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Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2019
Student: Hannah Yoder School: Swayzee Elementary
IWU Supervisor: Professor Alex Schuler Co-op Teacher: Mrs. Tracy Martin
Teaching Date: March 22, 2019 Grade Level: 5

Students learn best when a variety of methods are used, and especially through activities that involve different learning modalities. Students
also perform better when the routine schedule is observed whenever possible. Since I am teaching my lesson on a Friday, my teacher
requested that I include a video about spies in my lesson, as she shows them a video every Friday (that she calls Flick Friday). The video is a
visual way for students to learn the information, as well as various artifacts used throughout the lesson. Then, the students actually get to
decode and write their own secret message. (CAEP K-6 1.a)

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal: Understand how the Culper Spy Ring helped George Washington win the American Revolution.
B. Objective: Students will list the techniques used by spies from the American Revolution and explain how they contributed to the
C. Standards:
a. IAS: 5.1.12 Describe the contributions of France and other nations and of individuals to the outcome of the American
b. NCSS: III: People, Places, and Environments
II. Management Plan
a. Materials:
i. Youtube video about Culper Spy Ring:
ii. Culper code primary source:
iii. Code worksheet (see end of document)
iv. Symbol Simon Armchair Puzzlers, Bob Moog, puzzle # 33 (from Mrs. Martin)
v. Projector and computer
vi. Print out of the primary source masked letter (for doc cam):
vii. Quill letter website:
1. Quill
viii. Document camera
ix. Student Chromebooks for exit slip (google form,

b. Time: 30 minutes
i. 3 minutes: anticipatory set
ii. 2 minutes: discussion about spies
iii. 6.5 minutes: Flick Friday video
iv. 8 minutes: discussion on video, demonstration of various spy techniques, explanation and modeling of
deciphering activity
v. 10 minutes: students work on activity worksheet
vi. 2 minutes: students answer exit-ticket question on their Chromebooks

c. Space
i. Students will be seated at their table groups

d. Behavior
i. I will use strategies used by Mrs. Martin to manage the class. Ex. Call-response of “Marco Polo” to get students’
attention. Students are expected to pay attention and remain on task throughout the lesson. Students are allowed
to work in pairs at their tables, and moderate noise level will be allowed.
III. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners—
• I will include lots of modeling throughout the lesson, and remodel when necessary.
• Students can work in pairs on the activity if they desire.
• If students finish early, they can write fun secret codes to their peers.


IV. Anticipatory Set
• As students enter the classroom, I will have the rebus puzzle displayed on the document camera. Because students are already
familiar with solving these (they solve them every Monday), I won’t have to explain what it is. After the riddle is solved, I will
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2019
connect this by introducing the concept of spies from the war. I will say, “I know we normally do rebus puzzles on Mystery Mondays,
but I thought this puzzle would fit well with our Flick Friday video today, which is about the spies of the American Revolution because
it is a secret code.”
• Then, I will ask students if they know any spies from the revolution. (They should name Nathan Hale, Benedict Arnold, and James
Armistead Layfette)
• Then I will say, “Today, we are going to talk about other spies, and different techniques used by these spies.”

V. Purpose: Today, we will be exploring the spying methods used by spies in the American Revolution. As we watch the video and discuss
people and spy methods, I want you to think about how these individuals contributed to the war.

VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)
• The lesson will begin with a short discussion about spies. I will say, “Everyone knows that George Washington was the commander in
chief of the continental army, but a lot of people don’t actually know that he is also known as “the first spymaster”. He was the actual
leader of the spies, and he himself organized the most famous ring, the Culper Spy Ring. Washington asked his friend, Benjamin
Tallmadge, to organize the spy ring, and he created a unique system that involved several different spies, and they used a couple
different methods to send messages. These spy rings were really critical for us to win the war. They uncovered very critical information
about British plans that allowed Washington to act quickly, which in a lot of cases let us win battles. For our Flick Friday, we are going
to watch a video that discusses different spying methods used by spies. As you watch the video, watch for spies, spy methods, and how
they contributed to the war.
• Next, I will show the video clip (6 and a half minutes)
o Before the video starts, go over what the word, espionage, means.
• After the video, I will ask students to identify spies and techniques they found using the following questions. As students provide
techniques, I will show them the primary source.
o Who were some of the people mentioned in the video?
§ George Washington
§ Robert Townsend
§ Anna Smith Strong
§ Benjamin Tallmadge
§ Lydia Darragh
o What were some of the spy techniques discussed?
§ Invisible ink
§ Secret codes (Culper Spy Code):
§ Anna Strong’s laundry system
§ Hiding notes in buttons or shoes
§ Disinformation
§ Quill letter, hollow bullet
• After all the techniques from the video are stated and discussed, I will also mention British spies and their methods:
o The masked letter (use the document camera to show how it works)
o The 3-number code system (similar to Culper code)
• Next, I will pass out my activity sheet (which has the 3 number method on it), and model how to decipher the code. I will decipher
the first letter as an example, then decipher the second with the help of the students. I will have them decipher the third letter on
their own, and if they are able to correctly decipher it, then I will let them decipher it individually.
o I will say to them, “Once you have deciphered the code, you get to write your own secret spy code to General Washington.”
• Students will then decode the secret message on the activity sheet, and then write their own code. If there is extra time, they can
write other fun code messages to their peers.
(CAEP K-6 3.f)
(CAEP K-6 3.d)

VII. Check for understanding. How do you know students have learned? What strategies will you implement if all students have not met
lesson outcomes? Employ one or more strategies to determine student learning.
• The discussion after the video will determine if the students understood the content of the video.
• Students will complete the activity sheet. I will walk around as the students are working on their codes, and correct any mistakes or
clarify any misconceptions they may have.
• At the end of the lesson, students will answer a short question on their Chromebooks that will be their ticket out of the period.

