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1. There are three consecutive odd integers. Three times the largest is seven times the
smallest. What are the integers?
a. 17, 19, 21
b. 3, 5, 7
c. 1, 3, 5
d. 11, 13, 15

2. A 25-foot-long board is to be cut into two parts. The longer part is 1 foot more than
twice the short part. How long is each part?
a. 10, 15
b. 20, 5
c. 8, 17
d. 18, 7

3. The polynomial x3 + 4x2 - 3x + 8 is divided by x – 5. What is the remainder?

a. 281
b. 812
c. 218
d. 182

4. Given: f(x) = (x + 3)(x - 4) + 4 when divided by (x - k), the remainder is k. Find k.

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. -3

5. Mary is 24. Mary is twice as old as Ana was when Mary was as old as Ana is now. How
old is Ana?
a. 16
b. 18
c. 17
d. 15

6. If an alloy containing 30% silver is mixed with 55% silver alloy to get 800 pounds of 40%
alloy, how much of each must be used?
a. 480, 320
b. 550, 250
c. 450, 350
d. 500, 300

7. Three persons can do a piece of work alone in 3 hours, 4 hours, and 6 hours
respectively. What fraction of the job can they finish in one hour working together?
a. ¾
b. 4/3
c. ½
d. 2/3

8. How many minutes after 3:00 PM will the minute hand of the clock overtakes the hour
a. 14/12 min
b. 16_11/12 min
c. 16_4/11 min
d. 14/11 min

9. At what time after 3 o’clock will the hands of the clock be at 90 o angle?
a. 3:45
b. 3:28
c. 3:32
d. 3:30

10. The sum of progression 5, 8, 11, 14 … is 1025. How many terms are there?
a. 22
b. 23
c. 24
d. 25

11. Find the height of a tree if the angle of elevation of its top changes from 20 deg to 40
deg as the observer advances 23 meters toward the base.
a. 14.78 m
b. 13.78 m
c. 15.78 m
d. 16.78 m

12. In a circle of radius 12 in., a line from the center perpendicular to a chord is 4 in. Find
the length of the cord.
a. 64.56 in
b. 55.67 in
c. 22.63 in
d. 45.65 in

13. If tan x = 1/3 and tan y = ½, what is the value of tan (x + y)

a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1

14. If sec2 A is 5/2, the quantity 1 – sin2 A is equivalent to:

a. 2.5
b. 1.5
c. 0.4
d. 0.6

15. Simplify: sin2 x(1 + cot2 x)

a. sin2 x
b. sec2 x sin x
c. 1
d. tan2 x

16. A man finds the angle of elevation of the top of a tower to be 30 0. He walks 85 m nearer
the tower and finds its angle of elevation to be 600. What is the height of the tower?
a. 76.31 m
b. 73.31 m
c. 73.16 m
d. 73.61 m

17. A PLDT tower and a monument stand on a level plane. The angles of depression of the
top and bottom of the monument viewed from the top of the PLDT tower at 13 o and 35o
respectively. The height of the tower is 50 m. Find the height of the monument.
a. 29.13 m
b. 30.11 m
c. 32.12 m
d. 33.51 m

18. The two legs of a triangle are 300 and 150m each, respectively. The angle opposite the
150 m side is 26o. What is the third side?
a 197.49 m
b 218.61 m
c 341.78 m
d 282.15 m

19. If an equilateral triangle is circumscribed about a circle of radius 10 cm, determine the
side of the triangle.
a. 34.64 cm
b. 64.12 cm
c. 36.44 cm
d. 32.10 cm
20. Solve for angle C of the oblique triangle ABC given, a = 80o, c = 115o and A = 72o.
a. 61o
b. 85o
c. 95o
d. 119o

