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English for Academic and Professional Purposes- TVL HE and ICT 11


Read the instructions carefully before answering.

Test 1
DIRECTIONS: Read the statements below; afterwards, choose the best answer from the given choices. Encircle the letter from
the choices given.
1. This is defined as the copying verbatim of language and ideas of other writers and taking credit for them.
a. Note-Taking
b. Plagiarism
c. Citation
2. It occurs when credit for a work is ascribed to oneself untruthfully.
a. Plagiarism of ideas b. Plagiarism of language
3. In this type of citation, a paragraph or sentence from a source is followed with the surname of the author of the work
and the year of publication.
a. Author-oriented citation
b. Text-oriented citation
c. Phrase citation
4. In this type of citation, it starts with the surname of the author, followed by the year of publication in parentheses.
a. Author-oriented citation
b. Text-oriented citation
c. Phrase citation
5. In this citation, the sentence or paragraph starts using the “According to…” followed by the surname of the author
and the year of publication. The citation must be enclosed in parentheses.
a. Author-oriented citation
b. Text-oriented citation
c. Phrase citation
6. This type of plagiarism happens when an author uses the language of another writer and claims it as his or her own.
a. Plagiarism of language b. Plagiarism of language
7. It is employed for statements that are so closely associated that altering the words may lose its rhetorical impact.
a. Summarizing b. Paraphrasing c. Direct Quotation
8. It is a short restatement of the main idea of a text.
a. Summarizing b. Paraphrasing c. Direct Quotation
9. It is a restatement in your own words of the main idea and supporting details of a text.
a. Summarizing b. Paraphrasing c. Direct Quotation
10. This type of paraphrasing only replaces vocabulary terms from the original text.
a. Literal paraphrasing b. Structural Paraphrasing c. Alternative Paraphrasing
11. This type changes the sentence structure as well as the word class of key words of the original text.
a. Literal paraphrasing b. Structural Paraphrasing c. Alternative Paraphrasing
12. In this type, the writer first poses questions about the text such as what text is about, how the main idea is
supported, and the stand of the author about the topic.
a. Literal paraphrasing b. Structural Paraphrasing c. Alternative Paraphrasing
13. It refers to the overall idea or argument of your work. It is a general statement that presents essential points that
leads the reader to the right direction.
a. Thesis statement b. Topic Sentence c. Essay
14. This is an activity that requires organization, but, it sometimes starts as a chaotic process, much preparation is
a. Reading b. Analyzing c. Writing
15. It is a helpful tool for organizing your work and shows logical arrangement of ideas to be included in your essay.
a. Outline b. Reading c. Graphic Organizer
16. It uses Roman numeral, letters and numbers.
a. Traditional outline b. Standard outline c. Outline
17. This type of outline uses numbers only.
a. Traditional outline b. Standard outline c. Outline
18. In principles of outline, the entries should observe the same language structure.
a. Parallelism b. Coordination c. Subordination
19. This principle of outline should observe the levels of importance.
a. Parallelism b. Coordination c. Subordination
20. In principles of outline, the entries should observe differences of importance.
a. Division b. Coordination c. Subordination
21. In principles of outline, the entries should at least be two to be sure that supporting points of a major idea are
a. Subordination b. Division c. Coordination
22. APA is used in preparing a list of references which stands for ______________.
a. American Psychological Association
b. American Physiological Association
c. American Physical Association
23. Martinez, A. (2008). Creating memories. Quezon City: Maxwell Publishers. What APA format is this?
a. Single authored books
b. Journal Articles
c. Magazines
24. Mata, E. (Ed.). (2015). Workplace ethics: An introduction. Kuala Lumpur: UPM Press. What APA format is this?
a. Books with no author
b. Books with an Editor
c. Books with no author
Test 2
Directions: Examine the text below and fill out the provided table. Identify the topic, purpose, role and audience from
the text.
Paragraph 1: The use of stereo headsets in our community should be limited. First of all, the headsets weaken
communication between people. The listener is cut off from the conversation of others, and no one else can share in the
music. Secondly, the use of these headsets can actually result in hearing loss. Many users keep the volume of their units
turned up quite high. This magnified sound goes directly into the ear, and can affect the listener’s hearing. The most
frightening aspect of the headsets, however, is that they become traffic safety hazards. When worn by drivers or
pedestrians, the headsets block out the sounds of sirens, horns, and approaching vehicles. This situation has already
resulted in several bad accidents and one traffic fatality in our town. For this reason alone, we must find a way to control
the use of headsets.

