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Good afternoon! We have designated areas for our guests, parents and graduating students. Parents please occupy the
seats; dear guests and friends, kindly occupy the seats. Thank you very much!

We would like to remind everyone that our school has its official photographer – Galvez/Jimenez Digital Imaging! Please
refrain from getting near the stage.


May we request all the graduates and their parents, the faculty, staff and administrators to assemble at the McKenna
garden for the processional.


Graduation is not the end; it’s just the beginning. –Orrin Hatch

After those previous years of burning the midnight oil, after six years of pursuing your junior and senior high school
education, after having countless failures, a few heartbreaks and sorrows, several victories, and much happiness, after
receiving resounding applauses, lots of commendations, much encouragement and unconditional love, YOU, our dear
graduating students are now here to make your dreams come true! We’re here to celebrate with you for tonight is your
graduation. It is certainly a great time for you to harvest all the fruits of your hardworking.

Amidst the downsides, pains, frustrations and criticisms, you have become victorious! You have gained more knowledge
and wisdom. You have discovered and honed more talents and skills. You have risen and have remained elated from
every fiasco that has put down. You have learned many lessons that made you better persons. You have transcended all
the challenges along your way. Indeed, you, JAMESIANS, have accomplished great things. You have preserved much
toward the attainment of your dream and this dream has finally become a reality. Because of our faith, fortitude and
enthusiasm, you have certainly brought home the bacon.

Tonight/Today, we will witness the first and the most awaited graduation ceremony under the K-12 Basic Education with
the theme “Mag-aaral ng K-12: Handa sa Hamon ng Buhay”. The first history that slowly unfolds as we come to an end
of the school year 2017-2018.The school vows to continuously provide its students’ quality Catholic education they need
in order to actualize their life goals and dreams in transforming future, not only for themselves but also for their

With hope, joy and honor, let’s commence again! Now, together with those people who have given you quality
education for the previous academic years, those significant others who have supported you all throughout this journey,
and who have definitely sacrificed a lot for you to have a bright and decent future, let us celebrate you victory over it all!

All together
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the _______ Commencement Exercises of St. James School of Subic,
Inc. Please rise for the entrance of the cadet, followed by the awardees, graduating class together with their parents, the
administrators, faculty and staff, to be followed by the SJS colors.


Dear guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, let’s all welcome this year’s awardees together with their parents and
guardians. Let’s give them a thunderous applause!

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world, -Nelson Mandela

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.

Behind every success is endeavor… Behind endeavor, ability…Behind ability, knowledge… Behind Knowledge, a seeker.
Recipe success: Study while others are sleeping, work while others are loafing, prepare while others are playing, and
dream while others are wishing. –William A. Ward

Education is like a seed that when watered with knowledge and experience grows into true wisdom. –Richard S.

In response to those who say to stop dreaming and face reality, I say keep dreaming and make reality. –Kristian Kan

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. –Walt Disney

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s all witness the entrance of our Graduating class from STEM 12 under the commendable
guidance of Mr. Reynaldo De Leon. Let’s give them a thunderous applause!

Learning is important. It is a way to make a life better for yourself and your family. –Roise Thomas

Education is our passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. –Malcolm X

Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence. –Abigail Adams

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s all witness the entrance of our Graduating class from ABM 12 under the good
management of Ms. Jennylyn Nebril. Let’s give them a booming applause!

ABM 12
Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education. – Martin Luther King, Jr./ Aristotle

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.

People need to be educated so that they can make intelligent moral choices. Gary L. Francione

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on
your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who will decide where to go. –Dr. Seuss

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s all witness the entrance of our Graduating class from TVL-HE and TVL-ICT under the
upright supervision of Mrs. Paulyn H. Gona. Let’s give them a rousing applause!


Education is the movement from darkness to light. –Allan Bloom

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. –Winston Churchill

Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world’s work, and the power to appreciate life.-

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinion drown out your own
inner voice. And most important, have courage to follow your heart and intuition.

