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Does technology

make us lazier and

even dependent?
Etimology: Modern concept:
The Word technology comes from: understood as:
it is the capacity that the human beings have
- Tekhné, that means art, technique or to manufacture an object or to develop
profession something that simplifies the life or the style of
- Logos, which in turn means study, speech or

Basic definition:
technology is the art, technique or the way of
doing things, create devices or artifacts that
satisfy the needs of people by means of the
application of scientifically ordered technical
More info on:
Things that facilitate, make practical or easier to do something.
Hello!I am Romo
Romo is a kind of base for your iPhone that works
through the use of a special application. So, by
programming its tasks or controlling it from another
device, it travels around your house fulfilling your
tasks. Entertain your pet, play with children,
encourage children to do didactic activities and even
play hide-and-seek. Romo recognizes the faces and,
if you are going out, leave it at home and remotely
use its services to keep in touch with the children
through videoconferences.
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I am Autom
The developers of PCH believe that a robot that
interacts with the user generates more empathy at
the time of achieving that a person maintains the
constancy in the difficult task of losing weight.
Autom integrates a touch screen in its body in which
it can be registered what we eat and receive nutrition

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5 el-asistente-robot-que-quiere-colarse-en-tu-cocina
after a study carried out in the United Kingdom,
entitled The Halifax Insurance Digital Home Index,
shows that 45% of people prefer to call or send a
message rather than go and talk to a person who is
in the same house. So mobile devices are perfect
for those times when you want to talk to someone
without having to get out of a chair, bed or sofa.

Within five minutes of waking up, 49

percent of people have already seen
their cell phone.

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In the last decade there has been a growing anxiety
about looking at the device. In concrete figures, 50%
of the users surveyed said that they frequently
consult their cell phones, even without receiving a
"It's a syndrome that's emerging in society. We are

anxious to connect, which generates a psychological
situation around this issue," said Nelson Valero.

Nelson Valero Ortega.

Deloitte's lead partner in

(Deloitte is the world's number

one private professional
services firm by turnover).
7 Taken from:
research Global Mobile
Consumer Survey 2015
When people go to bed, 40 percent of respondents
check their device the last five minutes before going to
bed, according to the study, in the 15 minutes before
going to bed, 60 percent look at their phone for the
last time.
Young people are the ones who spend most of their
time connected to their cell phones. According to the
figures, 57 percent of people under the age of 24
consult their phone more than 50 times in one day.

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How to face
Celebrate success Rather than go at
Think of the big picture. It and everything alone,
can be easy to get lost in milestones. You put yourself in a
the day-to-day tasks of may feel less situation where
life and not realize what motivation to do peers and family
you're working toward. something if it can help motivate
Take some time out of feels insignificant. you. Group
each day to remind Stay optimistic and accountability is
yourself how the task at when you complete great motivator
hand is contributing to a task, give for staying fit,
larger goals for your life. yourself a pat on staying on task,
the back. and moving
toward goals.
Nomophobia is the fear of being without
your smartphone, or more simply
smartphone addiction, and it’s a “first
world problem” that’s showing no signs of
slowing down, regardless of age. And
while it might sound silly — can you really
be addicted to a handheld device? — the
implications are real

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How to face
Dinner or lunch at Give your brain a Do you really need
the table is one of chance to unwind and to look at every
the most important commit to turning off single email the
times for family your phone an hour second it’s
discussions, telling before bedtime. That received? Save your
means off, not just on
each other what silent. Those vibrations
sanity and
happened during and blinking lights are simultaneously help
the day and still harmful, as is your productivity by
exchanging words knowing that you’re designating certain
with members of just one reach away times to glance at
your household. from seeing the latest. your smartphone.

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Any question?
»With education we can reach the roof of the
world without leaving our desk».
Ramiro Manzano Nuñez

»To educate is to
form persons fit to
govern themselves,
and not to be
governed by others ».
14 Spencer

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