1. Two sides of a triangle measure 8 cm and 12 cm. Find its area if its perimeter is 26 cm.
Ans. 3.306 sq. in.

2. Find the area of the triangle whose sides are 12, 16, and 21 units.
Ans. 95

3. The sides of a right triangle are 8, 15 and 17 units. If each side is doubled, how many
square units will be the area of the new triangle?
Ans. 240

4. How many sides has a polygon if the sum of its interior angles equals twice the sum of
its exterior angles?
Ans. 6

5. A regular octagon is inscribed in a circle whose radius is 12. Find the area of the octagon.
Ans. 220.43 sq. cm.

6. The lateral area of a right cylindrical tank is 48π m2 and its volume is 72 π m3. Find the
altitude of the tank.
Ans. 8

7. A circle of radius 5 cm has a chord which is 6 cm long. Find the area of the circle
concentric to this circle and tangent to the given chord.
Ans. 16π

8. A regular hexagonal pyramid whose base perimeter is 60 cm has an altitude of 30 cm.

The volume of the pyramid is:
Ans. 2598 cu. cm.

9. A right circular cone with an altitude of 8 cm is divided into two segments. One is a
smaller circular cone having the same vertex with volume equal to ¼ of the original
cone. Find the altitude of the smaller cone.
Ans. 5.04 cm.

10. A cone and hemisphere share base that is a semicircle with radius 3 and the cone is
inscribed inside the hemisphere. Find the volume of the region outside the cone and
inside the hemisphere.
Ans. 28.274

11. If the distance between the points (8, 7) and (3, y) is 13, find y.
Ans. 19 & - 5
12. The distance between the points (sin x, cos x) and (cos x, - sin x) is:
Ans. (2)1/2
13. The equation of the line through (1, 2) and parallel to the line 3x – 2y + 4 = 0 is:
Ans. 3x – 2y +1 = 0

14. The radius of a circle 2x2 + 2y2 – 3x + 4y – 1 =0 is:

Ans. (33)1/2/4

15. Find the area of the circle whose equation is x2 + y2 = 6x – 8y.

Ans. 25π sq. units

16. Find the center of the circle x2 + y2 – 6x + 4y – 23 = 0

Ans. (3, -2)

17. Given the equation of the parabola: y2 – 8x – 4y – 20 = 0. The length of its latus rectum
Ans. 8

18. Given the coordinates of the three vertices of a triangle ABC where A = (15, 15), B = (23,
30) and C = (50, 25). Find the area of the triangle.
Ans. 222.5

19. The focus of the parabola y2 = 16x

Ans. (4, 0)

20. The length of the latus rectum of the curve (x – 2)2/ 4 + (y + 4)2 / 25 = 1 is:
Ans. 1.6

𝑥 2 −1
1. Evaluate: lim 2
𝑥→1 𝑥 +3𝑥−4
Ans. 0.4

tan 2
2. Evaluate: lim(2 − 𝑥)
Ans. 𝟏. 𝟖𝟗

3. Differentiate y = ex cos x2
Ans. ex (cos x2 – 2x sin x2)

4. What is the derivative with respect to x of (x + 1)3 – x3

Ans. 6x + 3
5. Differentiate (x2 + 2)1/2
Ans. x/(x2 + 2)1/2

6. Find the second derivative of x3 – 5x2 + x = 0

Ans. 6x – 10

7. Given the function f(x) = x to the 3rd power – 6x + 2. Find the first derivative at x = 2.
Ans. 6

8. Find the radius of curvature of the curve x = y2 at (1, 1)

Ans. 5.27

9. The number of newspaper copies distributed is given by C = 50t2 – 200t + 10000, where
t is in years. Find the minimum number of copies distributed from 1995 to 2002
Ans. 9800

10. The distance a body travels is a function of time and is given by x(t) = 16t + 8t 2. Find its
velocity at t = 3
Ans. 64

11. Integrate: (7x3 + 4x2) dx

Ans. (7x4/4) + (4x3/3) + C
2 +1
12. Evaluate the integral of 𝑒 𝑥 2𝑥 𝑑𝑥.
Ans. 𝒆𝒙 +𝟏 + 𝑪