25. What would be the possible topic in the text?

a. We must find a way to control the use of headsets.
b. The Headsets weaken communication between people.
c. The use of stereo headsets in our community should be limited.
26. Among the given choices, what is the main purpose of the text?
a. To inform the people about the disadvantages of using stereo headsets.
b. To persuade us not to use the stereo headsets.
c. To educate us on how to use the stereo headsets properly.
d. All of the above
27. What do you think is the role of the writer pertaining to this text?
a. Reporter b. Informant C. User
28. To whom is the text for?
a. Users of the stereo headset b. Students c. Adult
29. It is a form of communication that is shaped by the following factors such as topic, role, purpose and audience.
a. Reading b. Writing c. Speaking

Paragraph 2: Mobile and computer technology may also affect children’s sociability. The use of this technology may
take away hours from children’s social and playing time. Yet from another perspective, it can help cultivate their
communicative and social skills through using different social media platforms and sharing apps with friends.

30. What is the main topic of the paragraph?

a. The disadvantage and advantage of the mobile and computer technology.
b. The use of mobile and computer technology.
c. The importance of using mobile and computer technology.
31. What is the main purpose of the paragraph?
a. To inform us about the disadvantage and advantage of mobile and computer technology.
b. To talk about the use of mobile and computer technology.
c. To appreciate the importance of using mobile and computer technology.
32. What do you think is the role of the writer pertaining to this text?
a. Reporter b. Informant c. User
33. To whom is the paragraph for?
a. Children b. Parents c. Both a and b

34. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?

a. Mobile and computer technology nay also affect children’s sociability.
b. The use of this technology may take away hours from children’s social and playing time.
c. It can help cultivate their communicative and social skills.
Test 3
DIRECTIONS: Tell whether the statement is formality, objectivity, explicitness, caution or structure. Write your answer
on the space provided.
_____35. Choosing expanded modal forms over contracted forms such as using cannot instead of can’t, do not instead
of don’t.
_____36. Avoiding the use of personal pronoun such as you, I, and we.
_____37. Choosing one verb form over two-word verbs, such as damage instead of mess up.
_____38. Avoiding the use of rhetorical questions as it marks “closeness” with the reader and constantly seeks his/her
_____39. It demands the use of signposts that allow reader to trace the relationships in the parts of a study.
_____40. It requires care since knowledge is built from proven theories and concepts. Therefore, it is needed to avoid
sweeping generalizations.
_____41. In academic writing, sentences need to be constructed in such a way that they show a level of complexity that
reflects the sophistication of an academic writer.
_____42. Combination ideas effectively, nominalization and passive voice are some ways to achieve structure fit for
academic writing.
_____43. In passive construction, the results of actions are highlighted.
_____44. Transforming verbs into nouns helps readers focus on the action and not on the doer of the action.
_____45. To avoid sweeping generalization, it needs to be observed the verbs, modal verbs and adverb of frequency.
_____46. Avoiding colloquial, trite, idiomatic expressions, such as kind of like, as matter of fact, I need to go to the John.

Test 4:
DIRECTIONS: Criticize the following paragraphs. Encircle the letter of your best choice.

47. The smartphone has an eight megapixel camera supported by both Bluetooth technology and wireless
applications. These features are standard among modern phones, so that the higher price is not justified. What is the
strength of the paragraph?
a. The smartphone has an eight megapixel
b. The features are standard among modern phones.
c. The smart has Bluetooth technology and wireless application.

48. The movie is worth seeing because it features not only talented actors but also tells an excellent story filled with
unexpected twists. What is the strength of the paragraph?
a. The movie is worth seeing.
b. The movie has its features not only talented actors but also tells an excellent story.
c. All of the above

49. Considering the pros and cons of the computer system, users may want to check other options that bear the
same features, as other companies provide top of the line features for their premium offerings but with lower price
points. What is the weakness of the paragraph?
a. Considering the pros and cons of the computer system.
b. Users may want to check other options that bear the same features
c. All of the above

50. The book is intended as a suitable introduction for graduate students and researchers interested in exploring the
complexities of news discourse, as it provides input, a list of readings and additional activities for research. It also
integrates several theoretical and methodological perspectives, giving readers a free hand on deciding which approach
to employ in analyzing their own data. What makes the paragraph weak?
a. A list of readings and additional activities for research.
b. The book is intended as a suitable introduction for graduate students and researchers.
c. It also integrates several theoretical and methodological perspectives.

Prepared by
Ma’am Sumita P. Dela Cruz
English Teacher

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