Now, let’s witness the entrance of the people behind the success of every Jamesian; the significant people who are
always there educating the students, enriching and transforming their lives and leading them toward the attainment of
their goals and dreams.

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a stirring applause to all administrators, faculty members and staff of St. James School
of Subic, Inc.!

The job of an educator is to teach students to see vitality in themselves. – Joseph Campbell

A teacher who loves learning earns the right and the ability to help others learn. –Ruth Beechick

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. –Henry Brooks Adams

The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate “apparently ordinary” people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not
in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. –K. Patricia Cross

Once again, our supportive administrators, dedicated teaching personnel and efficient staff. A round of applause
Invocation and National Anthem

Before we formally begin this momentous event, may we all stand as we pay tribute, honor and glory to our Almighty
God through an invocation to be led by Ms. Princess Camille Lim, one of the academic excellence awardees- with
honors. To be followed by the singing of our National Anthem to be rendered by the select graduating students.

Thank you very much students, CAT Honor Guards and SJS Colors! You may now be seated.

Welcome Address

Now, in this year’s occasion, we can truly see how far our dear students have progressed within those fruitful years. It’s
obvious that each student has developed not just academically and vocationally but more so, spiritually. A big hurray to
our senior students for they have survived all the arduous struggles they have been through all these years! Tonight, we
celebrate their triumph and joy as they finish their four-year journey as high school students.

Of course, this is also a good time for these students, on behalf of their classmates, to express their sincere gratitude to
their loving parents and dedicated teachers for the endless support and unconditional love they have generously given.

And to welcome us all to the great celebration of success and joy, let us give an energetic applause to Ms. Kylie Tapang,
an academic excellence awardee-with honors, for her words of welcome.

Thank you, Ms. Kylie for your very stimulating words of welcome.

Presentation of Candidates

Actually, commencement is a special time for our graduates who completed the requirements of graduation. Now, may
I call on our energetic and supportive school principal, Sr. Ruth A. Santiago,SFIC for the presentation of the candidates.
This will be followed by the confirmation of candidates to be given by our remarkable school director, Rev. Fr. Danilo M.

Wow, you are already confirmed as graduates. Please give yourselves a resounding applause for the job well done.
Congratulations to you as well to your parents.

Thank you Sr. Ruth and Fr. Danny! Now, let us proceed to the highpoint of this program.

Awarding of Diploma

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. -Aristotle

A diploma is the tangible evidence of being a graduate in a certain level of education. This is now the fruit of each
student’s endeavor. So, to do the honors of the distribution of diplomas, may we have on stage once more, our ever-
energetic school principal- Sr. Ruth A. Santiago,SFIC and remarkable school director Rev. Fr. Danilo M. Lopez, together
with the dedicated grade 12 advisers, Mr. Reynaldo P. De Leon, Ms. Jennylyn S. Nebril and Mrs. Paulyn H. Gona, for the
awarding of diplomas.

May we call on Mr. Reynaldo P. De Leon to present the graduates of Grade 12-STEM.


Thank you, Sir De Leon, for your inspiring note. Once again, congratulations, STEM12 for the job well done!
Congratulations also to your parents!

ABM 12
Now, let us proceed to Grade 12-ABM. May we have Ms. Jennylyn S. Nebril to present the graduates of her advisory


What an inspirational message you had Ms. Nebril. Thank you Ma’am! Once again, congratulations ABM12 as well to
your supportive parents!
May we call on Mrs. Paulyn H. Gona to present the graduates of TVL- HE and ICT.


Thank you Ma’am Gona, for that wonderful message. Congratulations TVL-HE and ICT for your hard working and also to
your parents!

Thank you Fr. Danny and Sr. Ruth, as well to the grade 12 advisers!

Once again, congratulations to all the graduates tonight. Good luck to your future undertakings!

Awarding of Medals and Certificates

St. James School of Subic, Inc., a Catholic institution, aims to hone not just the mind of the students but their totality as
well. Through varied activities and notable experiences, Jamesians become dynamic, effective, responsible, talented,
competitive, excellent, service-oriented, and Christ-centered individuals of the community. Their knowledge, talents and
abilities are refined to be of great service of our society.