13. Evaluate the integral of 𝑥 cos 2𝑥 𝑑𝑥 with limits from 0 to 𝜋/4.

Ans. 0.143

14. Evaluate the integral of if it has an upper limit of 1 and a lower limit of 0.
(𝑥 + 1)8
Ans. 0.0223

15. Find the area under the curve y = x3 + 3x2 and the x – axis between x = 1 and x = 3.
Ans. 46 sq. units

16. Find the area bounded by the y – axis and x = 4 – y2/3

Ans. 25.6 sq. units

17. Find the area bounded by the curve y = 4 sin x and the x – axis from x = 𝜋/3 to x = 𝜋.
Ans. 6

18. Find the area of the region bounded by the curves y = (12x) / (x2 + 4), then x – axis, x = 1,
and x = 4.
Ans. 8.32 sq. units

19. Evaluate the integral of 5 cos6 x sin2 x dx using lower limit = 0 and upper limit = 𝜋/2.
Ans. 0.3068

20. A body moves such that its acceleration is a function of time is a = 2 + 12t, where t is in
minutes and a is in m/min2. Its velocity after 1 minute is 11 m/min. find its velocity after
2 minutes.
Ans. 31 m/min

1. Obtain the differential equation of the family of straight lines with slope and y –
intercept equal.
Ans. y dx – (x + 1) dy = 0

2. Determine the differential equation of the family of lines passing through the origin.
Ans. x dy – y dx = 0

3. What is the differential equation of the family of parabolas having their vertices at the
origin and their foci on the x – axis.
Ans. 2x dy – y dx

4. Solve the equation dy + 4xy dx = 2x dx

𝟐 𝟐
Ans. y 𝒆𝟐𝒙 = ½ 𝒆𝟐𝒙 + C

5. Obtain the general solution of y’ = x y2

Ans. y(x2 + c) + 2 = 0

6. Solve the equation x dy – y dx = 2x3 dx

Ans. Y = x3 + cx

7. Solve for the equation x dy + y dx = 2x2y dx

Ans. ln |xy| = x2 + C

8. Solve the equation (x5 + 3y) dx – x dy = 0

Ans. 2y = x5 + cx3

9. A tank contains 400 liters of brine holding 100 kg of salt in solution. Water containing
125 g of salt per liter flows into the tank at the rate of 12 liters per minute, and the
mixture, kept uniform by stirring, flows out at the same rate. Find the amount of salt at
the end of 90 minutes.
Ans. 53.36 kg

10. Given the following simultaneous differential equations.

2 dx/dt – 3 dy/dt + x – y =k
3 dx/dt + 2 dy/dt – x + cos t = 0
Solve for dy/dt.
Ans. dy/dt = (1/13) (5x – 3y – 3k – 2 cos t)

11. How many permutations can be made out of the letters in the word ISLAND taking four
letters at a time?
Ans. 360

12. How many 4 digit numbers can be formed without repeating any digit, from the
following digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.
Ans. 120

13. How many ways can 3 men and 4 women be seated on a bench if the women are to be
Ans. 576 ways

14. How many ways can you invite one or more of five friends to a party?
Ans. 720 ways

15. In how many ways can PICE chapter with 15 directors choose a president, a vice-
president, a secretary, a treasurer, and an auditor, if no member can hold more than
one position?
Ans. 360360

16. How many line segments can be formed by 13 distinct point?

Ans. 78

17. A bag contains 4 red balls, 3 green balls, and 5 blue balls. The probability of not getting a
red ball in the first draw is:
Ans. 2/3

18. A two – digit number is chosen randomly. What is the probability that it is divisible by 7?
Ans. 13/90

19. Dennis Rodman sinks 50% of all his attempts. What is the probability that he will make
exactly 3 of his next 10 attempts?
Ans. 15/128

