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Interview questions and answers on SDLC (Software Development Life


I just had been to a job interview and I was grilled on this very topic.
The interviewer was passionate about this topic. I will have more posts
on SDLC by providing additional links here. If you are an experienced
developer, these questions and answers should be pretty easy. If you
are a novice, this will give you a high level overview. It is good to be
familiarized than have no idea at all.

Q. What does SDLC stand for and what are the different phases?
A. SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle, which is a
process of building an application through different phases.

Q. How will you go about choosing the right SDLC for your project?
 Firstly choose a base methodology: from a number of SDLC methodoligies like
Waterfall, RUP (Rational Unified Process), SCRUM, XP (eXtreme
Programming), etc. If you already have a SDLC methodology in place, analyse
the existing deficiencies. This can be done by interviewing users of the system.
 Secondly, analyze what other best practices can be adopted from the other
SDLC methodologies. For example, you can adopt best practices like
daily stand-up meetings, iterative development, peer code reviews, and test driven
development with waterfall as the base methodology.
Here are a few factors that will help you decide what SDLC methodology is right for
your project

1. Understanding how the business is structured. For example, are the business units
siloed by products? the culture of the organization, etc.
2. Complexity of the project. What is the size of the project team? How many streams are
there?, etc.
3. Nature of the project. New greenfield project versus enhancements and maintenance to
existing systems.
4. Capabilities of your engineers, tools, and current processes in place.

Q. What are the benefits of peer code reviews?


1. Pick up issues and bad practices in others' code.

2. Get more familiarized with others' code.
3. Learn from others' code.

Q. Why would you use continuous integration?


 One of the key practices in agile processes is collective code ownership. The
continuous integration supports continuous design and collective code ownership.
The developers will be required to integrate others' changes more frequently.
 The continuous integration build process is a mechanism to find and eliminate
problems from code changes as early as possible. The continuous integration
motivates developers to check in code as often as they can, and avoids any stale
code. This will also result in reduced down time.

The best practice for continuous integration is to perform the integration of others'
changes on a your local workstation before your code escapes into the build server. It’s
okay to break the build once in a while, but it hast to be quickly fixed. The build should
never spend the night in a broken state.

During integrating others' changes, you are also peer reviewing and familiarizing yourself
with others' changes.

Q. What are the pros and cons of pair programming?



1. Continual design and code review that leads to more effective solution and effecient
defect removal rates.
2. Programmers can learn from each other.
3. Improves communication and can build better teams.
4. The programmers will be more disciplined and encourages the agile principle of
collective code ownership.
5. Fewer interruptions as people who are working in pair are less likely to be interrupted
than someone working alone.


1. Pair programming can double code development expenses.

2. Hard to get all programmers to embrace it. It takes the programmers out of their
comfort zone.

Q. What are functional requirements? What are Non-funcrional requirements?

A. Functional requirements are captured in a document with use cases or via story
boards which contain what a certain system has to do to achieve a number of user
objectives.This task is carried out during the priliminary stage of SDLC. For example,
allow investors to place buy and sell trades. Prior to placing trades, the user inputs need
to be validated, etc. Use case diagrams are used to capture the user experience.

Non-functional requirements addresses aspects that a software will never function

properly without them. Response times, security, reliability, accuracy, high availability,
and cross browser compatibilty are examples of non functional requirements. The Non
functional requirements decide how a software will be percieved by its users. Users
wouldn't be happy using a system that is not highly availabled and riddled with security

Q. What are the different types of testing?

 Unit testing where the developers test their code by writing unit tests. Code
coverage tools are used to determine the extend to which the code is covered.
 System integration tests are generally conducted by the developers to test
integration of their code with external CMS (Content Management) Systems like
Vignette, CRM (i.e Customer Relationship Management) systems like Siebel or
Salesforce, and any other third party system. During development, the external
systems can be mocked, and during system integration testing, both happy path
and unhappy paths like service failures, service timeouts, sticky versus non-sticky
sessions, and service retry need to be tested.
 Cross browser compatibility testing. The modern applications are very rich in
client experience and use lots of client side scripting like JavaScript. So, it is
imperative to perform browser compatibility testing to ensure that the code works
with major browsers like internet explorer, Firefox, Google chrome, and safari.
There are tools like BrowserShots, IE Tester (for various IE versions), Adobe
Browser Lab, etc.
 Performance Testing – uses automated tools that are designed to test and tweak
system performance. For example, use JMeter to write performance testing
 Load Testing – helps determine how well the product handles heavy demand for
system resources. For example, how well a trading system handles panic sells
during a financial meltdown.
 Security Testing – to guard against accidental miss-use, hackers, or known
computer malware attack. For example, using a tool like Skipfish from Google.
 Alpha Testing – is conducted after the majority of the software functionality is
complete but before end-users are going to be involved.
 Beta Testing – is conducted after project code is complete.
 Acceptance Testing – is carried out by the testers, business analysts, and users to
ensure that the system meets the functional and non functional requirements. The
software is packaged and released with release candidate version numbers like
RC1, RC2, etc to the user acceptance testing environment.
 Regression Testing – is conducted to check if bug fixes have been implemented
successfully. Also checks for the presence of new bugs or flaws that could have
been created from correcting the original errors and ensures no baseline
functionality has been lost.

