suggests that by defining the meaning of a category (security
this particular case) we are condensing it into one sentence
(Huysmans, 1998: 229). The main function of the definition is
the identification of the subject of the research, or to put
it more precisely, the removal of any doubt reader could have
concerning the following content of the text. Conceptual
analysis is similar to the definition in extent that it also
condenses the meaning of security for the establishment of a
singular scientific goal’s sake of all future research
projects, but condensing its meaning is being performed in a
much more complex way than with just one sentence. The
starting assumption of the conceptual analysis is that the
meaning of the notion that is being examined is more or less
familiar, but also that it usually isn’t expressed in the
explicit manner. Making it explicit by eliminating its
ambiguities and inconsistencies in the different uses is the
sole purpose of the conceptual analysis. “Conceptual analysis
does not result with the new definition. It is not comparative
analysis of definitions with the purpose of formulating an
all-embracing definition. Rather, it formulates a common
denominator which expresses “common conceptual distinctions
underlying various conceptions of security” (Baldwin A. David
(1997) “The concept of security”, in (Huysman, 1998: 231).
The question is whether there is a generally accepted
definition of the meaning of concept of security in theory and
whether it should be regarded as an “essentially contested
concept” (Baldwin, 1997: 5) or it is more suitable to say that
the concept itself is insufficiently explained and blurry.
Anyways, the security concept can be “dangerously

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
ambiguous”(Wolfers 1952) should it be used without additional
specifications. Baldwin, for example, formulate the entire
series of questions – security for whom, security for which
values, how much security, from what threats, by what means,
at what cost, in what time period (Baldwin,1997: 12-18) – that
should make appropriate analytical framework for future
security studies.
Therefore, the definition of the term itself is not
enough; a particular textual organization is also required.

The “traditionalists” vs. “wideners” - debate about security

Should we, for the sake of the clearer view, neglect all
the shortcomings of Manichean logic (excessive simplification
in the first place), from plethora of articles that have dealt
with this problem, two confronting approaches can be outlined.
Traditionalists, adherents of the realist school of
thought, define security as a freedom from any objective
military threat to the state survival in an anarchic
international system. Definition of security studies by
Stephen Walt perhaps in the most explicit way expresses the
traditional understanding of the problem. He defines security
studies as “the studies of the threat, use, and control of
military force” (Walt (1991), in Buzan, Weaver and de
Wilde,1998: 3). This approach is essentially based on a clear
ontological point of view that the social truth is
predominantly result of material factors` influence, in other
words, “the social relations as well as security threats are
result of material factors and that they exist “objectively””

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
(Ejdus 2007). Second fundamental assumption of these theories
is an epistemological assumption, i.e. method that they apply
when responding to the question on
how to acquire the knowledge on certain social truths? Basic
method of these theories is positivist method. The starting
point of positivist approach is that social facts should be
regarded as things – like in natural sciences. The causal
relations and laws of social phenomena ought to be discovered
by description and arrangement of perceptible facts.
Observing and analyzing subject and object of their
analysis are separate in this case. The other school of
thought, so-called “wideners” with Barry Buzan in front, has
challenged this conception of security by widening and
deepening security studies agenda, both horizontally and
vertically. Having in mind the horizontal dimension, the
wideners think that in reality the security concept has
expended from exclusively military onto political, economic,
societal and environmental sectors. Vertically, the altered
security concept should
also be open to referent objects [ii] other than the state
(individuals, social groups, humanity as a whole). Ontological
standpoint of traditional understanding of security critics is
that “social relations and security threats are actually the
result of an inter-subjective ideational social construction
and that they do not exist objectively, independently” (Ejdus
2007). This is, in essence, anti-essentialist ontological
standpoint. Responding to the question on whether the truth
about social reality has one, unique, unchanging, essential
meaning, or there are more versions of its interpretation,
proponents of this school of thought undoubtedly opt for the

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Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
latter solution. Complete and perfect knowledge does not
exist. The truth about reality is a socially constructed
interpretation. Therefore, it is clear that the method used in
their analysis can’t be positivist method, but a kind of
“empathic interpretation” (Ejdus 2007) of the facts.
Methodological interpretive (post-positivism) assumption is
that there is an unbreakable unity
between subject and object of cognition, therefore the facts
are relative and dependent upon the observer.[iii]
Constructivist’s majority opinion is that “the theory does not
take place after
the fact. Theories, instead, play a large part in constructing
and defining what the facts are”.
(Enloe and Zalewski, 1995: 299). Having that kind of
attitude in mind, relevance of
distinction between “real” and “perceived” threats seizes to
exist. Corollary of such epistemological approach is that the
main goal of security studies is to understand social reality,
not its explanation. To understand certain social phenomenon
means to grasp and interpret its meaning given by the social

