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Nama: Ni Luh Piyantari (17C10181)

Nama: Ni Komang Kresniari (17C10196)


P: Patient

N: Nurse

P: Excuse me nurse

N: Hallo, sit down please

P: Thank you nurse

N: What can I do for you?

P: I feel not better from tonight

N: What is your name?

P: My name is George

N: How old are you George?

P: I’m 8 years old

N: What is your symptoms?

P: I have a sore throat, nurse.

N: You have other symptoms?

P: I feel painful when I swallowing

N: I will check your temperature

P: Yes nurse

N: You have a rash of bright pink spots on your neck?

P: Yes I have nurse

N: ok lets see your temperature, humm you have a fever, your temperature is 39 C George

P: Can you tell what wrong with me?

N: You have a scarlet fever George

P: What should I do?

N: I will give you a medicine prescription, you can bring this to pharmacy room. And I
suggest you to eat a healthy food.

P: Thank you nurse

N: Your welcome George, get well soon.


P: Excuse me nurse

N: Hallo miss, sit down please

P: Thank you nurse

N: What is your name?

P: My name is Amelia

N: How old are you?

P: I’m 8 years old

N: What is your complain?

P: I have a fiver

N: What is your other symptoms ?

P: I feel painful when I swallowing, a sore throat and swelling of my throat.

N: You my have a tonsillitis amel,

P: What must I do nurse?

N: You must avoid a sweet foods, and consume more drink, and you can bring this
medicine, don’t forget to drink it.

P: But I like sweet food nurse.

N: I’m sorry Amel, but you must avoid that for a few day ahead.

P: Okey nurse, thanks for your information.

N: Your welcome Amel, get well soon.

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