Agile methodology or practices interview questions and answers

Q. What are some of the key features of agile development?

 Collective code ownership and freedom to change.
 Incremental approach (e.g. user stories are incrementally implemented)
 Automation (e.g. TDD -- Test Driven Development).
 Customer focused (for e.g. internal and external users and business analysts are
your immediate customers)
 Design must be simple. Designing is an ongoing activity with constant re-
factoring to achieve the rules of code simplicity like no duplication, verified by
automated tests, separation of responsibilities, and minimum number of classes,
methods, and lines.

Q. How do you know that you are using agile development?

A. You are using an agile practice when
 You have daily stand-up meetings.
 You use CRC (Class Responsibilities and Collaborators) cards.
 You use timeboxed task boards.
 You use TDD (Test Driven Development), Continuous Integration, regular code
reviews, pair programming, automated builds, continuous deployment and
delivery, etc.
 You have iteration planning meetings and carry out iterative development.
Q. In agile practice, what does the daily stand up meetings entail
A. Each day, at same time and same place (in front of the task board) the team meets to
bring everyone upto date. This meeting addresses SCRUM's three questions listed below
 What have you completed since the last meeting?
 What do you plan to complete by the next meeting?
 What is getting in your way?

Q. What is a task borad?

A. It is generally a white board divided into 3 sections -- To Do, In Progress, and Done.
Each task is written on a sticky note, and moved from one section to another to reflect the
current status of the tasks. The task board is frequently updated, especially during the
daily stand up meetings. Different layouts can be used.
Each task allocated to each team member is timeboxed. You can have variation to the
layout as shown below and each sticky not can have points that add up towards the
velocity points (calculated by adding up the estimates of the features, user stories,
requirements or backlog items that are successfully delivered in an iteration. ).

The task board is also known as the kanban board. Kanban is a Japanese word meaning
card or sign. Each card or sign is equated with a user story. Whenever a particular user
story is blocked for whatever reason, then the priority is to clear current work-in-process
with the help of other team members to help those working on the activity that’s blocking
the flow.
Q. What do you understand by the agile term timeboxed?
A. A timebox is a previously agreed period for a particular task to be completed by an
individual or team. The key aspect of the timebox approach is that stopping of work
when the time limit is reached and evaluating what was accomplished instead of
allowing the work to continue until the goal is reached, and evaluating the time taken.

Q. What are CRC cards?

A. CRC stands for Class, Responsibilities, and Collaborators. It is used for rapidly
sketching an Object Oriented design and playing out the roles and responsibilities to
validate the design. The role play dialog will be something like

Hello, I am a trader and responsible for placing and cancelling buy and sell orders on
behalf of my customers. Before placing a trade, I must know my trader details like
number, name, address. I need to collaborate with order to fill in the relevant order
Q. What do you understand by the term "collective ownership"?
A. Collective ownership, as the name suggests, every team member is not only allowed
to change other team member's code, but in fact has a responsibility to make changes to
any code artifact as necessary. This means every developer will review code written by
others when integrating others' changes from the code repository into their code to
familiarize themselves and to identify any potential issues and mistakes. Every developer
will be motivated to check in the code progressively and incrementally with proper
automated unit and integration test cases as part of the continuous code integration.
Q. What do you understand by the term Behavior Driven Development (BDD)?
A. Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) is an evolution in the thinking behind Test
Driven Development (TDD -- Writing tests before writing code) and Acceptance Test
Driven Development (ATDD -- write acceptnce tests, and for many agile teams,
acceptance tests are the main form of functional specification and the formal expression
of the business requirements). The BDD basically combines TDD and Domain Driven
Design. It aims to provide common vocabulary that can be used between business and

The acceptance tests are generally written using the "Given-When-Then" approach. For
a given story/context, when some action is carried out, then a set of observable
consequences should be obtained. For example, Given that you have
enough available cash, when you place a trade within your available cash, then placing
of your trades should succeed without any errors.

Q. What do you understand by the terms user stories, story mapping and story splitting?

User stories: Dividing up of the customer's or product owner's requirements into

"functional increments" so that it can be worked on via the task board. This is done in
consultation with the customers, product owners, or business analysts.

Story mapping: When you have a backlog full of user stories, you can select a few of
them to work on during the next iteration. This step involves ordering of the user
stories. The "map" arranges user tasks along the horizontal axis in rough order of priority
and the vertical axis addresses the implementation details. It can be done either on a
white board with sticky notes or using tools like Silver Stories.

