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|_DOKUMEN NEGARA KUR.2013/B. INGGRIS/X/17 SANGAT RAHASIA DINAS PENDIDIKAN KOTASEMARANG PENILAIAN AKHIR TAHUN TAHUN PELAJARAN 2016/2017 SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS ( SMA) KURIKULUM 2013 LEMBARAN SOAL Mata Pelajaran Kelas Harltanggal Waktu Bahasa lnggris X ( Sepuluh )/1PA- IPS - BHS Rabu, 31 Mei 2017 07.30 - 09.30 ( 120 menit ) PETUNJUKUMUM : NEPRON 9. Sebelum mengerjakan soal, tulisiah terlebih dahulu Nama, Nomor Penilaian Akhir Tahun, dan Kelas pada lear jawaban yang tersedia. Kerjakan soal-soal dengan pulpen/bolpoint, dan tidak boleh mengerjakan soal dengan pensil/spidol. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda menjawab. Jumlah soal : 40 soal obyektif dan 5 soal essai semua harus cikerjakan. Laporkan kepada pengawas PAT kalau terdapat tulisan yang Kurang jelas atau ada yang rusak Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah Kerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan dengan cara memberikan tanda silang (X) pada jawaban yang Anda anggap paling benar. ‘Apabila ada jawaban yang Anda anggap salah, dan Anda ingin memperbaikinya, tidak diperbolehkan memakai tipp exatau penghapus, melainkan dengan cara seperti di bawah ini Sernula KB CG DE Dibetukan BK DE Untuk menjawab soal essai (uraian) perbaikan dengan cara mencoret jawaban yang salah dengan dua garis, dan menuliskan di atas jawaban yang diperbaiki 10. Selamat mengerjakan. PETUNJUKKHUSUS : lah salah satu Jawaban yang tepat dengan memberi tanda silang ( X ) pada salah satu huruf jawaban A, B, C, D atau E pada lembar jawaban! The following text is for questions 1-3. Standing gracefully on Lapangan Banteng square in Central Jakarta, the neo-gothic Jakarta Catholic cathedral has long been one of the city's main architectural attractions. ‘The majestic building was built in 1901 by Dutch priest Antonius Dijkmaas and features 60 meter twin spires and a 45 m central spire. The church, which was designed to form a cross, has two floors. ‘On the lower floor, there are three altars: the Altar of Saint Mary, which was completed in 1915; the Altar of Saint Joseph, which was builtin 1922; and the central altar that holds a gold cross is believed to have been made in the Netherlands in the 19” century and iristalled in 1956, Statues of Ignatius de Loyc!a and Franciscus Xaverius and the marble baptism vessel also decorate the interior of the church, whici is stil actively used for mass services. KS/SMA -2- KUR.2013/B. INGGRIS/X/17 ‘The second floor used to be used by the choir, but as the building has aged it was feared it could not hold too many people, so in 1991, the head priest Rudolf Kurris decided to make it a museum. Excerpted trom hitp:/" 4/12/1@four-angles-newl-renovated-cathedral- museum. him Who built the cathedral? ‘A. Antonius Dijkman D. Rudolf Kurris B. Ignatius de Loyola E. SaintJoseph C. Franciscus Xaverius How long was the second floor used for choir? A. 89 years D. 92 years B. 90 years E. 93 years ©. 91 years ‘Whats true about the cathedral? A. Ithas got two tall spires altogether. B. Its influenced by traditional Indonesian architecture. . The central altar was the oldest among the three altars. D. The space for the museum used to hold the church choir E. Itis decorated with the statues of Saint Mary and Saint Joseph. The following text is for questions 4-7. Tiipto Mangunkusumo, (bom 1884-died March 8, 1942, Djakarta, Java, Dutch East Indies [now Indonesia), early 20°-century Indonesian nationalist leader whose resistance to Dutch colonial rule brought him exile and ong imprisonment. Tiipto Mangunkusumo was among the first Indonesian leaders to abandon the cultural approach of mast early nationalist groups, which promoted distinctly Indonesian art, iterature, and values. With E. F..E. Douwes Dekker and Suwardi Surjaningrat (later known as Ki Hadjar Dewantoro) he founded in 1911 the Socialist Indies Party (Indische Part), which was devoted to political action to attain independence. Two years later all three leaders were ordered out of the Dutch East indies, although Tjipto Mangunkusumo was allowed to return in 1914. He resumed activity in Insulinde, the successor to the Indies Party, backing