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Choose the right verb.

Questions :

1) Look out ! we __________________ crash.

[ ]will

[ ]am going to

[ ]are going to

2) I hope one day I __________________ have more free time.

[ ]am going to

[ ]are going to

[ ]will

3) This evening I __________________ stay at home and watch tv.

[ ]am going to

[ ]are going to

[ ]will

4) Perhaps in a few hundred years everybody __________________ have an easy life.

[ ]is going to

[ ]are going to

[ ]will

5) We __________________ spend the weekend in the mountains.

[ ]am going to

[ ]will

[ ]are going to

6) Do you think it __________________ rain tonight ?

[ ]are going to

[ ]will

[ ]is going to

7) If both parents have blue eyes, their children __________________ have blue eyes.

[ ]are going to

[ ]is going to

[ ]will

8) We __________________ buy a new car.

[ ]will

[ ]are going to

[ ]am going to

9) He __________________ study abroad next year.

[ ]are going to

[ ]will

[ ]is going to

10) She hopes her baby __________________ be a girl.

[ ]will

[ ]is going to

[ ]are going to

1) are going to

2) will

3) am going to

4) will

5) are going to

6) will

7) will

8) are going to

9) is going to

10) will

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