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Pengelolaan Aset Infrastruktur Jalan

Moch Sayid Assaury1a)

Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Program Studi Magister Terapan Infrastruktur, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jl. Gegerkalong
Hilir Ciwaruga, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40132
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology,
Ganesha 10 Street, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia 40132

Corresponding author:

Abstract. We investigate the development of fixed-time signal intersection optimization system using Fuzzy Logic
model. The conventional method utilizes the method of Indonesia Highway Capacity Manual (IHCM) model 1997 which
is adopted from American version of Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). The Fuzzy Logic model potentially brings some
efficiency in the optimization, through decreasing the length of the vehicle queue and therefore increasing the capacity of
the traffic passing through the intersection. The main feature of Fuzzy Logic system is that the analysis involves
linguistic variables. Optimization of the signal intersection is obtained through a series of combinations of variable
analysis process of membership function calculation in the fuzzy inference engine. The model is verified with fuzzified
data from 2015 traffic research survey in Bandung. The final analysis shows that the number of vehicle queues decreases
while the traffic passing through the intersection increases, therefore Fuzzy Logic model is expected to contribute and to
give alternative handling for optimum intersection with fixe time signal.

Traffic control with signal lights is critical to controlling traffic flow at intersections, especially in that case of
reducing the number of vehicles queueing at each approach and preventing potential vehicle for accident rate.
Intersection the manage with traffic signals the most effective, especially to control the volume of traffic on each
approach. It can simultaneously measure the performance of a signal intersection based on IHCM [4] , in the case of
avoiding congestion intersection result consequence to conflicting traffic flows opposed, so that the intersection
capacity can be maintained as efficiency as possible and does not cause very long queues. Some of the things that
can be gained as well as thw advantages of installing traffic lights, among can provide clear rules for rides or
pedestrians on the way through the intersections, can reduce the level of accidents, avoid conflicts between vehicles.
But often when traffic is empty, it leads to traffic violations, giving the driver the right to walk according to the
duration of time to light a predetermined lamp by not taking into account the capacity of the intersection that is
always choice at all times. It turns out that the existence of signal operation is very instrumental in separating the
splitting movement from straight or left, or for movement coming from directly intersecting or major conflict paths
. The analysis of the isolated intersection traffic control can be done by approaching several methods namely
Humberger and Kell method through cycle time, webster method account optimum cycle and minimum delay also
Pignataro method based on Peak Hour Factor (PHF) and headway [5]. Traffic control system with fuzzy logic model
is the use of traffic light control by involving input variables such as delay time, flow rate and queue length through
the average number of vehicle flows on each lane [3], where fuzzy logic is a concept external sustainability with the
subjective and objective combination of all the variables involved. The meaning of the use of fuzzy logic controls is
explained is the use of linguistic “word”, for example “saturated”, “less”, “long” in line with human mind. In
general, the linguistic form in transport, especially the signal intersection, is often unknown because often the
parameters are unclear. There are two ambiguity, uncertainty, unprecision or subjectinty. This condition will usually
happen to drivers, traveller or operators who have to make decisions in the field, so it turns out the information is
very subjective linguistic influence because it involves knowledge, perceptions or decision makers. During this
intersection analysis often use parameter of numerical or quantitative variable by using the theory of traffic flow. It
turns out that the reality of traffic parameters can be qualitative or linguistic, such as vehicle flow categorized
“solid”, “normal”, and “little”, so that the handling needs to be done by using fuzzy logic theory . The discussion of
research based on qualitative data has been put forward by some transportation experts with fuzzy theory
applications [6], put forward the idea of using fuzzy theory to control the addition of green time based on the
emergency car time interval as it passes. The same is the case put forward fuzzy theory is used for the analysis of
the time extension of green for public vehicles, discuss analysis of intersection traffic jam problems . The process of
fuzzy logic model analysis through fuzzy set application for control system and membership function on fuzzy
inference using minimum-and theory, while in this research fuzzy logic model using maximum-or theory reinforced
by Fuzzy languages theory and fuzzy set [1,2]. Of course the optimization is done so that the fixed signal intersections
can maintain normal traffic flow, where unsaturation flow, and traffic lights are always works fine to manage traffic
movement. The performance measures of the intersection can be done by controlling or modifying the existing
traffic light conditions and evaluating traffic behavior as it passes through the intersection, by making comparisons
through conventional methods and fuzzy logic models.


