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Answer Sheet for Quiz GE 108 Ethics (General)

pp. 200-224

1. What is a Right? Object of justice (as applied in ethics); straight not crooked; straight not
2 to 5. What are the elements of Right? Subject, Object, Title, Term
6 to 15. What are the kinds of Right? Natural, Acquired, Public, Private, Positive, Negative,
Alienable, Inalienable, perfect, imperfect
16 to 18. What are the properties of Right? Limitation, collision, inviolability
19. What is Duty? Anything that ought to be done or omitted; moral obligation of a person to
respect the rights of others.
20 to 25. What are the kinds of Duty? Natural, positive, affirmative, negative, perfect, imperfect
26 to 29. What are the different principles involved in exemption from Duty? Common necessity,
No necessity, Extreme or grave necessity exempting one from affirmative natural duty, Extreme or
grave necessity exempting one from the injunction of positive law.
30. What is Justice? The habit that enables one to give each and every human person his due or
his own right.
31. What is Bioethics? The systematic study of human conduct in the areas of the life sciences
and health care.
32. What is Surrogate Motherhood? It is a transaction through which a woman bears a child for
the convenience of another woman.
33 to 34. What are the classifications of Drugs? Therapeutic, Non-therapeutic
35 to 37. What are the effects of non-therapeutic drugs? Elation, gladness, joy
38 to 40. What are the reasons why Euthanasia is condemned? It is a violation of the natural
inclination to preserve life; It may work against our own interest if we practice it or allow it to be
practiced on us; I may result in certain undesireable long-term consequences.

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