Story splitting: Before a story is ready to be scheduled for implementation, it needs to be

small enough to pass the usual rule of thumb that "a story should be completed within the
iteration". So, "story splitting" consists of breaking up one user story into smaller ones,
while preserving the property that each user story separately has measurable business

Agile software development methodology questions and answers

More and more organizations are becoming

agile, and it pays to have some
understanding of the agile development

Q. What are the typical roles and

responsibilities of an agile core team?
 The Product Owner represents the
stakeholders and is the voice of the
customer. He or she is accountable
for ensuring that the team delivers
value to the business. The Product
owner writes typically the user
stories, prioritizes them, and adds
them to the product backlog. Scrum
teams should have one Product
 The Development Team is
responsible for delivering
potentially shippable product in
increments at the end of each Sprint.
A Development Team is made up of
3–9 people with cross-functional
skills who do the actual work
(analyze, design, develop, test,
technical communication,
document, etc.). The development
team consisting of developers,
testers, operations staff, etc define
the definition of "Done", which
includes non-functional
requirements like security,
performance, cross browser
compatibility testing, etc. Generally,
you will have the doers and the
helpers in the development team.
The Development Team in Scrum is
self-organizing, even though they
may interface with project
management organizations (PMOs).

 Scrum Master Scrum is a

facilitator, and is accountable for
removing impediments to the ability
of the team to deliver the sprint
goal/deliverables. The Scrum
Master is not the team leader, but
acts as a buffer between the team
and any distracting influences. The
Scrum Master ensures that the
Scrum process is used as intended.
The Scrum Master is the enforcer of
rules. A product manager cannot be
the scrum master.

Q. What do you understand by the terms epic and user story?

A. An agile Epic is a group of related user stories. For example, an online shopping cart
app will have epics like user administration, product management, and shopping
experience. An epic will have a number of broken down user stories. For example, the
"user administration" epic can be broken down into user stories like "add. modify, and
delete user", "manage user passwords", "generate raw data downloads", "generate
aesthetically pleasing reports", etc. Hence, a user story is an Independent, Negotiable,
Valuable, Estimatable, Small, Testable requirement (“INVEST Acronym”). User stories
are great for Development Teams and Product Managers as they are easy to understand,
discuss and prioritize – they are more commonly used at sprint level on the wall. User
stories will often be broken down into tasks during the Sprint Planning Process – that is
unless the stories are small enough to consume on their own.

So, an epic will have one to many user stories, and each user story can have zero to
many tasks.

Q. Can you given an example of a user story?

A. The user stories are in the format of

"As Who I want What so that Why"

Here is an example.

"As an Investment Manager I want to be able to view client account balances, so that I
can make informed investment decisions. "

"As a support staff I want the system to allow me run multiple searches at the same time,
so that I can do my job faster. "

Q. What do you understand by the term "Condition Of Satisfaction (aka COS)"?

A. For each story, the business user, analyst, owner, or stake holder will define the
"condition of satisfaction (COS)" criteria to satisfy that particular story. You can also
think of it as an "acceptance criteria". A Conditions of Satisfaction questions the User
Story, and encourages conversation between the Product Owner and the team. A good
way of gathering COS is asking questions such as:

• ‘What if … ?’,
• ‘Where …?’,
• ‘When …?’,
• ‘How …?’.

The test cases will be written by the testers and development tasks will be carried out by
the developers to satisfy the COS. To be accepted, the development task should also
satisfy other non functional tasks like writing unit tests, continuous integration and build,
security, performance, data archival, etc. The story will also have to be fully tested. For
example, COS will look like
 A search functionality to be able to search clients by client code.
 Display the client list sorted in alphabetical order.
 Ability to click on a particular client to display his or her account balances.
 The account balances need to be sorted by account type.
 ....and so on including non functional requirements as well.

Q. How do you estimate development and testing effort of a user story?

A. Agile projects normally have a number of sprints to finish the user stories. Each sprint
will be of 2-3 weeks. One or more user stories are allocated to each sprint. The
developers and testers will estimate on it to have story developed and fully tested to
satisfy the COS. If a story is big enough so that cannot be completed within a sprint (i.e.
in 2 weeks), that particular sub story can be split further into 2 or more stories.

The stories are estimated by allocating points. It is known as the "velocity points". The
velocity points are allocated to each story. Stories are tagged like T-shirt sizes -- Small,
Medium, Large, and Extra Large, etc. Each of these sizes are allocated velocity points
using the Fibonacci series values. For example, 3, 5, 8 and 13. Where Small is given 3
points, Medium is given 5 points, Large is given 8 points, and extra large is given 13
points. A the end of each sprint, the velocity points for all the user stories are added and
reported to the management in a "showcase" to monitor progress. The points play(i.e. the
user stories that are not completed within this sprint) that are added to the next sprint.
In the diagram above, you can see "commitment" and the "completed".

Q. What are some of the key featues and objectives of the daily stand-ups?

Daily Stand-ups are named literally after the way the meeting is conduced -- i.e. while
standing up. This method helps ensure the meetings remain time-boxed to 15 minutes and
not dragged on.

The general features are:

 It is a ritual that happens at the same time, in the same location, every day.
 The meeting is led by the Scrum Master, who keeps all attendees focused on
answering the following key questions to meet the project objectives.

1. What have I achieved since the last Stand-up?

2. What do I intend to do before the next Stand-up?
3. What are my impediments to making progress?
Here is the picture of user stories stuck to a board, and this where the daily "stand ups"
or "scrum sessions" take place.

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