Now, with a joyful heart, I am proud to tell you that our dear students have really achieved exceptional accolades; they
have aimed and soared higher in different areas of learning. They have undeniably proven their worth as young leaders
of our dear Alma Mater.

To recognize the attainments that our graduates have accomplished this year, we will proceed to the awarding of
medals and certificates.

May we call on Rev. Fr. Danilo M. Lopez, our school director, Sr. Ruth a. Santiago,SFIC, our school principal, Sr. Jenny J.
Concepcion, our school treasurer, _______________________________________ and the Grade 12 advisers for the
awarding of medals and certificates.


I bet everyone’s eager to witness the awarding of our academic excellence awardees. Our awardees who never stopped
to pursue their dreams and reach their goal- the ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARD.

**Ladies and gentlemen, our ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARDEES are Gerald Fontillas, with high honors and so on

Like their administrators and teachers, students also give benevolent service not only to their classmates but also to the
whole community of St. James. Such students are indeed service-oriented assets of our institute. I tell you, it is every
teacher’s joy to teach and lead service-oriented individuals.

**Our SERVICEABLE AWARDEES-from STEM 12, we have ___________ and ____________

From ABM 12, we have ___________ and ____________
From TVL He12, we have __________and _____________
From TVL ICT 12, we have _________and _____________
Indeed, our students are not only good in academic aspects but also in the aspect of Christian living. They excelled in this
subject because our school is molding the spiritual relationship of our students to our God. Thus, here are the awardees
of Best in Christian Living.

**Our Best in Christian Living

Now, let us proceed to the SPECIAL RECOGNITION


Jamesians don’t only excel in academics but also in other important areas such as athletics. Notably, St. James School of
Subc, Inc. is known for its incomparable set of competent basketball and volleyball players. This year, the school has
produced good players who have showed their excellence, strength, determination and enthusiasm in every game,
especially during _________________

Now, those players will harvest the fruits of their hard work! Here are the Athletics of the Year…

Work immersion is a
Now, our work immersion awardees….

The students are really eager to accomplish their requirements and projects with their subjects especially in Research.
The learners underwent in a crucial stage of the said subject. Therefore, here are the luckiest students who finally gave
their best to excel in this particular subject.

**Our Best in Research, starting with…1st, 2nd, 3rd place


It is really pleasant to know that our valued students have been dynamic members of parish organizations all throughout
the year. They have been molded to strengthen their faith and love of God and others through various church works and
experiences. Therefore, Parish Involvement Award is given to those students who are considered as Youth Ambassadors
of Christ in spreading the Good news.

(Read the content of the certificate)


Mercury Drug Corporation contributes its modest share to promote better and quality education by recognizing
academic excellence through the mercury Academic Recognition Program. The said program has continuously inspired
students to seek academic excellence in the field of Mathematics and science at the end of every school year.

To qualify for such award, the student must:

1. Excel academically in Math;

2. Participate actively in Young Analyst Club’s activities;
3. Join various contests in Mathematics in and out of school;
4. Be qualified for graduation from any public or authorized private high school in the Philippines;
5. Be of good moral character and unquestionable integrity.

other than Shiela Mae Leyco. Let’s give her a rolling applause!


In response to Sec. Alfonso T. Yuchengco’s call to instill national discipline in the country’s youth, the AY Foundation
started the National Discipline Awards in 1990. The award aims to give recognition to graduating high school students
who consistently exemplify the virtue of discipline in school and in the community.

The National Discipline Awards is an affirmation of AY Foundation’s commitment toward the advancement of our
nation, as they believe that the “youth are the hope of our motherland”

**Our AY Foundation National Discipline Awardee is none other than Bryan Mendebil.

Words of Gratitude
When I met him, it’s unexpected situation that I never knew about him. I just met him for 5 months because I was one of
their subject teachers this last semester. I could consider that I knew him by face but not on his skills, talent and
intelligence. Suddenly, as time goes by through my teaching to their class, I gradually met him more; I discovered that he
is skillful, talented and intelligent. Through my activities that I gave to their class, he was always on top when it comes to
his score. I did remember that I commended him because he always got highest score. Finally, I realized that this
gentleman is really gifted. It is unexpected situation because he was a transferee 2 years ago. A transferee, without
knowing, that he will excel in all aspects of learning in our institution. Right now, he is the one who delivers his words of
gratitude to us today through his perseverance to achieve his goal.

