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TRYING NEAIRA THE TRUE STORY OF A ‘COURTESAN’S SCANDALOUS LIFE. IN ANCIENT GREECE BRITISH LIBRARY DOCUMENT SUPPPLY CENTRE 2 4 APR 2003 O37. 21564 eer DEBRA HAMEL ‘YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS. NEW HAVEN & LONDON ‘copyright € 2003 by Debra Hamel For my All sights reserved This book may not be reproduced in whole or in par ining Hlustatons, in any form (beyond that copying permited by Seasons 107 and 108 ofthe US. Copyright Law and except by reviewers forthe publi pres), without writen permission from the publishers Designed by Mary Valen Crogaphy by Bll Neson Set in Meridien type 2y Achorn Graphic Services, Inc Printed ln the Unkted State of Americe by R.. Donnelly & Sons, Harvisonbrg, Virginia Library of Congres Ctaloging-n-Publcation Data Hare, Debra Trying Neaia: the wue sory ofa couresan’s scandalous ie in Ancient pom Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-300-0941-0 (alk. paper) 1, Nesira—Trals ligation, etc 2. Tals (Promtution) ~Greece—Athens. 5. Prostutes—Greece—Histry. 4. Apollodoros, b. ca 394 B.C. Against KLALLS.6.N43 H36 2003 A catalogue record fr this bok is available from the atch Library The paper in this book meets the guidelines fr permanence and durability ‘ol the Committee on Production Guidlines for Book Longevity ofthe ‘Count on Library Resources flufty-haired Rebecca CONTENTS Preface ix Acknowledgments xv Chronology xvii ‘MAPS Greece in the Classical Period xxii ‘Attica xxii PART ONE: LIFE AS A PROSTITUTE 1. Nikarete's Brothel 3 1 Owners and Other Lovers 29 PART TWO: STEPHANOS AND THE CHILDREN IL Sons and Citizenship in Ancient Athens 47 JV. Stephanos, Breadwinner and Champion 62 ¥, Phano’s First Marriage 77 VI. Houseguests and Husbands 94

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