VIII.Review learning outcomes / Closure – At the end, I will discuss the quote from the video, “Washington didn’t out-fight us, he out-spied
us,”, and ask students to answer the question:
• What does this quote tell you about the importance of spies in the American Revolution?
• Then, students will answer the assessment questions on their Chromebooks.

• As students complete the activity, I will walk among the students to monitor their progress.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2019
• At the end of the lesson, students will answer a short question that is posted on Google Classroom. It will contain 2 questions
the students have to answer. The question is:
o Name and describe a spying technique used by spies in the American Revolution.

1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Were the students able to successfully decipher the code? Did I explain it adequately?
8. Were students able to remember information from the video to participate in the discussion?
Include additional self-answer questions that specifically address unique lesson content, methodology, and assessment.

Student: Hannah Yoder School: Swayzee Elementary School
IWU Supervisor: Prof. Alex Schuler Co-op Teacher: Mrs. Tracy Martin
Teaching Date: 3/22/19 Grade Level: 5
Audit Trail:
• Talked to Mrs. Martin about a topic and date for my lesson, 3/1
o Established date (3/22)
o Discussed several different possible topics, but did not decide on one due to the day’s busy schedule
• Received email from Mrs. Martin on 3/7 confirming my topic, spies of the American Revolution
• Shared ideas with Mrs. Martin and solidified idea, 3/11
• Signed up for observation time (4 period, 3/22), on 3/12
• Met with Dr. Karr during coffee hours on 3/13 to get some input on my ideas, specifically the anticipatory set, activity, and
• Submitted lesson plan for approval on 3/16
• Lesson approved 3/20


Heading Student uses the provided template for Social

Studies content.
Template Student includes all of the information in the
template heading.
Audit Trail Student includes a list of dates and methods
for communicating with cooperating teacher.
Rationale Statement of rationale for the learning
experience and environment in this lesson.

Goals The lesson plan contains objectives that

connect goals and standards with lesson
activities and assessments.
Each objective should include the
following: Conditions; Desired learning;
Observable behavior; and Accuracy (as


Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2019
Management Plan A. Materials:
B. Time:
C. Space:
D. Behavior:
E. Technology: (as appropriate)
Anticipatory Set The anticipatory set is clear and direct and
focuses students’ attention on the lesson.

Purpose The statement of purpose is clearly connected

to the content of the lesson and is presented
in terms that are easily understood by

Plan For Instruction

Adaptation to Instructional opportunities are provided in

Individual Differences this lesson. The opportunities are
and Diverse Learners developmentally appropriate and/or are
adapted to diverse students.

Early Finishers
Exceptional Needs-
Lesson Presentation Candidates demonstrate understandings,
for Social Studies capabilities and practices associated with
the central concepts and tools in Civics,
Economics, Geography, and /or History
within a framework of inquiry.

Lesson Presentation The candidate’s lesson demonstrates an

understanding of developmentally
appropriate practice.

The candidate’s lesson includes both

modeling and guided practice.

The lesson presentation includes relevant

activities that encourage student
participation and critical thinking.

Check for The lesson plan includes a plan and the means
Understanding to check for student understanding of the
lesson. A provision is included to reteach all
[CFU] or part of the lesson to all or part of the class.

Review Learning Lesson closure relates directly to the lesson

Outcomes and/ or purpose and/or objective.

Plan for
Competent 3
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2019
Formal and Informal A plan for formal and informal assessment [
Assessment mainly formative]throughout the lesson is
included. The assessment strategies are
uniquely designed for the students.

Reflection and Post- The lesson plan includes all required self-
Lesson Analysis answer questions.

A lesson plan with elements that do to meet the A competent lesson plan earns a score of An outstanding lesson plan earns a
competent level will receive a score of 33 /40 or lower 34-37/40. score of 38/40-40/40

Additional Comments:
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2019
Name: ____________________

Become a spymaster!

You are a member of the Culper Spy Ring, and you have just received this message from Agent 711 (General
Washington). Luckily, you have the key to the code system: the poem! Use the poem to help you decode the

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

How to crack the code:
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

• The 1st number indicates the line of the 1) Listen my children and you shall hear
poem where the letter is located.
• The 2nd number indicates the word in which 2) Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere
the letter is located.
3) On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
• The 3rd number indicates the letter in the
word. 4) Hardly a man is now alive
• Example: 211
o 211: The letter is in line 2 5) Who remembers that famous day and year
o 211: The letter is in the 1st word of
6) He said to his friend, “If the British march
line 2
o 211: The letter is the first letter in 7) By land or sea from the town to-night
line 2
o 211 = O 8) Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch

9) Of the North Church tower as a signal light,-

10) One if by land, and two if by sea;

11) And I on the opposite shore will be,

12) Ready to ride and spread the alarm

13) Through every village and farm,

Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2019

Your Turn!
Now it’s your turn to write a secret message! You have just learned that British General Henry Clinton is
devising a plot to capture George Washington. It is up to you to write a secret message to warn him! Using the
same code system from above, write your message in the space below.

711 542 241 433 311 111 724 132 542 962

___. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

711 223 114 241 542 553 223 724 263 962

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