Tư Tư NG H ChíMinh - APS

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Tư tưởng Hồ ChíMinh đây các em nhé!

Ho Chi Minh Thought is an ideology that adapts Marxism–Leninism to the specific social, political, and
economic conditions of the Vietnamese people, by Ho Chi Minh, the leader of the Democratic Republic
of Vietnam. The tenets of Ho Chi Minh Thought are primarily constructed from the political statements
and attitudes of Ho Chi Minh.

The Party defines the ideology, which was formed and developed during the revolution, as a
comprehensive system of in-depth ideas on essential matters of Vietnam’s revolution.( Nếu thi nói thì
trả lời đến đây).

The ideology is a creative application and promotion of Marxism-Leninism to the country’s specific
situation in close combination with national culture, he stated.

He argued that despite the rapidly changing domestic and global context, the vitality and relevancy of
the ideology remain unchanged, especially the ideas regarding the liberation of the nation and people,
building a transparent and strong Party as well as a State of the people, by the people and for the

He underlined that the utmost goal of Ho Chi Minh humanism is complete liberation of the people,
making them the true owners of their nations and the world.

The humanity of the Ho Chi Minh ideology is shown in his leadership of the revolution for national
independence and personal freedom, prosperity and happiness, as well as the late leader’s thoughts on
building socialism and the struggle to solve conflicts between the good and the bad, the backward old
and the progressive new in each development period of the country, said Huynh.

During the event, participants clarified major points in President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology containing
humanistic and progressive values. They also pointed out the significance of his thought to the
revolution in Vietnam.

They agreed that the values are the foundation for the Party to build its policies for socio-politics,
economics, cultural and foreign relations development, aiming to build a people-centred nation in the
era of integration.

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