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TOPIC: Unit 3 Review

Strategy Used: Review Game through Kahoot

Reading Level: 10th Grade
Fall 2018
10th Grade US History 1
Using Kahoot to test what they know leading up to the Unit Test
Learning Intention: Students will be able to identify things that they are still struggling to
understand in order to prepare for the test
Success Criteria: I can identify topics I have a strong understanding of and a weak understanding
of in order to know how to plan to prepare for the exam
Rationale: Unit 3 is about westward expansion and the march toward the Civil War. At this point
we have gone through the entire unit have worked with the material through various primary
sources and other activities. This review game is designed to put the kids in a fun and
competitive environment in order to test what they know to see how ready they are for the exam
so they know how much and what to study.
Materials: School provided Chromebooks, projector, Kahoot
Differentiation: Students can see better since they each have their own Chromebook. I also read
the questions out loud as well as having them projected. I explain the way the game works and
increase the time given for each round to give students a chance to answer.
 First I will assign them their Chromebooks and allow them time to log in and get to
Kahoot. The game code will be projected for them
 I will then have them take out a separate piece of paper and a writing utensil so that they
can write down questions they did not know so that they can study them later
 Then we will go over how Kahoot works and what the game will be played. We did one
that was a jumble where they had to put events in the correct order and then we played a
multiple choice quiz.
 After we are done with the games I will allow them to study with any remaining time in
 Play the game and utilize the time to review and study
Evaluation/Assessment: The lesson will be successful if the students participate in the activity
and take the review seriously in order to help them become more prepared for their test.
Closing Activity: Give the students time to log off their Chromebooks and plug them in and
clean up the rest of their stuff.

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