The research was conducted from April, 2015 until May, 2015 by taking the field data object primer on the
isolated signal intersection Jl.Pasteur – Jl.Pasirkaliki located in the city of Bandung

Sample and Intersection Criteria

Sampling data is obtained by direct survey at the study location, by measuring, enumeration and direct
observation in field, categories of data take include geometric data intersection, road markings condition,
intersection approach and legs intersection, traffic data includes vehicle flow, number of vehicle queues, length of
signal time, number of vehicles idle in Stop Rooms Motorcycles (SRM). The intersection criteria must satisfy the
following conditions: the intersection should be isolated, fixed time signal, have a crossover leg for the Left Turn On
Red (LTOR) moving vehicle, and available special Stop Rooms Motorcycles (SRM). The number of intersections
isolated and fixed time signal there are 61 intersections throughout the city of Bandung and based on the criteria
above the intersection of eligible sample only 4 intersections that is intersection Jl.Pasteur-Jl.Pasirkaliki, intersection
Jl.Cibaduyut-Jl.Soekarno Hatta, intersection Jl.Kiaracondong-Jl.Soekarno Hatta and intersection Jl.Gedebage-
Jl.Soekarno Hatta. The samples were obtained using two-stage cluster sampling of the available population,
especially the intersection signal of Bandung city. The process of sampling based on two stage cluster sampling is
done through the following stages, the first stage chossing the model of intersection of four fixed time signal in the
city of Bandung amounted of 61 intersections, the next stage takes the intersection with the provisions have legs
intersection, Stop Rooms Motorcycles (SRM), zebra cross and signal system isolated from one another, selected 4
intersection that full field the criteria.

Experiment Design
There were 3 variables used in this experiment based on traffic flow, queue, and SRM used for design
performance measuring an intersection, these variables were obtained through a survey during non peak hour
conditions. The experimental variables are divided into 2 categories, namely numerical variables such as traffic
flows and the number of queue vehicles, while the linguistic variable includes the number of vehicles making
violations in SRM. The optimized intersection optimization method uses Fuzzy Logic System model, while the
design process follows the following path,
Triangular fuzzy
fuzzy set


Fuzzification // fuzzifier
fuzzifier Fuzzy
Fuzzy engine
engine process
process Fuzzy
Fuzzy results
results Defuzzifier
Linguistic numeric
numeric –– Fuzzy
Fuzzy set set Inference
Inference Engine
Engine Fuzzy
Fuzzy rule
rule base
base Model
variable 1.
1. increase
·· interval
interval r,r, a, a, g,
g, ·· COA 2.
2. decrease
XX11 -X
-X22,, ....
.... XX88 ·· min
min -- and and COA (Center
(Center of
of decrease
queue ·· ifif –– and
and -- then then Average)
·· ff11,, ff22,, .... ·· II11,, II22,, ....
.... II64 ··
.... ff16
64 BB11,, BB22,, ....
.... BB64
64 ·· Weight
·· fuzzy
fuzzy curve curve number


(Clasification Input
Input and
and Output
Output Variable)

Flow, Queue,
Queue, SRM

FIGURE 1. Fuzzy Logic Design

Furthermore, the input data of the survey results, arranged based on the membership funcition as a funcition of
members in fuzzy logic [8] through linear membership funcitions by model triangular fuzzy sets.
0, 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 ≤ 𝑎

[ ] 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 Є [𝑎, 𝑚]
(𝑥, 𝑎, 𝑚, 𝑏) = 𝐴
[ ] 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 Є [𝑚, 𝑏]