Securitization theory – a step forward in security studies

Radical transformation of security ambient, complete
reconfiguration of the system of global relations of power and
force at the end of the Cold War and emergence of entirely new
security challenges, risks and threats, only added to
intensification of the debate on redefinition of the concept
of security. The central point of the debate was a question on

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
whether and how to broaden and deepen the security concept
without bringing its logical coherence into the dispute, how
to widen the focus of the research onto the other, non-
sectors, and keep the sole concept meaningful and to analysts
a useful tool. Enormous contribution to the contemporary
security studies was made by the so-called Copenhagen School
of Security Studies[iv], which offered a quite innovative,
perspective on a broad spectrum of security issues, perceiving
clearly that security dynamics could no longer be reduced only
to the military-political relations of the two super powers,
however important they might be. In that sense, proponents of
the Copenhagen School stand firmly on the wideners` side.
However, as shown in the text, the moment one leaves the idea
to tie the concept of security only to certain referent
objects (such as the state) and to certain kind of security
threats (such as military), a question “what quality makes
something a
security issue” (Buzan, Weaver and de Wilde, 1998: 21) arrives
at the very centre of controversy. Without distinctive
criteria which separate a security issue from non-security
issue, the concept of security is trivial and leaves only
confusion behind.
In an effort to give an answer to this particular
question, Barry Buzan, one of the representatives of the
Copenhagen School, starts with an assertion that undoubtedly
a traditional view’s heritage: security is about survival; it
is when an issue, presented as posing an existential threat to

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
a designated referent object, justifies the use of
measures to handle them (Buzan, Weaver and de Wilde, 1998:
21). However, radical severance from traditional security
studies commences with the multisectoral [v] approach to the
research on security. Statement of existence of other security
sectors, apart from military, allows the possibility of other
referent objects different from state and, in accordance with
that, existence of much wider scope of security threats, being
that their nature is variable in relation with the
characteristics of particular referent object. On the other
hand, the materialist assumption of traditional security
studies on the objectivity
of security threats, in which they exist independently and
outside the discourse, did not remain out of reach of
criticism. The Copenhagen School of Security Studies
security as a process of social construction of threats which
includes securitizing actor[vi] (mostly political elite), who
declares certain matter as urgent and a posing threat for the
survival of the referent object, that, once accepted with the
audience[vii], legitimizes the use of extraordinary measures
for neutralization of the threat. Thus, the issue is
securitized and
removed outside the normal bounds of democratic political
procedure and put on the “panic politics” agenda (Buzan,
Weaver and de Wilde, 1998: 34).

Criticism of the concept of security in securitization theory

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
The securitization framework has been a useful tool to
analysts who want to challenge the notion of the objectivity
of security threats. The framework is elegant and has
much academic interest and sparked the number of critiques and
debates, aiming to broaden and further specify the framework
in order to increase its logical coherence and explanatory
However important and innovative contribution to our
understanding of security may it be, the securitization
framework is problematically narrow. First, the form of act
constructing security is defined narrowly, with the main focus
on the speech of dominant actors, usually political leaders,
which encourages an interpretation that securitization is only
happening when there are discursive interventions of those who
are institutionally legitimate to speak on behalf of a
particular political community (usually a state). This also
excludes a focus on other forms of representations, such as
images or material practices. (McDonald, 2008: 564).
Thus, the focus is on the speech and it is per formative power
to construct security. At the same time, the conceptual
framework of securitization puts a special emphasis on the
acceptance of the audience which is claimed to be essential in
the successful securitization process. Contextual factors,
which the Copenhagen school terms facilitating conditions,
help explain why some securitizing moves are more likely to be
accepted by the audience than the other. These facilitating
conditions are taken as givens that either help or hinder
securitization but are not conceptualized as constitutive of
the speech acts, which is at odds with the claim that security

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
is a social construction. There is tension between
understanding securitization as a productive process by
focusing on the per formative power of the speech act, and as
a constructed process by claiming that security is inter-
subjectively constituted. This tension gave rise to critique
by the so-called Second Generation of securitization analysts
who argue that securitization cannot be properly understood
outside historical and cultural context in which security
discourse takes place. Thus, the very meaning of security is
Finally, the framework of securitization is narrow in the
sense that the nature of the act is defined solely in terms of
the designation of threats to security (McDonald, 2008: 564).
claim is based on a commitment to the idea that security is
constituted in oppositional terms: by designating that which
it is not or that from which it needs preservation or
(Weaver, 1995: 56). Sometimes it is more effective if security
is conceptualized in terms of normative goals that should be
achieved or expression of the core values that are in need of
being protected, then if it is articulated only in terms of
“from what and from whom it needs protection”. Thus, seeing
security as something negative per se does not represent a
logical imperative anymore.

