Online Human Resource Information Systems: John Sherwin C. Tadios Robinson B. Misa Carl Vincent P. Olmo Miller

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TADIOS MIT 102 - Advance database

CARL VINCENT P. OLMO University of Mindanao

Case Study 1 - Project Specifications

Online Human Resource Information Systems

● Sustainable. The system is no built-in queries in the application, its separated to ensures easy
● Interoperable and stable​. Through cloud synchronised connection, Online HRIS can be access
the data/information in the local and cloud database. It still work without a Internet connection
then synchronise when the connection is restored.

Introduction to Online HRIS

The Online HRIS software was developed with few functionalities by the JRCM Company to
address Human Resource for information software need, to track human resource in their
employee’s leave application, while used by HR personnel at district level for day to day task
and for reporting, it can be used to analyse and help in decision making at higher administrative

● Environment: Desktop and Cloud Synchronised Connection
● Database: Cloud
○ MySQL::Oracle cloud / Microsoft Azure
● Application tools:
○ .NET

Leave process:
● Sign up by the employee
● Check by the HR
● Approve by the School head and PSDS
● Check and approve by the OIC-ASDS

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018
GUI ​(Graphical User Interface)
Login Page

- There are only two menu in the application the LOGIN and ABOUT.
- LOGIN. ​Only registered employee can access this application. Username and password are
given by this format:
- Username: <first_letter_of_the_first_name><middle_name><last_name>
- Password (default): 12345
- ABOUT. ​All about the information of the system.

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018
HR Page​ ​(Data entry for teaching/non-teaching)

- PIPM (Personal Information Profiling Management). ​There are four menu can be used by
- Add. A ​ dding new employee for teaching/non-teaching profile. After filled out the required
data, it must save for confirmation.
- Edit. U​ pdating the data profile of the employee.
- Confirm. C ​ onfirming newly hired employee.
- Export. ​Exporting a generated report of all registered employee.

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018
HR Page​ ​(Employee’s Attendance)

- Attendance. ​A daily time record and work schedule of the employee. HR can update the time
record of the employee through the approval of their overtime, rectification, and other request.

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018
HR Page​ ​(Leave request for teaching/non-teaching employee)

- LAM (Leave Administration Module). ​There are three division of this page the request list,
request approved list and the preview.
- Request List.​ View of all requested leave.
- Request Approved List.​ View of all approved leave.
- Preview. Once you double click the requested file, it appear in this region to view the
requested form of an employee. HR can send this request to the designated personnel
to approved the requested leave of an employee. If the requested form was approved, it
appeared in the request approved list table.
- View Supporting Files. ​To view and confirm if the request leave are true.

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018
Employee Page​ ​(Profile for teaching/non-teaching)

- Profile​. A data information of the employee. There are only two menu can be used by the user,
the update and the export.
- Update.​ Updating all information of an user.
- Export.​ Exporting all information of an user in a PDS format.
- Change Password.​ To change the default password given by the HR.

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018
Employee Page ​ ​(Attendance for teaching/non-teaching)

- Attendance. V ​ iewing of the daily time record and work schedule of the employee. The
employee can request an overtime and rectification. And also it can print if the company
required to submit a hard copy.

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018
Employee Page​ ​(Apply Leave for teaching/non-teaching)

- Apply Leave. User can apply leave in this page. User can view their initial information like
office/agency, code, name, position, date filing, and monthly salary in the left side. In the right
side are the leave credits remaining and the approved credits to know if there are remaining
credits otherwise the system prompt a “zero credits”. User can fill all the required entries in the
details of application. After that, they can save their leave request if they do not want to submit
yet and submit if do so. And upload their supporting file in a PDF format. They are three tables
to view if the leave request are on the process whether it is approve or not.
- Upload supporting files. To upload your supporting file to approved the requested
leave and it must be in a pdf format.

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018
Supervisor Page​ ​(Leave Approval for the designated personnel)

- Leave Approval. ​This menu is for the designated personnel only. Like Apply Leave page there
are three region the request list, request approved list, and the preview. They only need to do is
to approved/disapproved the leave requested of an employee send by the HR.

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018

The design of a ​DBMS depends on its architecture. It can be centralized or decentralized or

hierarchical. The architecture of a DBMS can be seen as either single tier or multi-tier. So, were
using 2-tier architecture includes an application layer between the user and the DBMS, which is
responsible to communicate the user’s request to the database management system and then
send the response from DBMS to the user. An application interface known as ODBC(Open
Database Connectivity) provides an API that allow client side program to call the DBMS. Such
an architecture provides the DBMS extra security as it is not exposed to the End User directly.
Also, security can be improved by adding security and authentication checks in the Application
layer too.

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018

Using a synchronized connection to the cloud database it allows to chooses what information is
sent and when it is send.

- Advantage. T ​ here is a local and cloud database for extra backup options. It still work
without a Internet connection then synchronise when the connection is restored. It can
choose which information is online and when to synchronise. The desktop application is
fast as all data is local and only synchronised when it action or automatically at timed
intervals. Multiple users of the desktop application can open the same local database
and only one needs to sync data with a cloud database.
- Disadvantage. ​Information is not instantly live unless it choose to sync on each change
or at regular intervals. Other user of the desktop application must have access to the
local stored database.

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018
ERD ​(Entity Relational Diagram)

An ​Entity Relational (ER) Diagram is a type of flowchart that illustrates how “entities” relate to
each other within a system. We have six entities and their attributes such as Employee,
Personal Information, Membership, DTR, Leave Request, and Leave. Only Employee, Leave
Request, and Leave entities are one to many relationship and the rest is one to one.

Online Human Resource Information System

for Public School
JRCM Company, 2018

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