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Mission Statement

Every Day for Every Child

Teaching is not just a job, it is a calling. I will put forth my best effort every day to encourage
each student to have a voice and a safe place to express it, for them to take on challenges without
fear of failure, the curiosity to question what they’re learning, and the belief that they can be the
best they can be no matter what path they choose in life.

My Beliefs
Parent Collaboration:
● I recognize parents as primary educators and believe that a good parent-teacher
relationship is necessary for maximum school success
● Volunteering in the classroom is essential
● Parent request forms will be utilized so that I can learn the unique qualities of your child
● Keep parents informed through weekly newsletters and an updated classroom website

Student Achievement:
● Each student will have an individualized learning plan and will be evaluated based upon
their progress according to the plan
● Students will be allowed to progress through their coursework at an accelerated or
individual pace and finish the school year with all requirements being fulfilled
● Achievement will include measures of personal development and citizen development

Classroom Environment:
● Students will be inspired through hands-on learning, project based, cooperative learning,
themes, and individual work that engages and activates learning
● Every square inch of the classroom will be used for activities that support learning
● Classroom will be structured to address the academic, social, and emotional need of the
student and consistent with the needs of all learners
● Everyone will have their own voice and will be heard
● A collaboration of students and teacher will come up with and agree on the classroom

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