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines



Installing intruder alarm system maintain the security of home

is not data free, using all types of sampling techniques we aim
for generalization, using probability samples, infer the
characteristic of population concerned with experimental

Research Design

Our research is design is descriptive in sense of time, for it

is future oriented .It is never hypothesis-free, ushers new
terms in the process per se, for it introduces “controlled” and
“experimental variable is “effective” on dependent variable. It
is solitary designs for it cannot serve as composite method or

Nowadays, there is an effort to create the theory of safety and

security. The newly created theory of safety and security would
provide a common framework for all kinds of safety and security.
The problem of safety and security has been address for a long
time, and a theory of safety and security should utilize already
established theories and theoretical discipline. (Iria,2016)

Respondents of the Study

We are installing our device on Napnapan Sur, Tigbauan ,Iloio,

De Guia’s residence for trial and error mode and re-install it
at Asian College of aeronautics for defense and pre- defense,
The respondents will be the house owner and the panel of judges.

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Sampling Method

Installing home security Wireless alarm System supports

application push, short message service, voice monitoring center
networking and other alarm ways to ensure stable and reliable
alarm performance.

Data Collection

The Wireless home security was ordered online and was design to
be more effective in performance using application remote
control card kit. It support gate, hall, bedroom, window,
balcony, perimeter, smoke gas, water leakage zone name settings.
It is made of plastic and metal, Color: black and white,
Size185X124X14.7mm/7.8X4.92X0.59 in approximate. Input voltage:
DC5 V/a (micro universal serial bus) jack). Standby Current:
120m, Siren Output<500m. Wireless Frequency: 433mHZV1527. Back-
up Battery: 3.7V/500mah Lithium Battery. Main panel, Wireless
Infrared sensor, Wireless door/window sensor, two remote
control, wired sensor, Power adapter, User manual

Our device is exquisite in appearance, excellent workman ship

and easy to carry.

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
Chapter 4

Presentation and Analysis of Data

This chapter shows the presentation and analysis of data we use table
1 and table 2 to connect the research itself we used trial and error
mode to detect the distance of noise, the area, how long will the
battery last.
Table 1

Distance of intruder alarm sound or noise.

Intruder Distance Area

alarm of noise
Sound and meter

17meter Main door to

100db(high) the Gate
30meter Main door to
80db(Medium) the Old house
(in front of
De Guia’s
50db(low) 50 meter Main door to
the near the

This table 1 present the distance of intruder alarm sound from the
main door to the area. At the main door to the waiting shed which has
17m distance you could hear 100 decibels. From the main door to the
old house you could hear 80db in 30meters distance. From the main
door to the near the NNHS you could hear 50db in 50meter distance.

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Capacity level battery of intruder alarm

Table 2

Measurement Capacity Battery Level of Intruder Alarm.

(%) of Hours
25% 5min
50% 10min
75% 15min
100% 20min

Table 2 measurement capacity battery level of intruder alarm .At 25%

you have 5 minutes of using the device. At 50% you have 5 minutes of
using the device. At 75% you have 15minutes of using the device. At
100% you have 20 minutes of using the device and the battery: 3.7V

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Chapter 5

Summary, Recommendation and Conclusions

The following chapters concludes the introduction,

usefulness of the study, past research, and importance on how
will it make our daily life easier. The findings of this study
was discussed and interpreted.

Summary of research

This study, “Installing intruder alarm system maintains

the security of home” dwells evolution in programming and developing
the future generation. The literature review was concentrated on the
process of inception the security studies represent the core of the
International Relations, predominantly dealing with the issues of
war and peace. It was found that the starting assumption of the
conceptual analysis is that the meaning of the notion that is being
examined is more or less familiar, but also that it usually isn’t
expressed in the explicit manner. Traditionalists, adherents of the
realist school of thought, define security as a freedom from any
objective military threat to the state survival in an anarchic
international system. Studies conducted, including trial and error
was reproduced to test effectiveness of the alarm, smart hub panel,
motion detector and door/ window sensor.