20. In a dice game, one fair die is used. The player wins P20.00 if he rolls either 1 or 6. He
losses P10.00 if he turns up any other face. What is the expected winning for one roll of
the die?
Ans. P0.00
1. An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.20 m/s2 for 32.8 s until is finally lifts off the
ground. Determine the distance traveled before takeoff.
Ans. 1720m

2. A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly over a time of 5.21 seconds for a
distance of 110 m. Determine the acceleration of the car.
Ans. 8.10 m/s2

3. A feather is dropped on the moon from height of 1.40 meters. The acceleration of
gravity on the moon is 1.67m/s2. Determine the time for the feather to fall to the
surface of the moon.
Ans. 1.29s

4. A bike accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 7.10 m/s over a distance of 35.4 m.
Determine the acceleration of the bike.
Ans. 0.712 m/s2

5. An engineer is designing the runway for an airport. Of the planes that will use the
airport, the lowest acceleration rate is likely to be 3 m/s2. The takeoff speed for this
plane will be 65 m/s. Assuming this minimum acceleration, what is the minimum
allowed length for the runway?
Ans. 704 m

6. The observation deck of tall skyscraper 370 m above the street. Determine the time
required for a penny to free fall from the deck to the street below.
Ans. 8.69s

7. A bullet is moving at a speed of 367 m/s when it embeds into a lump of moist clay. The
bullet penetrates for a distance of 0.0621 m. Determine the acceleration of the bullet
while moving into the clay. (Assume a uniform acceleration.)
Ans. -1.08x10^6 m/s2

8. It was once recorded that a Jaguar left skid marks that were 290 m in length. Assuming
that the Jaguar skidded to a stop with a constant acceleration of -3.90 m/s2, determine
the speed of the Jaguar before it began to skid.
Ans. 47.6 m/s2

9. A dragster accelerates to a speed of 112 m/s over a distance of 398 m. Determine the
acceleration (assume uniform) of the dragster.
Ans. 15.8 m/s2

10. A plane has a takeoff speed of 88.3 m/s and requires 1365 m to reach that speed.
Determine the acceleration of the plane and the time required to reach this speed.
Ans. a = 2.86 m/s2 & t = 30.86s

11. A boy of weight W hangs from the center of a clothesline and distorts the line so that it
makes 20o angles with the horizontal at each end. Find the tension in the clothesline in
terms of W.
Ans. 1.46W

12. In shooting an arrow from a bow, an archer holds the bow vertical and pulls back the
arrow with a force of 80N. The two halves of the string make 25o angles with the
vertical. What is the tension in the string?
Ans. 95N

13. A 200 N wagon is to be pulled up a 30o incline at constant speed. How large a force
parallel to the incline is needed if friction effects are negligible?
Ans. 100N

14. Two forces P and Q pass through a point A which is 4 m to the right of and 3 m above a
moment center O. Force P is 890 N directed up to the right at 30° with the horizontal
and force Q is 445 N directed up to the left at 60° with the horizontal. Determine the
moment of the resultant of these two forces with respect to O.
Ans. 1676.74 N.m

15. Determine the pressure in a vessel of mercury, specific gravity 13.6, at a point 20 cm
below the surface. Express the answer in N/m2.
Ans. 26,683.2 Pa

16. What height of mercury column will cause a pressure of 680 kPa?
Ans. 510m

17. At what depth in a stand pipe containing water is the pressure 200 kPa?
Ans. 20.39 m

18. In a condenser containing air and water, the air pressure is 22.1 kPa absolute. What is
the gage pressure in kilo Newton per square meter at a point 1.37 m below the water
Ans. -65.7853 kPa

19. A hollow steel tube with an inside diameter of 100 mm must carry a tensile load of 400
kN. Determine the outside diameter of the tube if the stress is limited to 120 MN/m2.
Ans. 119.35 mm

