Assignment No. 3: 1. Plot of Loss Function J Vs Number of Iterations

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Assignment No.

Molla Hafizur Rahman

1. Plot of loss function J vs number of iterations

2. Source code:
Created on Tue Mar 5 09:39:38 2019

@author: mhrahman

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Input = pd.read_csv('./data/X.csv',index_col=False,header= None)

X = Input.values
Output = pd.read_csv('./data/Y.csv',index_col = False,header = None)
Y = Output.values
# bias
b = np.ones([X.shape[0],1])
## Weight matrix_________
init_w1 = pd.read_csv('./data/initial_W1.csv',index_col = False, header = None)
init_w2 = pd.read_csv('./data/initial_W2.csv',index_col = False, header = None)
initial_W1 = init_w1.values
initial_W2 = init_w2.values
def one_hot_vector(Y):
row_num = Y.shape[0]
col_num = len(np.unique(Y))
one_hot = np.zeros([row_num,col_num])
for i,j in enumerate(Y):
one_hot[i,j[0]-1] = 1
return one_hot
Y= one_hot_vector(Y)

#activation function
def sigmoid(X):
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-X))
# Gradient of sigma
def Grad_sigm(X):
return (sigmoid(X)*(1 - sigmoid(X)))

# Feed Forward part

def feed_forward(X,bias,W_1,W_2):
X = np.concatenate((bias,X),axis=1)
Z_1 =,W_1.T)
H = sigmoid(Z_1)
H = np.concatenate((bias,H), axis = 1)
Z_2 =,W_2.T)
Y_pred = sigmoid(Z_2)
return Y_pred, H, Z_1
#### Debugging Feed-Forward part
W1 = pd.read_csv('./data/W1.csv', index_col= False, header = None)
W1 = W1.values
W2 = pd.read_csv('./data/W2.csv', index_col = False, header = None)
W2 = W2.values
Prim_Y,f,u = feed_forward(X,b,W1,W2)
# Accuracy checking
def calc(Y_real, Y_pred):
pred = np.argmax(Y_pred,axis = 1)
actual = np.argmax(Y_real,axis =1)
loss = sum([x != y for x,y in zip (pred,actual)])
count = len(pred)
return 1- loss/count
acc = calc(Y, Prim_Y)

# cost (categorical cross-entropy)

def cost(Y_real,Y_pred,lamb,W_1,W_2):
# J=0
cat_cross = 1/len(Y_pred)*(np.sum(-Y_real * np.log(Y_pred) -
(np.ones([len(Y_real),1]) - Y_real)* np.log(np.ones([len(Y_real),1]) -
# for i in range(len(Y_pred)):
# for k in range(Y_real.shape[1]):
# J = J + (-Y_real[i,k]*np.log(Y_pred[i,k]))
Regu = lamb/(2 * len(Y_pred))*(np.sum((W_1[:,1:W_1.shape[1]])**2) +
return cat_cross + Regu

# Backpropagation
def back_prop(Y_pred, Y_real,X,bias,W_1,W_2,H,Z_1, lamb):
X = np.concatenate((bias,X),axis=1)
regu_W_1 = W_1
regu_W_1[:,0] = 0
regu_W_2 = W_2
regu_W_2[:,0] = 0
b_2 = Y_pred - Y_real
b_1 =,W_2[:,1:])*Grad_sigm(Z_1)
Del_W2 = 1/len(Y_pred)*(,H) + lamb*(regu_W_2))
Del_W1 = 1/len(Y_pred)*(,X) + lamb*(regu_W_1))
return Del_W1, Del_W2
## Back prop check
# W1_grad = pd.read_csv('./data/W1_grad.csv',index_col = False, header =
# W2_grad = pd.read_csv('./data/W2_grad.csv',index_col = False, header =
# W1_grad = W1_grad.values
# W2_grad = W2_grad.values

def batch_grad(X,bias,Y,W_1,W_2,lamb, lr, epoch):

error = []
Y_pred_1,h,z = feed_forward(X,bias,W_1,W_2)
c = cost(Y, Y_pred_1,lamb,W_1,W_2)
for i in range(epoch):
Y_pred, H, Z1 = feed_forward(X,bias,W_1,W_2)
Del_W1, Del_W2 = back_prop(Y_pred,Y,X,bias,W_1,W_2,H,Z1,lamb)
W_1 = W_1 - lr*Del_W1
W_2 = W_2 - lr*Del_W2
err = cost(Y,Y_pred,lamb,W_1,W_2)
accuracy = calc(Y, Y_pred)
print('Accuracy {} for epoch {}'.format(accuracy,i))
return error

final = batch_grad(X,b,Y,initial_W1,initial_W2,3,0.2,500)
plt.title("Loss vs number of iterations")

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