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Look at the map and write directions. Use the expressions in the box.

on X Street.

Go straight for 2 blocks.

Turn right on Y Street.

Turn left on Z Boulevard.

Go past the library.

It’s on the right

It’s on the left

A: How can I get from the hospital to the post office?

B: Go west on 3rd Street. Cross Orange Street. Go past the police

Station. Turn left on Main Street. Cross 2nd Street. Turn right on
1st Street. The post office is on the right.

1. How can I get from the post office to the hospital?

2. How can I get from the police station to the gas station?

3. How can I get from de shool to Produce Stand?

Unit 5
Community: Lodging: Hostel-hotel-motel-Parks and Recreation: tennis court-playground-park-
Medical Care: hospital-dentist’s office-doctor’s office-Residential areas: apartment-mobile home-
house-City hall-back- police department-mall-DMV Department of Motor Vehicles- driver’s
Adjectives: sick
Verbs: get-send-call-leave a message-
Unit 6
Noun: Body Parts: head-ear-eyes-nose-mouth-tooth (teeth)-back-neck-chest-stomach-arms-hand-
legs-foot (feet)-Health Problems: fever-headache-runny nose-sore throat-muscle aches-dry
cough-Medications: pain reliever-cough syrup-throat lozenges-prescription-Medical Center:
entrance-wheelchair-restrooms-elevator-information counter-pay phone-ambulance- types of
Exercise: build muscles-lift weight-flexibility-heat and cardio-run-swim-push-ups-sit-ups-
Verb: hurt-take-rest
Adjective: healthy
Unit 7
Occupations: teller-nurse-office worker-server-mechanic-cook/chef-custodian-secretary-cashier-
mechanic-driver-teacher-Classified ad: experience-benefits-full-time-part-time- application-hour-
curriculum Vitae-résumé- job-inside/indoors-outside/outdoors-Job Interview: chewing gum-
smoking-firm handshake-eye contact-good posture- bright clothing-appointment- performance
review- evaluation form
Unit 8
People and Learning: Study habits: read the newspaper- make flash cards-watch TV-listen to the
radio-write in my journal/diary-take class-talk with others-think in English-study the textbook-
grammar-vocabulary-listening-reading-speaking-writing-teamwork-lifes kills-Schools in The United
States: Trade school-vocational school-Junior high school-community college-college or
university-bachelor’s degree-work preferences-Goals

Unit 5
Giving directions: turn right-turn left-go straight-turn around-in /on/around the corner from/on
the corner of/between/next to/ across from
Questions with can
Present Continues and simple Present Affirmative
Unit 6
Simple Present Affirmative: hurt
Simple Present Affirmative and Negative: have
Should /shouldn’t
Infinitives: want to, have to, need to
Unit 7
Simple Present Affirmative Negative: work
Simple past Regular verbs: clean-cook-prepare- deliver-count-help-move
Simple past of Be Affirmative
Simple present and simple past of be affirmative
Unit 8
Regular and irregular past tense verbs
Infinitives: like, want, need
Future: going to
Future Will

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