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Brooklyn College
E. Hechf
~ I
The City University of New York Negative Absolute Temperatures
Brooklyn, 11210

The concept of negative absolute tem- below those achieved by the nuclear spins even before
peratures, a matter of some initial controversy ( I ) these latter reached the negative absolute temperature
only a few years ago, is now a regular topic in recent range. Negative absolute temperatures are hotter
texts (2). I hope to show in this discussion how easily than infinite temperature in the sense that if a spon-
this concept may be accommodated by thermodynamics taneous flow of heat is possible between a negative
and elementary statistical mechanics in an aesthetically temperature system and a system at infinite tempera-
satisfying way. ture, it is the system at negative temperature that
Let us first consider phenomenologically a schematic loses heat. We can express the fundamental equation
system that can exhibit negative temperatures. Take of thermodynamics in the form:
an assembly of tiny magnetic moments (arising from
nuclear spins), each moment considered localized at d E = TdS - x z i d X i (1)
certain lattice sites (the positions of 'Li nuclei in a LiF i
lattice for examnle). The moments can interact with
each other but are isolated from the rest of the universe with E the energy and S the entropy. The pairs of
in the sense that the ~ p i ~ - ~relaxation
pin time (a kind of variables (xt, X,)are conjugate state variables of
half-life for an average spin to exist unaffected by mechanics, electromagnetic theory, etc. One is
interaction with an"" "+her intensive and one is extensive in each pair such that
~ ~ nuclear
- - ~snin) is verv
L ~ ~ ,
they represent work terms in a reversible process (s),
~ ~~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

compared to any other relaxation time, in

that of spin-lattice interaction. I n practice the spin- for example, PdV, or - d A , or - B d M for compres-
spin relaxation time is of the order of 10-5-10-6 set, sion, surface, and magnetic work (4) terms, respec-
while the spin-lattice relaxation time is of the order of tively. ( P is the pressure of the system, V its volume,
1-10 min. only if we have this spin inter- Y its surface tension, A its surface area, M its total
action can we discuss a spin temperature differingfrom magnetic and Be the magnitude of the ex-
the temperature of the lattice. The interaction with ternal magnetic force vector bathing it.) We note
the lattice corresponds to leakage through vacuum that the absolute temperature of a system is then
bottle walls in ordinary calorimetry. I t is also im- givenby:
portant to note that the spin system is decoupled
thermally from the internal motions of the nucleons,
for any nucleus would disintegrate at temperatures far
Consider now a large space enclosed by adiabatic
Fig. la Fig. Ib walls subjected to an external magnetic force B, and
inside of which is suspended a box of nuclear spins.
At time to - At (Fig. la) an equilibrium has been reached
such that the net numbers of spins in the spin box
aligned in the direction of the external field is repre-
sented by four upward pointing arrows. The net
magnetic force in the enclosure B,. is B, + B, where
B, is the added magnetic field strength due to the net
field aligned spins. At time to (Fig. Ib) the direction
of the external magnetic force is reversed in a time
interval much less than the spin-spin relaxation time.
The way that this may be done is described in the
literature (5-7) and need not detain us here. The
net force field in the enclosure, B,,, is then B. - B,.
At time to At' where At' is much less than the spin-
lattice relaxation time, but greater than the spin-spin
relaxation time (10-3 see), some of the net spins which
opposed the reversed external field at time to have
flipped and lined up with the new direction of the
external field. This is shown schematically in Figure
Fig. l e l c by three upward pointing arrows and one downward
pointing arrow. The net field in the enclosure becomes
Figure l o . Box of nuclsor spins subjected to a n external magnetic force
Ba a t lime 1. -
At which in b. a t time 1, is reversed such that the nucleor
B,. > B,,. During the time At' we may say phe-
spins are partially relaxed in c. a t time 1. 4-
At'. nomenologically that a catalyst in the spin box has
124 / Journol o f Chemical Education
reversed some spins such that ASJa> 0 since an isolated N, + N, = N (7%)
system (here the spin box denoted by subscript sb Nar = E (7b)
plus the field in the enclosure) must undergo an en-
The a priori weight of any such distribution is W,I
tropy increase and clearly part at least of this entropy
increase is localized in the spin box due to the dis- (N,) = N!/(Nl!N,!) since there are N! ways of picking
ordering process underway within it. I n addition AE,a out the spin carriers to put them on their lattice sites
< 0 since some spins have fallen into lower energy and permutations of the like nuclei bearing the same
energy level are not distinguishable. As we show below
states as they line up with the reversed external field.
We see then, making changes infinitesimal that: (since logarithms are involved) the sum in eqn. (6)
can be replaced by the single term that is the maximum
term. Thus:
In E In Wcz(fl,) (8)
This means by reference to eqn. (2) that the absolute where the fl, are the occupation numbers that max-
(spin) temperature of the spin box must be negative. imize in WC1subject to the two restrictions (7a) and
The energy lost by the spin box is taken up by the
(7b). I n order to be sure that our conditions ( 7 4 and
magnetic field of force in the large enclosure surround- (7b) are satisfied we add to the ordinary condition of
ing i t since B , > B,. This magnetic field is at some maximization:
positive absolute temperature and we see that the
spin box a t negative temperature loses energy (heat) dln W,c = 0 (9)
to its surroundings (here, the net field in the region the identity:
of the enclosure) at positive temperature. This means
that negative absolute temperatures must be "hotter," adN - gdE = 0 (10)
not colder than positive absolute temperatures! More introducing thereby the Lagrangian parameters or and
generally if we suppose that we have any isolated p. Using Stirling's approximation for the logarithm
pair of systems, one at a negative absolute temperature of the factorial of a large number:
T, and one at a positive absolute temperature T, ex- lnNI=NlnN-N (11)
changing a quantity of heat Q irreversibly (since T,
and T,differ by a finite amount) the overall AS is: the sum of eqns. (9) and (10) becomes:
(-In %i + a - ge) di% + - In iVl)dm1 = 0
(0 (12)
where now the variations of dflz and dfll are entirely
independent. Since the only way for eqn. (12) to
hold is for each coefficient to be identically zero we
= we-0. (134
meaning that Q must be negative and it is the system
at T, that gives off heat spontaneously. m, = em (13b)
From eqn. (7a) we find:
A Statistical Mechanics View
Next let us consider the assembly of localized nuclei
discussed above from the standpoint of statistical and from eqn. (7b) we have:
mechanics. We assume they all have nuclear spin
such that only two magnetic energy levels exist
in the presence of an external magnetic force field,
B,. Of the total of N nuclei, Nl are in level one with Substituting into eqn. (5) for the entropy and using
El = 0 and Nz are in level two with Ep = e. Denoting Stirling's approximation once more we have
the fraction of nuclei in level i by Xi, the total mag-
netic energy is:
E = NXlr (4)
Use of eqn. (14) and eqn. (4) gives