radical action such as the peasant resistance to taxes in the Solo princely lands. In 1918 he became a member of the Volksraad, a parliamentary body that included indanesians but exercised very little power. In July 1927 he helped found the Indonesian Nationalist Party (Partai Nasional Indonesia), of which Sukamo was chairman. Shortly thereafter, hawever, Tjipto Mangunkusumo was sent into exile on ‘a prison island for attempting to foment revolt among the Indonesians serving in the Dutch forces. He remained in exile for 11 years. Paragraph 1 talks about... ‘A. early 20"-century Indonesian hero B. the lifespan of Tjipto Mangunkusumo . Indonesian resistance to Dutch colonial rule D. Tiipto Mangunkusumo's struggle for Indonesia E. background information about Tjipto Mangunkusumo ‘When was Tiipto Mangunkusumo first exiled? A. 1911 D. 1927 B.. 1913 E, 1938 C. 1914 Which of the following statements about Tjipto Mangunkusumo is true? He adopted cultural approach in his struggle. He established Indische Partij along with Soekarno. He joined insulinde after he retumed from the exile. He belonged to parliamentary body called Volksraad in 1927. E. Hewas the main figure who founded Indonesian Nationalist Party. pom> KS/SMA 10. KUR.2013/B. INGGRIS/X/17 ‘Shortly thereafter, however, Tjipto Mangunkusumo was sent into exile on a prison island for attempting ‘Whats the synonym of the underlined word? A. striving D. attending B. fighting supporting C. initiating ‘The following text is for questions 8 - 10. The Monkey Judgement One day, a dog and a fox were quarreling over a piece of meat. The dog said, “Let me eat it!” But the fox replied, "No, itbelongs to me.” They agreed to ask their friend, Mr. Monkey, to decide the matter for them. The monkey listened to what they had to say. “To be fairto both of you," he said, " shall divide the meat into two equal pieces and give you one each.” He took a pair of scales anda kitchen knife, He cut the meat into two pieces and weighed each of them on the scales. However, one was heavier than the other. He bit off@ piece from the heavier portion, and weighed the two pieces again. This time, the other portion was heavier. He then bit off plece from this portion and weighed the two pieces. Once again, one piece was heavier than the other. He went on like this, weighing and biting some of the meat, unt all the meat was finished. “it wo'd only known this,” the dog said to the fox, "We would never have asked the monkey fo be the Judge.“ Really, the old Korean saying is quite true ‘I's better to settle a case out of court than to settle at the court and lose everything. What did the dog and the fox doto resolve their dispute? A. They foughtto get the winner. B. They divided the meat into 2 pieces. C. They requested the monkey to help. ’ D. They went to the court to settle the case. E. They asked the monkey to weigh the meat. “shall divide the meat into two equal pieces ..." The underlined word is synonymous with A. ideal D. right B. even E. proper ©. exact “tt we'd only known this, "the dog said to the fox, “We would never have asked the monkey tobe the judge." ‘What can we infer from the italicized sentence? ‘The dog thought the monkey was stupid. The dog and the fox admitted their mistake. ‘The fox could have asked others to be the judge. The dog regretted having the monkey as the judge. The monkey finally solved the problem with the meat. moose ‘The following text is for questions 11 - 14. ‘Once upon a time, an old blind man lived on PulauTimbun Mata (Shut-Eye Istand). He often satin the sun Cutside his house looking after paddy which his son had placed there to dry. Whenever chickens came to eat the paddy, he used a long stick to bang the ground to chase them away. ‘One day, his grandson played a trick on him. He caught a couple of crabs on the beach and placed them cn the paddy. They made a noise just ike chickens eating the paddy. "What's that?" asked the old man. “Don't you know?" his grandson replied. "Some chickens are eating the paddy.” ‘The old man banged on the ground with his stick. But the crats were not frightened. They continued to eat the paddy. "Ha, ha, hal" faughed the boy.

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