Column Is An Opinion Piece

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Column is an opinion piece – Justify.

Types of Column
A column is a recurring piece or article in a newspaper, magazine or other
publication, where a writer expresses his/her own opinion in few columns allotted
to him/her by the newspaper organisation. Columns are written by columnists.
What differentiates a column from other forms of journalism is that is a regular
feature in a publication – written by the same writer or reporter and usually on
the same subject area or theme each time – and that it typically, but not
universally, contains the author's opinion or point of view.
An opinion piece is an article, published in a newspaper or magazine that mainly
reflects the author's opinion about the subject. Opinion pieces are featured in
many periodicals.
The great growth area in journalism, and a product of fatter newspapers.
Columns, like features, come in many forms. They are defined by ownership; the
column "belongs" to its author who has that ultimate journalistic luxury, a slot,
guaranteed space over which he or she presides and has, in some cases, near total
control over content. The assumption is that readers seek out the writer first rather
than the subject matter, because they are interested in that writer's opinion,
whether or not they agree with it. The so-called "me" columns, often dealing with
no more than the everyday trivia and experiences of the writer are remarkably
popular, providing a printed version of soap. It is a form of writing that seems to
have translated effortlessly to the blog. So most of the time the column includes
the personal opinion of the columnist about an issue. This is why Column is called
an opinion piece.
There are divergent types of columns owing to the subject variation. It is said
"Columns, like news stories, may fit into several pigeonholes at the same time.
Sports Columns
Sports columns offer analysis and opinion on sports news and trends. While
sports reporters cover events in real time, sports columnists explore the broader
implications of those events. Bleacher Report columnist Peter Panacy, for
example, follows the San Francisco 49ers and analyzes patterns over the course
of several games, such as problems with the defense’s pass rushing. Sports
columns can also address controversial issues in the sports world, from steroid
use in Major League Baseball to head concussions in the National Football

Arnab Mondal
Political Columns
Political columns have a long-standing history of providing partisan viewpoints
and arguments, as well as analysis of political news. Political columnists often
use wit and satire to criticize politicians or certain policies. Maureen Dowd of
"The New York Times" once likened presidential hopeful John Edwards to a Ken
doll. Large publications feature opposing columnists as a way to balance political
commentary. George Will of the "Washington Post," for instance, offers a
conservative viewpoint of current events, while Eugene Robinson of the same
paper offers a more liberal perspective.
Advice Columns
Advice columns are designed to provide readers with help and guidance on
specific topics. Advice columnists are usually experts in their respective fields. A
columnist with expertise in auto repair might tell readers how to diagnose engine
problems or change their oil. A lawyer with expertise in probate or estate law
might instruct readers how to make a will. Advice columnists also solicit
questions from readers and try to address those questions in an ongoing dialogue.
A well-known example of this latter type is “Dear Abby,” a personal advice
column penned by the late Pauline Friedman Phillips.
Humor Columns
Humor columns are designed to inform the readership and tickle their funny
bones at the same time. Like stand-up comedians for newspapers, humor
columnists explore current events with wit, playfulness and levity, providing
comic relief from hard news. Perhaps more than other columnists, humorists are
known for their distinct voice and personality, and for exploring difficult issues
in funny ways. Dave Barry of "The Miami Herald" is a prime example. Nationally
syndicated for more than 20 years, his humor column addressed everything from
international economics to exploding toilets.
Local Columns
Local columns can mix humor, human interest stories, news and political
coverage, even sports, as long as the content is relevant to local readers. These
columns have long functioned as a way for publications to connect with their
community, and for writers to explore local issues with style and personality. For
this reason, local columnists are often longtime, well-known residents with an
insider’s knowledge of the area. For example, at "The Miami Herald," Carl
Hiaasen has written colorful columns about Florida life, news and politics since

Arnab Mondal
Gossip Columns
Everybody likes to learn a juicy bit of gossip. One whole field of column writing
is built on this characteristic. Such a column contains little except its
unquestionably titillating value; this needs not be the writer's exclusive domain.
The uncovering of a government scandal may have profound (and beneficial)
ramifications. No daily newspaper carries a gossip column and its natural habit is
the film magazine, which flourishes on gossip, some malicious, some harmless
but unquestionably titillating.
Literary Columns
Today, we notice a good number of columns on the national and foreign literature
and literary trends, literary and educational problems, columns on literary
congresses held in and outside the country. These usually serve to convey a
detailed report and the activities taking place on the national as well as the
international arena. They also serve the purpose of explanation and explication
and thus manage to enrich and enlighten the reader about the coming changes in
literary tastes and upsurge of certain literary movements in the world
The good column will have a clear identity, so that the readers will feel they know
the writer, his or her prejudices, enthusiasms and obsessions. The best columns
inform the opinions of the readers; the best "me" columns are retold by their
readers as though they are gossiping about friends.

Arnab Mondal

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