while the entropy is given by:

S = kN In (1 + e-8.) + kOE (17)
From eqn. (17) we can find at. once the physical meaning
of 6 by use of eqn. (2)
where &(fli) is the total number of micro-ways the
assembly can be realized as a function of the fli which
are the Boltzmann set of occupation numbers that
maximize &. The subscript cl indicates that un- The second term on the right of eqn. (18) vanishes by
corrected Boltzmann (classical) counting of states is virtue of eqn. (15) so that we find
used since the spins are localized (8). Actually

Before going on we should justify our replacement of

where the summation is carried out over all distribu- in eqn. (6) by the one maximum term W,, (mi)
tions of N nuclei having N, in level one and N2 in the sum. Suppose that there are indeed m other
level two, subject to the two restrictions: values of W,,(NI) essentially equal to WaZ(fi,) while
Volume 44, Number 3, March 1967 / 125
all the rest of the terms put together are negligible. the negative region (0-) is the hottest temperature
Then: of all. This temperature is just as unattainable as
= kin WfI(~$
S = k in $Ioz +) k i n m (20)
the ordinary absolute zero (O+). This ordering comes
about because the physically significant parameter is
and even if m were as large as N the added term in not T but 4 = ( - 1 / T ) as, for example, in the usual
eqn. (20) is entirely negligible compared to the first
term which as we see from eqn. (17) contains N as a
Putting together the above results we have for the
from --
Boltzmann factors, exp +(4Ei/k). Thus 4 varies
at one extreme through zero (at T = * m )
to +a at the other extreme.
Another important insight can be gained by con-
mole fractions of nuclei in the two levels: sidering the heat capacity (CM)a t constant magnetic
moment l l f ,