{ 0, 𝑖𝑓 𝑥 ≤ 𝑏

Where: x = input data, a = lower bound; b = upper bound; m = middle top; A (x) = degree of member Usually
written: A (x, a, m, b) = max {min [(x-a) / (m-a), (b-x) / (b-m)]} Fuzzy Inference uses max-or percentage through
"V" notation and this is a combined process of each fuzzy inference by finding the maximum value for each Ii. The combination
of each fuzzy inference value of Iim where n = number of variables and m=2 is the lower bound and upper bound of the
interval class of triangular fuzzy sets[8]. The fuzzy inference process is the basic theory of the fuzzy set, that is the
equilibrium of a set I and a space L where each of the I to L mappings is namely an L – Fuzzy Set, L(I) is mapping
classification of all I to elements f V g to L(I) which is defined as the point through the point [2] that is, (fVg)x = Lub
{f(x), g (x)} for L (0,1) then (fVg)x = max {f(x), g(x)}. Rule base use based on the suitability of data input from
each research variable of field data result through fuzzy curve (0-1), while the output plan process will be result
from fuzzy logic model and involves membership funcition based on certain interval value. The fuzzy logic model
with Center of Average (COA) formula according to [7], is defuzzification means center of average for each of the
intersection approach is isolated, while the model formulation is, COA = [Σ (Bi X Ii)] / Σ Ii where i = 1,2,3 ...i [7].

Measured Parameters
Measurement of variable parameters is performed during non peak hours, in order to see input behaviour traffic
data in a traffic violation such as stop at Special Stop Rooms Motorcycles (SRM), each intersection is measured in
the morning, afternoon, evening with different time sizes because each the intersection conditions have different
current patterns and driver behaviour. The size of the data parameter values is adjusted based on geometric
measurements and traffic flows of intersections. Geometric classification is a measure of the physical condition of
the intersection such as the width of the lane, the legs of the intersection, including the road marking such as zebra
cross, stop line and RHK. Furthermore, traffic classification includes categories of vehicle types, direction patterns
of movement and number of vehicle flows. In this study as an analysis material using 3 parameters namely the
amount of traffic flow, the number of vehicles queuing and the number of car offenses stopped in the Stop Rooms
Motorcycles (SRM).

Data Analysis
Data obtained by conducting a field survey to obtain the existing data, then performed fuzzy logic analysis of
traffic signals intersection. Data analysis is divided into two categories namely data processing intersection based on
traffic flow theory, focusing on the analysis of the analysis of intersection conditions such as geometric, facilities,
volume, environmental conditions and land use. Often this type of processing model is called the conventional
method model, based on capacity calculation and service level of intersection according to Indonesia Highway
Capacity Manual (IHCM) [4], resulting in output time of signal, capacity, time delay, queue length, service level and
degree of saturation. Further data processing based on fuzzy logic model is done for linguistic data and involves
fuzzifier, fuzzy inference , rule base, defuzzifier and finally to get the conclusion obtained by central of average
method, by generating output signal setting and minimizing queue intersection.


This study we have analysis of 3 variables that is the amount of traffic flow, the number of queues of vehicles
from each approach direction and the number of vehicles that violate the Stop Rooms Motorcycles (SRM). The
result of the intersection survey can be seen in (TABLE 1).

TABLE 1. Input of Survey Results of Existing Signal Intersection

Approach Phase Flows (pcu/green.h) Queue (pcu/green.h) SRM (pcu/green.h)
North P 1502 39 15
South O 1167 37 7
East P 2114 33 6
West P 1640 41 12

Calculate using conventional method through Indonesia Highway Capacity Manual[4], to know the prediction
value of green time on each of the intersection approaches, with the following formula: gi = (c-LTI) × ((FR〗 (crit) /
(Σ 〖FR〗 crit)) where c = cycle time. Furthermore, for the analysis of the formation and generating linguistic
variables is done with the fuzzy logic model, through several stages of the process through fuzzifier, fuzzy
inference, rule base, defuzzifier and center of average [2]. The variable output of the membership function in the
fuzzifier process results the green time, which is then plotted in the form of the fuzzy curve seen (FIGURE 2), the
fuzzy inference value is obtained by the formula FI = max [Vfi], where fi = fuzzy set, i = 1,2, ... 6 [2,]. The
maximum-or combination arrangement is the number of membership functions raised by the number of variables,
the results can be seen in (TABLE 2).

