Job Satisfaction

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Name Ishfaque Ali Shah

Class BBA IV

Subject Organizational Behavior

Assignment Employee Satisfaction

Instructor Sir Ali Raza

Employee satisfaction

Employees of an organization will to do work and perform well when they are satisfied from
their job. They need better environment of work place, respect and sufficient amount as a
salary and promotions plus bonuses on their extra performance. Job performance is directly
proportional to job satisfaction.

According to the Robbins (Organizational Behavior 13th edition) job satisfaction is a positive
feeling towards individual’s job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

According to the Cranny, Smith and Stone ( 1992, p.1) job satisfaction as an affective
(emotional) reaction to a job that results from the incumbents comparison of actual outcomes
with those that are desired

Measurement of the job satisfaction

Stanley E .Seashore, Thomas D Taber (University of Michigan) have said that, if job satisfaction
measures are to be useful in monitoring the quality of employment on a societal scale, it will be
necessary to enlarge the perspective, to invoke some societal and political values, and to begin
to treat job satisfaction in the context of a larger array of associated variables.

Methods of measurement
There are two main approaches to measure job satisfaction these are single global rating and a
summation of job facets (Organizational Behavior by Robbins).

Single global rating

It measures that how an employee is satisfied from his/her job. It respondents circle that
corresponds to answer from highly satisfied and highly dissatisfied.

A summation of job facets

This analysis measure elements in a job and identifies the employee’s feelings about each.
Robbins said that these elements are nature of the work, relationship with co-workers,
supervision, promotion and present pay.

Causes of job satisfaction

There are seven ways through which an employee can be satisfied. (adopted from

1. Employee Orientation
This is the best way to satisfy an employee in which he/she is ensured about his realistic
expectations which result decrease in turnover.
2. Positive Work Environment
It is necessary to provide positive workspace otherwise workers will not be found
satisfied. Positive work environment includes encouragement, by doing so employees can
perform more than they survive.
3. Provide Competitive Benefits
Employees can also be satisfied by providing competitive benefits to them for example
flextime, personal days and paid holidays etc.
4. Workforce Engagement
Work force engagement means the interest of an employee in job. So to get an employee
satisfied it is necessary to make him a part of an organization, and let him to feel that he
is involved in goal setting, and decision making.
5. Develop Skills
This is a way through which employees are satisfied, their skills are developed by giving
them training opportunities, teaching them online courses and encouraging them for
6. Recognition & Rewards
In this way organization are giving rewards to their employees on the good performance,
like they are checking employee’s weekly performance and one who performs better
than others is given bonuses.
7. Track Job Satisfaction
This is cause that organization adopt to check the continuity of employee’s satisfaction
and its level through mobile surveys and putting data behind it. This check and balance
system improves job satisfaction and reduces turnover.

Impact of employee satisfaction on work place

Impact of job satisfaction on the workplace is adopted from the book Organization Behavior
(Robbins and Sanghi 13th ed)

Job satisfaction and job performance

Job satisfaction and job performance have strong positive correlation. Employees increase the
productivity when they are satisfied with their jobs.

Job satisfaction and OCB

Satisfied employees become the positive for organization and become engaged in organization
citizenship behavior. It means that job satisfaction and OCB have positive relationship.

Job satisfaction and absenteeism

These both have negative relationship means that satisfied employees work regularly and don’t
miss their work, and they avoid from absenteeism.

Job satisfaction and turnover

Turnover is the deliberately leaving the organization forever, whenever employees are satisfied
they stay in organization for long time and they don’t wish to leave the current job.

Job satisfaction and workplace

Deviance Workplace deviance means making the work environment unpleasant and violent. If
employees are satisfied they feel comfort while performing their tasks and keeping the
workplace favorable and interesting.

1: The Cranny, Smith and Stone ( 1992, p.1)

2: Robbins (Organizational Behavior 13th edition)

3: Stanley E .Seashore, Thomas D Taber (University of Michigan)


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