Research was undertaken in De Guia’s residence and Gedalanga’s

residence, It was a development project in Tigbauan and could change
the perspective of security system. The intention was to test
observe the process and convenient of the security system on long-
term service. The case study showed how the device reacts when
detecting thermal sensor and sensitivity sensor. It was observed by

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
movement, time and sound using parameters relevant to the case study
(example: meter from the device, sensitivity of the device,
initiated time to trigger the alarm, decibels produced by external

Conducted study dwellings followed by identifiable patterns of

distance, motion, sensory triggers. Distance was affected by aspects
on how far you were able to hear the siren, motion was affected when
something moving sensed, sensory triggers sends message to the smart
hub panel to display the keypad and trigger alarm.

Discussion and Conclusion.

As a revolutionary product, the study of our security system

were able to adopt new and diverse role along the whole new process
of evolution observed at Tigbauan and discussed. In this section,
the first concerns the role of a convenient device as a progressive
development project,It needs a lot more battery life as we consider
security, and a back-up battery for longer use. The second, follows
the construction of permanent structure that could make a device a
evolution. Serve as security of one’s home , the basic priority of
product were(assertion that undoubtedly presents a traditional
view’s heritage, security being survival, issue presented as posing
an existential threat to a designated referent object, justifies the
use of extraordinary object).However, the major concern were neither
be increased nor upgraded with better materials to increase
effectiveness. This fact, together with the sudden change in pace of
development caused by reprogramming has connection with the process
of chip replacements.

Recommendations for Further Research

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
Long term assessments are particularly constrained by
availability and reliable recorded data. The frequency, and often
methodology, in which censuses and conductions are made do not
always suit the purposes of this kind of research. Trial and error
are important, by limited memories and continuity. Documentation, if
available, it represents one of the most reliable sources to observe
changes. Nevertheless, a detailed process of observing the data is
very time consuming, make sure to only include important details.
Make sure to use strategies, to be developed in other countries in
the near future, Perhaps most important learning of this research
study is that the effectiveness and convenience of the device
acknowledges the survival and privacy of home protecting the family
and securing life. And still leaves a positive outcome in evolving
the technology entity.

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines


Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Buzan,1991: 18

Huysman, 1998:286

Wolfers 1952

Walt 199

Ejdus 2017

Enloe and zalewski 1995 : 299

Buzan , Weaver and Wilde, 1998: 214

McDonald, 2008; 564

Iria, 2015 publicplaces/

sulovic 2010

andutris 1995

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines


Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
Appendix A

Letter to the Dean

Sir Ramie Bambilla

Officer – in Charge

Dear Sir:
We, the undersigned, are presently working on our research study
entitled, “Installing Intruder Alarm System Maintains the Security of Home”
as part of academic requirements in our senior high school academic
We are requesting permission from your good office that we be allowed
to present our device in our research adviser, it will only be use in
academic purposes.
We are looking forward towards your positive response on this request,
Thank you for anticipating.

Truly yours,
Shayne Chizlette De Guia Therese Mae Casiple
Researcher Researcher
Noted by:
Milo Diego Ferolino and Angeline Veloso
Research Adviser Research Teacher

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Appendix B
Letter to the Respondent
Mrs. Ruby De Guia
Napnapan Sur,Tigbauan , Iloilo

Dear Ma’am:

We, the undersigned, are presently working on our research study

entitled, “Installing Intruder Alarm System Maintains the Security of Home”
as part of academic requirements in our senior high school academic

We are requesting permission from your good residence that we be

allowed to use our device in your home, it will only be use in academic

We are looking forward towards your positive response on this request,

Thank you for anticipating.

Truly yours,

Shayne Chizlette De Guia Therese Mae Casiple

Researcher Researcher

Noted by:

Milo Diego Ferolino and Angeline Veloso

Research Adviser Research Teacher

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Appendix C

Letter to the Respondent

Mrs. Harietta Gedalangga

Napnapan Sur,Tigbauan , Iloilo

Dear Ma’am:
We, the undersigned, are presently working on our research study
entitled, “Installing Intruder Alarm System Maintains the Security of Home”
as part of academic requirements in our senior high school academic
We are requesting permission from your good residence that we be
allowed to use our device in your home, it will only be use in academic
We are looking forward towards your positive response on this request,
Thank you for anticipating.

Truly yours,
Shayne Chizlette De Guia Therese Mae Casiple
Researcher Researcher
Noted by:

Milo Diego Ferolino and Angeline Veloso

Research Adviser Research Teacher

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines

Appendix D

Survey of the Researchers

1. Is it more compatible on the Door or window

2. Is the battery life affects the performance of the device


3. What position PIR motion detector works well? Top view? Or Side

4. Until how far the device perceptible

5. Does the remote panel works well

Asian College of Aeronautics
Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines


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