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1.How does Einstein explain the fourth dimension?

The time is the fourth dimension

Einstein explained this with an example of a man reclining in a bench with a tree
besides, in this situation; the man walks from the bench to a rock on the other side of
the tree, he explains it there, that the man can’t pass through the tree, he must walk
around the tree, it means that he only reaches the rock in the third dimension.
Later he talks about another man that is sit in the same bench, he explains that only a
man can be sitting in this bench because two bodies cannot occupy the same place at
the same time, and this is the way to explain the fourth dimension, because the two
bodies must be in different times to occupy the same bench.
2. Why does Einstein think Americans are idealists?
Einstein thought that the Americans are idealists because the Fourteen Points (These
were some proposals of the president Woodrow Wilson) he said that America entered
the war because of Idealistic reasons and the material interest that was exerting the
utmost pressure made a overemphasize the material influence in history.
3. What does Einstein do when he is not working?
He had an especial taste for the classical music, he adores Mozart and Bach, he
preferred their work to the architectural music of Beethoven. Also, he talked about
the pleasure that the violin and the sailboat gave him, He loved aquatic sports.

By: María Isabel Perdomo Luna

Code: D7303787

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