Ladies and gentlemen, with pride and joy, let me present to you an adept student Gerald Fontillas with high honors.
Let’s listen to his words of gratitude. A standing ovation, please!

To share us her great delight of his son’s ample accomplishments, let us call on __________________. A big round of
applause for ___________!
Despite the end of their six-year journey in this reputable institution, graduates must still declare their loyalty to their
adored Alma Mater. May we call on Ms. Julia Lorellie Lapason, with honors from TVL-HE, to lead her classmates in
reciting the pledge of loyalty. Let us give her a warm round of applause!

Let’s pause for a while as our dear graduates reminisce and cherish their happy moments in St. James School through
the PowerPoint Presentation that they have made. So, dear friends, just sit back, relax and enjoy watching!


A graduation ceremony would be incomplete without a song, a song that represents the feelings and dreams of our
graduates; a song that touches their hearts as well as their parents; a song that really makes them and their parents
proud; and a song that makes them remember and cherish every moment.

Now, let us listen to our graduates as they sing their graduation song entitled, __________________

Never forget the friendship built for years. Always treasure the memories of your 6-year stay in this school. Always
remember your mentors, your friends, and your brethren. Keep dreaming; keep reaching your dreams. Keep reaching
your dreams. Keep shining! Reach your dreams together. Above all, always make your parents and Alma Mater proud!
Keep it up Jamesians… whenever…wherever..


St. James hymn represents our school. It upholds our vision and mission as Christ-centered and service-oriented
community. It never fails to give us true identity and distinctiveness. Truly, St. James School of Subic, Inc., our beloved
Alma Mater, is an institution with great purpose and specific mission and vision. With this, let us listen to our dear
graduates as they sing with pride and honor, our school hymn. JAMESIANS, ALL HAIL!

Soar higher, graduates! Soar higher St. James School of Subic, Inc. – a home of grateful past and trailblazing present and
a training ground for transforming future! All hail dear Alma mater, Saint James, all hail!


We do believe that you, GRADUATES, armed with faith, fortitude, intelligence, creativity and self-esteem, can make a big
difference in this new millennium. Remember, have the courage to change the world for the better! Should you stumble
and fall in your future undertakings, don’t forget that your family, your friends, your Alma mater and of course, our
Almighty God are there for you. It’s ok to stumble and fall but at least, you do know how to rise again, to learn from your
mistakes and to pursue your dreams once more. Can you MAKE IT? Can you keep that quality Catholic Education that
the school has provided you for academic years? Can you soar higher in your college days? Most of all, can you keep that
Jamesian attitude and spirit wherever you go? We know you can because you are TRUE JAMESIANS. BELIVE IN
famous leader named Winston Churchill, “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of

Moreover, never forget that education is a lifelong process. You might leave the portals of St. James School and start
your college journey or pursue another endeavor but never stop learning. Study and study but don’t forget small
pleasures; learn and learn until you succeed and be better persons in the future but still, never forget your family,
friends and your other significant others who have been there for you since then. This is what I want to share you:
SUCCESS: S- See Your Goal, U- Understand the obstacles, C- Create a positive mental picture, C- Clear your Mind,
E- Embrace the Challenge, S- Stay on Track, S- Show the world you can do it! So KEEP ON LEARNING…AND LEARNING …

With these, we would like to express our warmest gratitude to every one of you who came and join us in this meaningful
event. Congratulations to all the awardees, graduates and to their parents, as well as to our administrators, faculty and
staff. It has been another splendid year! See you next year, everyone! These have been Mrs. Sumita P. Dela Cruz and Mr.
Jojo Ocampo, your masters of ceremony. Good evening! Thank you and God bless!


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