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Importance of Sports

Sports play a great in everyone’s busy life especially for students. Everyone should involve themselves in the
sports activity even for a small time all through the day. Sports are necessary because it brings physical and
mental fitness to the person involved in this on regular basis. In schools, importance is given to sports to make the
overall development of children and prepare them to face all the challenges of life. It enhances their capability so
that they can perform better in their academics and achieve the goal of their life.

Sport is one of the best exercise which helps to maintain the overall fitness of an individual. Engaging regularly in
various sports prevents various chronic diseases. During exercise, our body needs more oxygen for respiration. It
will help to boost our blood circulation system to function effectively. So, sports help to develop efficient heart and
improve lung functions. According to statistic, obesity is the main health problem in our country. In order to burn
excessive calories in our body, we must have adequate exercise. It helps to manage weight, controls obesity. At
the same times, it helps to tone up muscles and strengthen bones.

Sports not only develop our physical strength and keep us fit but it also does more to our overall personality. It
helps in character building, developing leadership skills and improving goal setting capabilities. A person who
engages more in sports activity regularly will automatically have improved self-esteem, increased social
interaction and more resilient qualities. Sports make children learn values, ethics, discipline, responsibility and
develop a sense of mutual trust and confidence. It also makes them more accountable and improves their thought
process. The most important aspect of sports in personality building is that it teaches sportsmanship which makes
a person face ups and downs in his life more gracefully. This will make him to progress positively in their budding
age and become a better person in future.

As people said “all play and no work makes jack a dull boy”. This shows that exercise is important for a person to
sharpen his mind. Exercise improves the physiological functions of the body organs and thus positively regulates
whole body functioning. It helps in maintaining the body health and thus keeps mind peaceful, sharp, and active
with improved concentration. It boosts the body and mind power and energy level. It gives everyone a nice break
from the monotonous life. Once exercise, a person will feel fresh and energetic. For students, they can focus in
their study and concentrate when teacher is teaching.

Last but not least, students can spend their free time meaningfully with sports. After exercising, students always
feel exhausted. So they will not have extra energy to get involved in social problems such as smoking, drug
abusing, loitering and others. It is a good way to reduce the social ills. At the same time, it can raise a healthy
generation that is society, physically and mentally healthy. A sportsperson will always lead his life with a positive
attitude, moral values and staying away from all the evils of the society.

In a nutshell, we can see that sport is not an activity of leisure time but it also plays important roles in all the
perspective of life. It teaches the importance of discipline, punctuality, responsibility and being respectful to others.
Sport lays the foundation of healthy individuals and develops their capabilities and personalities in building a well
developed and resilient nation.

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