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Problem 2, (a) Let the input voltage v; consist of a sinusoidal wave of frequency $f, (i.e., half the desired carrier frequency) and the message signal m(t): vy = A, cos(nf t)+m(t) Then, the output current 1, is : 3 tot ayy tag vy aj{A,cos(af,t)+n(t) ]easth costa ft)+m(t)]> ay(Ajcostnt t)mt)] + Jagh3 [eos(ief,t)+3eosnf,t)] + Bagt2 w(erttecostantgt)] + 3ahjcostnt tart) + age) Assume that m(t) occupies the frequency interval -W 20 a . 20 4 aa SL From this diagran we see that in order to extract a DSBSC wave, with carrier frequency f, from i,, we need a band-pass filter with mid-band frequency f, and bandwidth 2, which satisfy the requirement: f fw >See that is, f, > Gt Therefore, to use the given nonlinear device as a product modulator, we may use the following configuration: | device BEE ° 3. 42 7 43 Al m(t) cos (2ne_t) A cos (net) m(t) (b) To generate an AM wave with carrier frequency f, we require a sinusoidal component of frequency £, to be added to the DSBSC generated in the manner described above. To achieve this requirement, we may use the following configuration involving a pair of the nonlinear devices and a pair of identical band-pass filters. Nonlinear BPF device A cos (7) &) AM wave Nonlinear BPF device 52 The resulting AM wave is therefore $a, AaCAgem(t)leos(2rf,t). Thus, the choice of the de level Ag at the input of the lower branch controls the percentage modulation of the AM wave. Problem 2.2 Consider the square-law characteristic: volt) = ayvy(t) + agvzit) a where a, and a, are constants. Let v(t) = Agcos(2nfgt) + m(t) @ ‘Therefore substitutingEq. (2) into (1), and expanding terms: volt) = ayAj1 + 222 mit) | cos(2nfyt) LOR : @) + aym(t) + apm %(t) + agA2cos*(2nf,t) ‘The first term in Eq. (3) is the desired AM signal with k, = 2ay/a,. The remaining three terms are unwanted terms that are removed by filtering. Let the modulating wave m(t) be limited to the band -W < f< W, as in Fig. 1(a). Then, from Eq. (3) we find that the amplitude spectrum |V,(f)| is as shown in Fig. 1(b). It follows therefore that the unwanted terms may be removed from vz(t) by designing the tuned filter at the modulator output of Fig. P2.2 to have a mid-band frequency f, and bandwidth 2W, which satisfy the requirement that f, > 3W. Wvs00 won KA A A A WO WF 2h “haw WOW Wh mh he (@) (b) aw Figure 1 33

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