while the entropy assumes a simple entropy of mixing


T* = kT
- (26)
This C,, is zero at T = *O and also at the single point
T = a . This latter zero value means that one can
heat up the system to infinite temperature by putting
For Xz > XI, which means more nuclei in the higher in only a finite amount of energy such that equal oc-
energy state than in the lower energy state, the absolute cupancy of levels is achieved. Then one can add still
temperature of the spin system is negative. Negative more energy and pass into the negative temperature
temperatures are exhibited by those assemblies whose region. This property of zero heat capacity as T -t m
energy level populations have been inverted. This is is crucial for the existence of an assembly with negative
entirely in accord with our previous discussion. I n temperatures and is only realized if there is a finite
Figure 2 ( S / N k ) is plotted against E / N r = Xz. There upper hound to the energy spectrum (just c in our
is a single maximum in S at T = *
m where E = very simple case) of the assembly. If there were not a
N 4 2 corresponds to equal occupancy of the two energy finite upper bound to the spectrum no finite energy
levels. For energies greater than this amount X2 > input could drive the assembly into the state of in-
XI, and the entropy decreases as the energy increases finite temperature. Note that CdKis positive also in
corresponding to the negative temperature region. the negative temperature region. It exhibits two
Note in particular that T = +
m is coincident with maxima, at T* = *0.42, of equal value, namely
T = - m since both these temperatures give identical
nuclear distributions and identical values for all the
thermodynamic properties of the spin system. Tem-
peratures of minus a finite number are hotter than T = From eqn. (23) we can express the temperature
- a , and the temperature of zero at the far limit of explicitly in terms of the total energy E , namely

showing that fixed E means fixed T . Referring to

Figure 2 we note that any non-equilibrium curve of
the entropy at the same temperature (meaning thus
at the same total energy) must lie below the equilibrium
curve there drawn, since in any non-equilibrium situa-
tion the entropy must be less than that on the equi-
librium curve. Considering then spontaneous proc-
esses at fixed entropy we must move toward the left,
i.e., to minimize the energy in order to reach the
equilibrium curve if we are in a positive temperature
state and toward the right, i.e., to maximize the energy
in order to reach the equilibrium curve if we are in a
negative temperature state! This is a special case of
the general result (9) that the ordinary t,hermo-
dynamic potentials tend to increase rather than to
decrease in spontaneous processes in negative tem-
NE perature assemblies.
Figure 2. Entropy or a function of energy form two level spin system of N
There is no need to modify the statement of the
nuclei with a maximum totol energy of Nr. second law of thermodynamics in its modern postula-
126 / Journol of Chemicol Education
tional form due to Born (10) because of the possible Literature Cited
existence of assemblies exhibiting negative tempera-
tures. This postulational form is simply that the (1) GIAUQUE, W. F., J. Am. Chem. Soe., 76, 5577 (1954).
state function entropy (8)exists defined by the equality: (2) See, for example, REID, C. E., "Principles of Chemical
Thermodynamics," Reinhold Publishing Co., N. Y. 1960,
dS = dQ
- (28)
p. 142; LANDAU, L. D., AND LIPSHITZ, E. M., "Slatisti~&l
T Physics," Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading,
Massachusetts, 1958, pp. 215-18.
for reversible paths and exhibiting the inequality
(3) See, for example, PIPPARD,A. B., "Elements of Classical
dS > dQ (29) Thermodynamics," Cambridge University Press, Cam-
bridge, 1957, pp. 4 1 4 4 .
for all real (irreversible) paths. Certain modifications (4) GUGGENHEIM, E. A., "Thermodynamics," North Holland
Publishing Co., Amsterdam (4th ed.), 1959, pp. 441-42.
of some of the historically earlier, hut certainly pres- ( 5 ) PURCELL, E. M., Physiea, 17, 282 (1951).
ently outmoded, heat engine formulations (due to (6) PURCELL, E. M., AND POUND,R. v., Phys. Rev. 81, 279
Clausius and Kelvin-Planck) of the second law are (1951).
necessary. These modifications have been discussed (7) ABUGAM, A., AND PROCTOR,W., Phys. Rev. 109, 1441
adequately elsewhere (II,I3). (IRSXI.
Negative temperatures have been observed in the (8) See, for example, RUSHBROOKE, G. S., "Int~rod~ction
Statistical Mechanics," Clarendon Press, Oxford 1949,
laboratory (6, 7) but are quite a special case of the p. 26.
temperature concept. Nevertheless as in many other (9) HECHT,C. E., Phys. Rev., 119, 1443 (1960).
fields of science the special, even paradoxical, situation (10) BORN,XI., Phys. Zeilschrifl, 22, 218, 249, 282 (1921).
serves particularly well in illuminating what we mean (11) RAMBEY, N. F., Phya. Rev., 103,20 (1956).
by the general concept. (12) POWLES, J. G., Contemporaw Physics, 4, 338 (1963).

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