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DISCLAIMER WARNINGL This book is intended fr informatonal purposes only! seater itera nme some Grronenad 5 gee eet el tan coco dure listed herein be used by the reader or ar ee fo Pp Aaa Ea ili alt a ag net ca rao WERE OBE = ose ‘procedures uniess- rave athe HOW TO MAKE a 8 or ee a PRECURSORS . : 0 cae PHENYLACE TONES cy) co a Sco ere wero a neces nance para ieee | fae ary oT nee aa oon cance os ieee ea Pancreas a] ae z eee ne ooEs i lene es seo iH nee a ee HH none a uenoona i aaa a METHOD #3... AMPHETAMINES FROM f-NITROPROPENES....... 137 METHOD #1 ey METHOD #2 439 METHOD #8..00c0 nnn 139 METHOD #4 on TO METHOD #5. 141 BROMOSAFROLE & PHENYLISOPROPYLBROMIDE.142 METHOD #1 145 METHOD #2. 148 METHOD #3. 43 AMPHETAMINES & METHAMPHETAMINES FROM BROMOSAFROLE & PHENYLISOPROPYL BROMIDE..152 METHOD #1 152 METHOD #2... 158 METHAMPHETAMINES FROM AMPHETAMINES...159 METHOD #1 159 METHOD #25. : 189 METHOD #3. 160 ‘ADVANCED SHI RHODIUM'S CHAPTER. 161 108 PROMISING THEORETICAL METHODS. 182 BUILD FROM SCRATCH. 208: PYROCATECHOL, GUAIAGOL, PHENOL & SALICYLALDEHYDE... sn 208 METHYLENATION..... “214 ‘BROMINATION OF 4,5: BENZODOIXOLE 222 ‘THE BIG CHAPTER... 222i ‘THANK YOU SIR MAY | HAVE ANOTHER? 240 CRYSTALLIZATION. 247 CHEMICALS... . vn 252 REFERENCES. = 285 EPILOGUE... “at INTRODUCTION ‘You have just purchased or stolen the moxt comprehensive and etaled book on the underground production of ecstasy, metham- Dhetamine and psychedelic amphetamines ever published. Strke {your nos ls an-ecstas)-ana. amphetamine chemist from Texas ‘Who used tobe very rustated with the lack of common-sense tr formation about the production of amphetamines. Svke remedied this for Stike and now Strke fs gonna remedy i for you, to, This ook is packed win the latest steet metads for making am- phetamines- writen In plain English wth the deta that no oer book ean offer Pkis. his elton of Total Syrthesis marks the frst ever colabora- tion of the chemical underground, Throughout the book you wil find recipes, secrets ane discussions conautes by he words leading underground chemists. They have shared the knowledge so ial You may get the best eaucation avait. Soerfoy!

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