302 Lect02

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ECE 302 Lecture 2

Vector Math Review

ECE302 - Engineering Electromagnetics Phyllis R. Nelson

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Basic vector operations: addition

A ~

B Addition
“Walk” the first vector and then the second.
Addition is commutative
~ −B
~ ~+B
A ~ =B
~ +A
. . . and associative
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~a + B + C = A + B + C

“Walk” the other way.
~ ~ ~ ~
A − B = A + −B

ECE302 - Engineering Electromagnetics Phyllis R. Nelson

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By a scalar multiplies the magnitude of the vector by the scalar factor.

Scalar multiplication is distributive.
a A~ +B
~ = aA
~ + aB

Scalar (dot) product

A ~ = AB cos θ ~·B
A ~ =B
~ ·A
~ A~ +B
~ ·C~ =A
~ +B
~ ·C

Cross Product

î ĵ k̂

~ ~

A × B = n̂AB sin θ = Ax Ay Az

bx By Bz

~× B
A ~ +C
~ = A
~ +A
~ ×C
~ but B
~ ×A
~=− A~×B

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Find the angle between a face diagonal and a body diagonal of a cube.


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Scalar triple product

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A· B×C =B· C ×A =C · A×B~ ~




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Vector triple product

~× B
A ~ ×C
~ =B
~ A ~ ·C
~ −C~ A~·B

~ ~ ~
6= A × B × C

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Transformations of vectors

A vector is any set of three components that transforms like a displacement when you change

How does the vector from the origin to the point (1, 2, 3) transform under inversion (x0 = −x,
y 0 = −y , z 0 = −z )?
How does the cross product of two vectors transform under inversion? [It’s a pseudovector.]

Is the cross product of two cross products a vector or a pseudovector?

How does the scalar triple product transform under inversion? [It’s a pseudoscalar.]

ECE302 - Engineering Electromagnetics Phyllis R. Nelson

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In one dimension  
df = dx
so df /dx is the slope of f (x).

~ = x̂ ∂T + ŷ ∂T + ẑ ∂T
∂x ∂y ∂z

~ = ∇T
~ · dl
dT = ∇T ~ cos θ
~ dl

~ at a point is the maximum value of dT and the direction of ∇T

so the magnitude of ∇T ~ is the
direction of the maximum increase in T at that point.

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is a measure of how much a vector function of position (a vector field) “spreads out” at a particular
~ · ~v

is a measure of how much a vector function of position “curls” (rotates) around a particular point.

~ × ~v

Think of a water tank . . . .

A faucet has large positive divergence, a drain has large negative divergence. If you put a
small “paddle wheel” at a point and the paddle wheel turns, there is a curl.

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Product rules

For gradients
~ g) = f ∇g
∇(f ~ + g ∇f
~ A
∇ ~·B
~ =A~× ∇~ ×B
~ +B~× ∇ ~ ×A
~ + A ~·∇
~ B~+ B~ ·∇
~ A~

For divergences
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
∇ · f A = f ∇ · A + A · ∇f~
~ · A
∇ ~×B~ =B ~· ∇~ ×A ~ −A ~· ∇~ ×B

For curls
~ × fA
∇ ~ =f ∇ ~ ×A ~ −A ~ × ∇f~
~ × A
∇ ~ ×B
~ = B ~ ·∇
~ A~− A ~ ·∇
~ B ~ +A~ ∇ ~ ·B
~ −B~ ∇~ ·A

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Vector second derivatives

~ · ∇T
∇ ~ = ∇2 T the Laplacian

~ × ∇T
∇ ~ =0

~ ~
∇ ∇ · ~v is seldom needed

~ · ∇
∇ ~ ×V
~ =0

~ × ∇
∇ ~ ×V
~ ~ ∇
=∇ ~ · ~v − ∇2~v

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Fundamental theorem for gradients

Along a particular path connecting the points a and b,
Z b 
∇T ~ = T (b) − T (a)
· dl

• independent of the path

• = 0 if the path is a closed loop

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Fundamental theorem for divergences

Gauss’s theorem, Green’s theorem, or the divergence theorem
Z   I
~ · ~v
∇ dτ = ~v · d~a
volume surface

Griffiths’ version:
(all faucets in the volume) = (flow out through the surface)

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Fundamental theorem for curls

Stokes’ theorem Z  I

~ × ~v · dA
∇ ~= ~
~v · dl
surface boundary

• This integral depends only on the boundary, not on the surface.

• This integral = 0 for any closed surface, since the boundary becomes a point.

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Useful relationships

~ ~ =0
∇T · dl

~ =0
~ × ~v · da


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The Helmholtz theorem

~ be found if
Is a vector field completely determined by its divergence and curl? That is, can F

~ · F~ = D
∇ ~ × F~ = C
∇ ~ ~ ·C
∇ ~ =0

If D(~ ~ r) both go to zero faster that r−2 as r

r) and C(~ → ∞, and if |F~ (~r)| → 0 as r → ∞,
~ is uniquely determined by the above equations.
then F
~ whose magnitude goes to zero as r
So any differentiable vector field F → ∞ can be
expressed as the gradient of a scalar field plus the curl of a vector field.

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~ × F~
If ∇ = 0 everywhere, F~ is called “irrotational.”
~ is independent of the path
F~ · dl
• a

~ = 0 for any closed loop

F~ · dl

• F~ = −∇U
~ for a scalar potential U

~ · F~
If ∇ = 0 everywhere, F~ is called “solenoidal.”
~ depends only on the boundary line.
F~ · da
• surface

~ = 0 for any closed surface.

F~ · da
• surface

• F~ = ∇
~ ×W
~ for a vector potential W

ECE302 - Engineering Electromagnetics Phyllis R. Nelson

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