FIGURE 2. Membership Funcition of Green Time

TABLE 2. Composition of Union Combinations for the Queue-Queue-RHK
1. FL V QL V DL 10. FM V QL V DL 19. FH V QL V DL
2. FL V QL V DM 11. FMV QL V DM 20. FH V QL V DM
3. FL V QL V DH 12. FM V QL V DH 21. FH V QL V DH
8. FL V QH V DM 17. FM V QHV DMI3 26. FH V QH V DMI7
9. FL V QH V DH 18. FM V QHV DHI4 27. FH V QH V DHI8
Overall the analysis for all intersection approaches, based on the comparison results for “existing” conditions,
the "conventional" model and the "Fuzzy" model can be seen in (TABLE 3).

TABLE 3. Recapitulation of Comparison of Existing Values and Conventional Model with Fuzzy Logic Model
Approach Method Queue RHK Flow Information
pcu/g.h pcu/green.h pcu/green.h
Existing 39 15 1502
NORTH Konvent 35 15 1012 pass 9 pcu/green.hour
Fuzzy 30 6 2313
Existing 37 7 1372
SOUTH Konvent 34 7 2176 pass 20 pcu/green.hour
Fuzzy 17 0 2127
Existing 33 6 2114
pass 10 pcu/green.hour
EAST Konvent 26 6 1520
Fuzzy 13 0 3277
Existing 41 12 1640
WEST Konvent 23 12 909 pass 5 pcu/green.hour
Fuzzy 36 7 2526

The final stage of the fuzzy process is the deffuzifier which is the average value of each green time on each
intersection approach, as the final result is calculated through the Center of Average formula [6] see tables 4 and 5, as
for graph according to (FIGURE 3).

TABLE 4. Addtional Percentage of Green Fuzzy Model Analysis

Approach Add Green From Existing (%)
North 53
South 55
East 55
West 54

TABLE 5. Recapitulation of Green Signal Setting “Existing” and “Conventional Model” with “Fuzzy Logic Model”
Approach Variable Existing Conventional (second) Fuzzy Logic (second)
North Queue 85 191 132
South Queue 178 178 279
East Queue 95 69 178
West Queue 51 51 80
The Result of Green Time Setting


250 132 148

200 178
150 86
95 69
51 Fuzzy Logic (second)
50 Conventional (second)
Existing (second)
Queue Queue Queue Queue

Existing (second) Conventional (second) Fuzzy Logic (second)

FIGURE 3. End Result of Green Time for Each Models

The results of the analysis show that overall significant intersection performance increases significantly for the
size of the various variables, clearly visible there is a fundamental difference in green time, from “existing” and
“conventional” conditions to the “Fuzzy” theory, that is the final result indicates that the fuzzy model has been
provides improved performance on the signal intersection based on the green time increase. Performance
improvement was achieved by increasing the average green signal time for each approach by 54%, so that there was
a reduction in the number of vehicles queuing up and the increase in traffic capacity of the intersection.

This research is part of the research of the Bandung Institute of Technology doctoral program and research grant
by the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Research and the Higher Education of the
Republic of Indonesia. I wish to thank my previous student (master degree Sayid Assaury and also staff of
Transportation program Bandung Institute of Technology).
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3. C.T.Wannige and D.U.J.Sonnadara, Traffic Signal Control Based on Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference. IEEE
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4. Indonesia Highway Capacity Manual , Directorate General of Highway, PT Bina Karya (Company), 39-64
5. Mohamad Alodat and Ilyas Alodat, Improve and Extension Traffic Light at Intersection, American & Scholary
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6. Muhammad Abbas, M.Saleem Khan, Nasir Ali and Syed Fazil, Fuzzy Logic Based Autonomous Traffic Control
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7. Shipa Mehta, Fuzzy Control System for Controlling Traffic Light, Proceedings of the International Multi
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8. Witold Pedrycz, Fernando Gomide, Fuzzy System Engineering, Toward Human-Centric Computing, John
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