20. A steel shaft 3 ft long that has a diameter of 4 in is subjected to a torque of 15 kip·ft.
Determine the maximum shearing stress and the angle of twist. Use G = 12 × 106 psi.
Ans. 14324 psi & 1.23o
1. How much work is necessary to compress air in an insulated cylinder from 0.20 m 3 to
0.01 m3? Use T1 = 20o C and P1 = 100kPa
Ans. 115.72 kJ

2. A heat engine is operated between temperature limits of 1370oC and 260oC. Engine is
supplied with 14,142 kJ/kwh. Find the carrot cycle efficiency in percent.
Ans. 67.56%

3. A closed vessel contains air at a pressure of 160 kN/m2 gauge and temperature of 30oC.
The air is heated at constant volume to 60oC with the atmospheric pressure of 759 mm
Hg. What is the final gauge pressure?
Ans. 185.86

4. What is the temperature in oC of 2 liters of water at 30oC after 500 calories of heat have
been added?
Ans. 30.25oC

5. Assuming compression is according to the law PV = constant. Calculate the initial

volume of gas at a pressure of 2 bar which will occupy volume of 6 m3 when it is
compressed to a pressure of 42 bar.
Ans. 126 m3

6. Two-third of the atom in a molecule of water is hydrogen. What percentage weight of a

water molecule if the weight of two hydrogen atoms? The atomic weight of hydrogen is
1.008 g/mol and oxygen is 16.00 g/mole.
Ans. 11.19%

7. Hydrogen peroxide solution for hair bleaching is usually prepared mixing 5 grams of
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), Molecular weight = 34 g/mol per 100 mL of solution. What is
the molarity of this solution?
Ans. 1.5 M

8. If the atomic weight of magnesium is 24.3 g/mol, calculate how many magnesium atoms
does 5g represent?
Ans. 1.2387x1023 atoms

9. How many moles of iron does 25g of Fe represent? Note: the atomic weigh of iron (Fe)
is 55.8 g/mol.
Ans. 0.4480 mol

10. What is the composition of oxygen of potassium sulfate, K2SO4?

Ans. 36.7%
11. Mr. Robert plans a deposit of P 500 at the end of each month for 5 years, at 6% annual
interest, compounded monthly. The amount that will be available in two years.
Ans. P 2,818.55

12. What is the present worth of 8 years annuity paying P 6,000 at the end of each year,
with interest at 4% compounded annually.
Ans. P 40,396.47

13. P 2,000 deposited each year into a saving account that pays 15% nominal rate interest,
compounded continuously. How much will be the account at the end of 8 years.
Ans. P 28,672.76

14. Suppose if a person would receive P 10,000 in perpetuity and the interest rate is 10%,
the present value would be:
Ans. P 100,000

15. Gian receives an initial salary of 40,000 Php increasing at the rate of P 2,000 a year. If
money is worth 8%, determine his equivalent uniform salary for the period of 8 years.
Ans. P 64,990.59

16. Determine the number of period in years would it take for a uniform payment series in
account that earns 8% compound continuously if the compounded amount factor is
Ans. 3.8044

17. A farmer bought a tractor costing P 25,000 payable in 10 semi – annual payments, each
installment payable at the beginning of each period. If the rate of interest is 26%
compounded semi – annually, determine the amount of each installment.
Ans. 4,077.20 Php

18. A man invests P 50,000 now for college education of his 2 year old son. If the fund earns
14% effective rate, how much will the son get each year starting from his 18 th to the
22nd birthday?
Ans. P 103,955.0078

19. Mr. Reyes buys P 10,000 for the down payment of property piece and ten deffered semi
– annual payment of P 5,000 each starting 3 years from now. What is the present value
of the investment if the rate of interest is 12% compounded semi – annual
Ans. P 54,998.85

20. If you borrowed P 10,000 from a bank with 18% interest per annum, what is the total
amount to be repaid at the end of one year?
Ans. P 11,800

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